path: root/src/couchdb/couch_util.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/couchdb/couch_util.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 454 deletions
diff --git a/src/couchdb/couch_util.erl b/src/couchdb/couch_util.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8217a268..00000000
--- a/src/couchdb/couch_util.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([priv_dir/0, start_driver/1, normpath/1]).
--export([should_flush/0, should_flush/1, to_existing_atom/1]).
--export([rand32/0, implode/2, collate/2, collate/3]).
--export([abs_pathname/1,abs_pathname/2, trim/1, ascii_lower/1]).
--export([encodeBase64Url/1, decodeBase64Url/1]).
--export([to_hex/1, parse_term/1, dict_find/3]).
--export([file_read_size/1, get_nested_json_value/2, json_user_ctx/1]).
--export([proplist_apply_field/2, json_apply_field/2]).
--export([to_binary/1, to_integer/1, to_list/1, url_encode/1]).
--export([json_encode/1, json_decode/1]).
--export([get_value/2, get_value/3]).
--export([md5/1, md5_init/0, md5_update/2, md5_final/1]).
-% arbitrarily chosen amount of memory to use before flushing to disk
--define(FLUSH_MAX_MEM, 10000000).
-priv_dir() ->
- case code:priv_dir(couch) of
- {error, bad_name} ->
- % small hack, in dev mode "app" is couchdb. Fixing requires
- % renaming src/couch to src/couch. Not really worth the hassle.
- % -Damien
- code:priv_dir(couchdb);
- Dir -> Dir
- end.
-start_driver(LibDir) ->
- case erl_ddll:load_driver(LibDir, "couch_icu_driver") of
- ok ->
- ok;
- {error, already_loaded} ->
- ok = erl_ddll:reload_driver(LibDir, "couch_icu_driver");
- {error, Error} ->
- exit(erl_ddll:format_error(Error))
- end.
-% Normalize a pathname by removing .. and . components.
-normpath(Path) ->
- normparts(filename:split(Path), []).
-normparts([], Acc) ->
- filename:join(lists:reverse(Acc));
-normparts([".." | RestParts], [_Drop | RestAcc]) ->
- normparts(RestParts, RestAcc);
-normparts(["." | RestParts], Acc) ->
- normparts(RestParts, Acc);
-normparts([Part | RestParts], Acc) ->
- normparts(RestParts, [Part | Acc]).
-% works like list_to_existing_atom, except can be list or binary and it
-% gives you the original value instead of an error if no existing atom.
-to_existing_atom(V) when is_list(V) ->
- try list_to_existing_atom(V) catch _:_ -> V end;
-to_existing_atom(V) when is_binary(V) ->
- try list_to_existing_atom(?b2l(V)) catch _:_ -> V end;
-to_existing_atom(V) when is_atom(V) ->
- V.
-shutdown_sync(Pid) when not is_pid(Pid)->
- ok;
-shutdown_sync(Pid) ->
- MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
- try
- catch unlink(Pid),
- catch exit(Pid, shutdown),
- receive
- {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, _} ->
- ok
- end
- after
- erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush])
- end.
-simple_call(Pid, Message) ->
- MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
- try
- Pid ! {self(), Message},
- receive
- {Pid, Result} ->
- Result;
- {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, Reason} ->
- exit(Reason)
- end
- after
- erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush])
- end.
-to_hex([]) ->
- [];
-to_hex(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
- to_hex(binary_to_list(Bin));
-to_hex([H|T]) ->
- [to_digit(H div 16), to_digit(H rem 16) | to_hex(T)].
-to_digit(N) when N < 10 -> $0 + N;
-to_digit(N) -> $a + N-10.
-parse_term(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
- parse_term(binary_to_list(Bin));
-parse_term(List) ->
- {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(List ++ "."),
- erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens).
-get_value(Key, List) ->
- get_value(Key, List, undefined).
-get_value(Key, List, Default) ->
- case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, List) of
- {value, {Key,Value}} ->
- Value;
- false ->
- Default
- end.
-get_nested_json_value({Props}, [Key|Keys]) ->
- case couch_util:get_value(Key, Props, nil) of
- nil -> throw({not_found, <<"missing json key: ", Key/binary>>});
- Value -> get_nested_json_value(Value, Keys)
- end;
-get_nested_json_value(Value, []) ->
- Value;
-get_nested_json_value(_NotJSONObj, _) ->
- throw({not_found, json_mismatch}).
-proplist_apply_field(H, L) ->
- {R} = json_apply_field(H, {L}),
- R.
-json_apply_field(H, {L}) ->
- json_apply_field(H, L, []).
-json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, [{Key, _OldVal} | Headers], Acc) ->
- json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, Headers, Acc);
-json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, [{OtherKey, OtherVal} | Headers], Acc) ->
- json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, Headers, [{OtherKey, OtherVal} | Acc]);
-json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, [], Acc) ->
- {[{Key, NewValue}|Acc]}.
-json_user_ctx(#db{name=DbName, user_ctx=Ctx}) ->
- {[{<<"db">>, DbName},
- {<<"name">>,},
- {<<"roles">>,Ctx#user_ctx.roles}]}.
-% returns a random integer
-rand32() ->
- crypto:rand_uniform(0, 16#100000000).
-% given a pathname "../foo/bar/" it gives back the fully qualified
-% absolute pathname.
-abs_pathname(" " ++ Filename) ->
- % strip leading whitspace
- abs_pathname(Filename);
-abs_pathname([$/ |_]=Filename) ->
- Filename;
-abs_pathname(Filename) ->
- {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
- {Filename2, Args} = separate_cmd_args(Filename, ""),
- abs_pathname(Filename2, Cwd) ++ Args.
-abs_pathname(Filename, Dir) ->
- Name = filename:absname(Filename, Dir ++ "/"),
- OutFilename = filename:join(fix_path_list(filename:split(Name), [])),
- % If the filename is a dir (last char slash, put back end slash
- case string:right(Filename,1) of
- "/" ->
- OutFilename ++ "/";
- "\\" ->
- OutFilename ++ "/";
- _Else->
- OutFilename
- end.
-% if this as an executable with arguments, seperate out the arguments
-% ""./foo\ -baz=blah" -> {"./foo\", " -baz=blah"}
-separate_cmd_args("", CmdAcc) ->
- {lists:reverse(CmdAcc), ""};
-separate_cmd_args("\\ " ++ Rest, CmdAcc) -> % handle skipped value
- separate_cmd_args(Rest, " \\" ++ CmdAcc);
-separate_cmd_args(" " ++ Rest, CmdAcc) ->
- {lists:reverse(CmdAcc), " " ++ Rest};
-separate_cmd_args([Char|Rest], CmdAcc) ->
- separate_cmd_args(Rest, [Char | CmdAcc]).
-% lowercases string bytes that are the ascii characters A-Z.
-% All other characters/bytes are ignored.
-ascii_lower(String) ->
- ascii_lower(String, []).
-ascii_lower([], Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-ascii_lower([Char | RestString], Acc) when Char >= $A, Char =< $B ->
- ascii_lower(RestString, [Char + ($a-$A) | Acc]);
-ascii_lower([Char | RestString], Acc) ->
- ascii_lower(RestString, [Char | Acc]).
-% Is a character whitespace?
-is_whitespace($\s) -> true;
-is_whitespace($\t) -> true;
-is_whitespace($\n) -> true;
-is_whitespace($\r) -> true;
-is_whitespace(_Else) -> false.
-% removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string
-trim(String) ->
- String2 = lists:dropwhile(fun is_whitespace/1, String),
- lists:reverse(lists:dropwhile(fun is_whitespace/1, lists:reverse(String2))).
-% takes a heirarchical list of dirs and removes the dots ".", double dots
-% ".." and the corresponding parent dirs.
-fix_path_list([], Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-fix_path_list([".."|Rest], [_PrevAcc|RestAcc]) ->
- fix_path_list(Rest, RestAcc);
-fix_path_list(["."|Rest], Acc) ->
- fix_path_list(Rest, Acc);
-fix_path_list([Dir | Rest], Acc) ->
- fix_path_list(Rest, [Dir | Acc]).
-implode(List, Sep) ->
- implode(List, Sep, []).
-implode([], _Sep, Acc) ->
- lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Acc));
-implode([H], Sep, Acc) ->
- implode([], Sep, [H|Acc]);
-implode([H|T], Sep, Acc) ->
- implode(T, Sep, [Sep,H|Acc]).
-drv_port() ->
- case get(couch_drv_port) of
- undefined ->
- Port = open_port({spawn, "couch_icu_driver"}, []),
- put(couch_drv_port, Port),
- Port;
- Port ->
- Port
- end.
-collate(A, B) ->
- collate(A, B, []).
-collate(A, B, Options) when is_binary(A), is_binary(B) ->
- Operation =
- case lists:member(nocase, Options) of
- true -> 1; % Case insensitive
- false -> 0 % Case sensitive
- end,
- SizeA = byte_size(A),
- SizeB = byte_size(B),
- Bin = <<SizeA:32/native, A/binary, SizeB:32/native, B/binary>>,
- [Result] = erlang:port_control(drv_port(), Operation, Bin),
- % Result is 0 for lt, 1 for eq and 2 for gt. Subtract 1 to return the
- % expected typical -1, 0, 1
- Result - 1.
-should_flush() ->
- should_flush(?FLUSH_MAX_MEM).
-should_flush(MemThreshHold) ->
- {memory, ProcMem} = process_info(self(), memory),
- BinMem = lists:foldl(fun({_Id, Size, _NRefs}, Acc) -> Size+Acc end,
- 0, element(2,process_info(self(), binary))),
- if ProcMem+BinMem > 2*MemThreshHold ->
- garbage_collect(),
- {memory, ProcMem2} = process_info(self(), memory),
- BinMem2 = lists:foldl(fun({_Id, Size, _NRefs}, Acc) -> Size+Acc end,
- 0, element(2,process_info(self(), binary))),
- ProcMem2+BinMem2 > MemThreshHold;
- true -> false end.
-encodeBase64Url(Url) ->
- Url1 = iolist_to_binary(re:replace(base64:encode(Url), "=+$", "")),
- Url2 = iolist_to_binary(re:replace(Url1, "/", "_", [global])),
- iolist_to_binary(re:replace(Url2, "\\+", "-", [global])).
-decodeBase64Url(Url64) ->
- Url1 = re:replace(iolist_to_binary(Url64), "-", "+", [global]),
- Url2 = iolist_to_binary(
- re:replace(iolist_to_binary(Url1), "_", "/", [global])
- ),
- Padding = ?l2b(lists:duplicate((4 - size(Url2) rem 4) rem 4, $=)),
- base64:decode(<<Url2/binary, Padding/binary>>).
-dict_find(Key, Dict, DefaultValue) ->
- case dict:find(Key, Dict) of
- {ok, Value} ->
- Value;
- error ->
- DefaultValue
- end.
-file_read_size(FileName) ->
- case file:read_file_info(FileName) of
- {ok, FileInfo} ->
- FileInfo#file_info.size;
- Error -> Error
- end.
-to_binary(V) when is_binary(V) ->
- V;
-to_binary(V) when is_list(V) ->
- try
- list_to_binary(V)
- catch
- _ ->
- list_to_binary(io_lib:format("~p", [V]))
- end;
-to_binary(V) when is_atom(V) ->
- list_to_binary(atom_to_list(V));
-to_binary(V) ->
- list_to_binary(io_lib:format("~p", [V])).
-to_integer(V) when is_integer(V) ->
- V;
-to_integer(V) when is_list(V) ->
- erlang:list_to_integer(V);
-to_integer(V) when is_binary(V) ->
- erlang:list_to_integer(binary_to_list(V)).
-to_list(V) when is_list(V) ->
- V;
-to_list(V) when is_binary(V) ->
- binary_to_list(V);
-to_list(V) when is_atom(V) ->
- atom_to_list(V);
-to_list(V) ->
- lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [V])).
-url_encode(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
- url_encode(binary_to_list(Bin));
-url_encode([H|T]) ->
- if
- H >= $a, $z >= H ->
- [H|url_encode(T)];
- H >= $A, $Z >= H ->
- [H|url_encode(T)];
- H >= $0, $9 >= H ->
- [H|url_encode(T)];
- H == $_; H == $.; H == $-; H == $: ->
- [H|url_encode(T)];
- true ->
- case lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~.16.0B", [H])) of
- [X, Y] ->
- [$%, X, Y | url_encode(T)];
- [X] ->
- [$%, $0, X | url_encode(T)]
- end
- end;
-url_encode([]) ->
- [].
-json_encode(V) ->
- Handler =
- fun({L}) when is_list(L) ->
- {struct,L};
- (Bad) ->
- exit({json_encode, {bad_term, Bad}})
- end,
- (mochijson2:encoder([{handler, Handler}]))(V).
-json_decode(V) ->
- try (mochijson2:decoder([{object_hook, fun({struct,L}) -> {L} end}]))(V)
- catch
- _Type:_Error ->
- throw({invalid_json,V})
- end.
-verify([X|RestX], [Y|RestY], Result) ->
- verify(RestX, RestY, (X bxor Y) bor Result);
-verify([], [], Result) ->
- Result == 0.
-verify(<<X/binary>>, <<Y/binary>>) ->
- verify(?b2l(X), ?b2l(Y));
-verify(X, Y) when is_list(X) and is_list(Y) ->
- case length(X) == length(Y) of
- true ->
- verify(X, Y, 0);
- false ->
- false
- end;
-verify(_X, _Y) -> false.
-compressible_att_type(MimeType) when is_binary(MimeType) ->
- compressible_att_type(?b2l(MimeType));
-compressible_att_type(MimeType) ->
- TypeExpList = re:split(
- couch_config:get("attachments", "compressible_types", ""),
- ", ?",
- [{return, list}]
- ),
- lists:any(
- fun(TypeExp) ->
- Regexp = "^\\s*" ++
- re:replace(TypeExp, "\\*", ".*", [{return, list}]) ++ "\\s*$",
- case re:run(MimeType, Regexp, [caseless]) of
- {match, _} ->
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end
- end,
- [T || T <- TypeExpList, T /= []]
- ).
--spec md5(Data::(iolist() | binary())) -> Digest::binary().
-md5(Data) ->
- try crypto:md5(Data) catch error:_ -> erlang:md5(Data) end.
--spec md5_init() -> Context::binary().
-md5_init() ->
- try crypto:md5_init() catch error:_ -> erlang:md5_init() end.
--spec md5_update(Context::binary(), Data::(iolist() | binary())) ->
- NewContext::binary().
-md5_update(Ctx, D) ->
- try crypto:md5_update(Ctx,D) catch error:_ -> erlang:md5_update(Ctx,D) end.
--spec md5_final(Context::binary()) -> Digest::binary().
-md5_final(Ctx) ->
- try crypto:md5_final(Ctx) catch error:_ -> erlang:md5_final(Ctx) end.
-% linear search is faster for small lists, length() is 0.5 ms for 100k list
-reorder_results(Keys, SortedResults) when length(Keys) < 100 ->
- [couch_util:get_value(Key, SortedResults) || Key <- Keys];
-reorder_results(Keys, SortedResults) ->
- KeyDict = dict:from_list(SortedResults),
- [dict:fetch(Key, KeyDict) || Key <- Keys].