path: root/src/couch_inets/httpc_response.erl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 320 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch_inets/httpc_response.erl b/src/couch_inets/httpc_response.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b6244b6..00000000
--- a/src/couch_inets/httpc_response.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
-%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
-%% API
--export([parse/1, result/2, send/2, error/2, is_server_closing/1,
- stream_start/2]).
-%% Callback API - used for example if the header/body is received a
-%% little at a time on a socket.
--export([parse_version/1, parse_status_code/1, parse_reason_phrase/1,
- parse_headers/1, whole_body/1, whole_body/2]).
-%%% API
-parse([Bin, MaxHeaderSize]) ->
- parse_version(Bin, [], MaxHeaderSize, []).
-whole_body([Bin, Body, Length]) ->
- whole_body(<<Body/binary, Bin/binary>>, Length).
-%% Functions that may be returned during the decoding process
-%% if the input data is incompleate.
-parse_version([Bin, Version, MaxHeaderSize, Result]) ->
- parse_version(Bin, Version, MaxHeaderSize, Result).
-parse_status_code([Bin, Code, MaxHeaderSize, Result]) ->
- parse_status_code(Bin, Code, MaxHeaderSize, Result).
-parse_reason_phrase([Bin, Rest, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result]) ->
- parse_reason_phrase(<<Rest/binary, Bin/binary>>, Phrase,
- MaxHeaderSize, Result).
-parse_headers([Bin, Rest,Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result]) ->
- parse_headers(<<Rest/binary, Bin/binary>>, Header, Headers,
- MaxHeaderSize, Result).
-whole_body(Body, Length) ->
- case size(Body) of
- N when N < Length, N > 0 ->
- {?MODULE, whole_body, [Body, Length]};
- %% OBS! The Server may close the connection to indicate that the
- %% whole body is now sent instead of sending a lengh
- %% indicator.In this case the lengh indicator will be
- %% -1.
- N when N >= Length, Length >= 0 ->
- %% Potential trailing garbage will be thrown away in
- %% format_response/1 Some servers may send a 100-continue
- %% response without the client requesting it through an
- %% expect header in this case the trailing bytes may be
- %% part of the real response message.
- {ok, Body};
- _ -> %% Length == -1
- {?MODULE, whole_body, [Body, Length]}
- end.
-%% result(Response, Request) ->
-%% Response - {StatusLine, Headers, Body}
-%% Request - #request{}
-%% Session - #tcp_session{}
-%% Description: Checks the status code ...
-result(Response = {{_,200,_}, _, _},
- Request = #request{stream = Stream}) when Stream =/= none ->
- stream_end(Response, Request);
-result(Response = {{_,100,_}, _, _}, Request) ->
- status_continue(Response, Request);
-%% In redirect loop
-result(Response = {{_, Code, _}, _, _}, Request =
- #request{redircount = Redirects,
- settings = #http_options{autoredirect = true}})
- when Code div 100 == 3, Redirects > ?HTTP_MAX_REDIRECTS ->
- transparent(Response, Request);
-%% multiple choices
-result(Response = {{_, 300, _}, _, _},
- Request = #request{settings =
- #http_options{autoredirect =
- true}}) ->
- redirect(Response, Request);
-result(Response = {{_, Code, _}, _, _},
- Request = #request{settings =
- #http_options{autoredirect = true},
- method = head}) when Code == 301;
- Code == 302;
- Code == 303;
- Code == 307 ->
- redirect(Response, Request);
-result(Response = {{_, Code, _}, _, _},
- Request = #request{settings =
- #http_options{autoredirect = true},
- method = get}) when Code == 301;
- Code == 302;
- Code == 303;
- Code == 307 ->
- redirect(Response, Request);
-result(Response = {{_,503,_}, _, _}, Request) ->
- status_service_unavailable(Response, Request);
-result(Response = {{_,Code,_}, _, _}, Request) when (Code div 100) == 5 ->
- status_server_error_50x(Response, Request);
-result(Response, Request) ->
- transparent(Response, Request).
-send(To, Msg) ->
- To ! {http, Msg}.
-%%% Internal functions
-parse_version(<<>>, Version, MaxHeaderSize, Result) ->
- {?MODULE, parse_version, [Version, MaxHeaderSize,Result]};
-parse_version(<<?SP, Rest/binary>>, Version, MaxHeaderSize, Result) ->
- parse_status_code(Rest, [], MaxHeaderSize,
- [lists:reverse(Version) | Result]);
-parse_version(<<Octet, Rest/binary>>, Version, MaxHeaderSize, Result) ->
- parse_version(Rest, [Octet | Version], MaxHeaderSize,Result).
-parse_status_code(<<>>, StatusCodeStr, MaxHeaderSize, Result) ->
- {?MODULE, parse_status_code, [StatusCodeStr, MaxHeaderSize, Result]};
-parse_status_code(<<?SP, Rest/binary>>, StatusCodeStr,
- MaxHeaderSize, Result) ->
- parse_reason_phrase(Rest, [], MaxHeaderSize,
- [list_to_integer(lists:reverse(StatusCodeStr)) |
- Result]);
-parse_status_code(<<Octet, Rest/binary>>, StatusCodeStr,
- MaxHeaderSize,Result) ->
- parse_status_code(Rest, [Octet | StatusCodeStr], MaxHeaderSize, Result).
-parse_reason_phrase(<<>>, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result) ->
- {?MODULE, parse_reason_phrase, [<<>>, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize,Result]};
-parse_reason_phrase(<<?CR, ?LF, Rest/binary>>, Phrase,
- MaxHeaderSize, Result) ->
- parse_headers(Rest, [], [], MaxHeaderSize,
- [lists:reverse(Phrase) | Result]);
-parse_reason_phrase(<<?CR>> = Data, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result) ->
- {?MODULE, parse_reason_phrase, [Data, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize,Result]};
-parse_reason_phrase(<<Octet, Rest/binary>>, Phrase, MaxHeaderSize, Result) ->
- parse_reason_phrase(Rest, [Octet | Phrase], MaxHeaderSize, Result).
-parse_headers(<<>>, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result) ->
- {?MODULE, parse_headers, [<<>>, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result]};
-parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF,?CR,?LF,Body/binary>>, Header, Headers,
- MaxHeaderSize, Result) ->
- HTTPHeaders = [lists:reverse(Header) | Headers],
- Length = lists:foldl(fun(H, Acc) -> length(H) + Acc end,
- 0, HTTPHeaders),
- case ((Length =< MaxHeaderSize) or (MaxHeaderSize == nolimit)) of
- true ->
- ResponseHeaderRcord =
- http_response:headers(HTTPHeaders, #http_response_h{}),
- {ok, list_to_tuple(
- lists:reverse([Body, ResponseHeaderRcord | Result]))};
- false ->
- throw({error, {header_too_long, MaxHeaderSize,
- MaxHeaderSize-Length}})
- end;
-parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF,?CR>> = Data, Header, Headers,
- MaxHeaderSize, Result) ->
- {?MODULE, parse_headers, [Data, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result]};
-parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF>> = Data, Header, Headers,
- MaxHeaderSize, Result) ->
- {?MODULE, parse_headers, [Data, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result]};
-parse_headers(<<?CR,?LF, Octet, Rest/binary>>, Header, Headers,
- MaxHeaderSize, Result) ->
- parse_headers(Rest, [Octet],
- [lists:reverse(Header) | Headers], MaxHeaderSize, Result);
-parse_headers(<<?CR>> = Data, Header, Headers,
- MaxHeaderSize, Result) ->
- {?MODULE, parse_headers, [Data, Header, Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result]};
-parse_headers(<<Octet, Rest/binary>>, Header, Headers,
- MaxHeaderSize, Result) ->
- parse_headers(Rest, [Octet | Header], Headers, MaxHeaderSize, Result).
-%% RFC2616, Section 10.1.1
-%% Note:
-%% - Only act on the 100 status if the request included the
-%% "Expect:100-continue" header, otherwise just ignore this response.
-status_continue(_, #request{headers =
- #http_request_h{expect = "100-continue"}}) ->
- continue;
-status_continue({_,_, Data}, _) ->
- %% The data in the body in this case is actually part of the real
- %% response sent after the "fake" 100-continue.
- {ignore, Data}.
-status_service_unavailable(Response = {_, Headers, _}, Request) ->
- case Headers#http_response_h.'retry-after' of
- undefined ->
- status_server_error_50x(Response, Request);
- Time when length(Time) < 3 -> % Wait only 99 s or less
- NewTime = list_to_integer(Time) * 100, % time in ms
- {_, Data} = format_response(Response),
- {retry, {NewTime, Request}, Data};
- _ ->
- status_server_error_50x(Response, Request)
- end.
-status_server_error_50x(Response, Request) ->
- {Msg, _} = format_response(Response),
- {stop, {, Msg}}.
-redirect(Response = {StatusLine, Headers, Body}, Request) ->
- {_, Data} = format_response(Response),
- case Headers#http_response_h.location of
- undefined ->
- transparent(Response, Request);
- RedirUrl ->
- case http_uri:parse(RedirUrl) of
- {error, no_scheme} when
- (Request#request.settings)#http_options.relaxed ->
- NewLocation = fix_relative_uri(Request, RedirUrl),
- redirect({StatusLine, Headers#http_response_h{
- location = NewLocation},
- Body}, Request);
- {error, Reason} ->
- {ok, error(Request, Reason), Data};
- %% Automatic redirection
- {Scheme, _, Host, Port, Path, Query} ->
- NewHeaders =
- (Request#request.headers)#http_request_h{host =
- Host},
- NewRequest =
- Request#request{redircount =
- Request#request.redircount+1,
- scheme = Scheme,
- headers = NewHeaders,
- address = {Host,Port},
- path = Path,
- pquery = Query,
- abs_uri =
- atom_to_list(Scheme) ++ "://" ++
- Host ++ ":" ++
- integer_to_list(Port) ++
- Path ++ Query},
- {redirect, NewRequest, Data}
- end
- end.
-%%% Guessing that we received a relative URI, fix it to become an absoluteURI
-fix_relative_uri(Request, RedirUrl) ->
- {Server, Port} = Request#request.address,
- Path = Request#request.path,
- atom_to_list(Request#request.scheme) ++ "://" ++ Server ++ ":" ++ Port
- ++ Path ++ RedirUrl.
-error(#request{id = Id}, Reason) ->
- {Id, {error, Reason}}.
-transparent(Response, Request) ->
- {Msg, Data} = format_response(Response),
- {ok, {, Msg}, Data}.
-stream_start(Headers, Request) ->
- {, stream_start, http_response:header_list(Headers)}.
-stream_end(Response, Request = #request{stream = self}) ->
- {{_, Headers, _}, Data} = format_response(Response),
- {ok, {, stream_end, Headers}, Data};
-stream_end(Response, Request) ->
- {_, Data} = format_response(Response),
- {ok, {, saved_to_file}, Data}.
-is_server_closing(Headers) when record(Headers,http_response_h) ->
- case Headers#http_response_h.connection of
- "close" ->
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end.
-format_response({StatusLine, Headers, Body = <<>>}) ->
- {{StatusLine, http_response:header_list(Headers), Body}, <<>>};
-format_response({StatusLine, Headers, Body}) ->
- Length = list_to_integer(Headers#http_response_h.'content-length'),
- {NewBody, Data} =
- case Length of
- 0 ->
- {Body, <<>>};
- -1 -> % When no lenght indicator is provided
- {Body, <<>>};
- Length when Length =< size(Body) ->
- <<BodyThisReq:Length/binary, Next/binary>> = Body,
- {BodyThisReq, Next};
- _ -> %% Connection prematurely ended.
- {Body, <<>>}
- end,
- {{StatusLine, http_response:header_list(Headers), NewBody}, Data}.