path: root/1.1.x/src/ibrowse/ibrowse_lib.erl
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-%%% File : ibrowse_lib.erl
-%%% Author : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
-%%% Description :
-%%% Created : 27 Feb 2004 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
-%% @doc Module with a few useful functions
- get_trace_status/2,
- do_trace/2,
- do_trace/3,
- url_encode/1,
- decode_rfc822_date/1,
- status_code/1,
- encode_base64/1,
- decode_base64/1,
- get_value/2,
- get_value/3,
- parse_url/1,
- printable_date/0
- ]).
-get_trace_status(Host, Port) ->
- ibrowse:get_config_value({trace, Host, Port}, false).
-%% @doc URL-encodes a string based on RFC 1738. Returns a flat list.
-%% @spec url_encode(Str) -> UrlEncodedStr
-%% Str = string()
-%% UrlEncodedStr = string()
-url_encode(Str) when is_list(Str) ->
- url_encode_char(lists:reverse(Str), []).
-url_encode_char([X | T], Acc) when X >= $0, X =< $9 ->
- url_encode_char(T, [X | Acc]);
-url_encode_char([X | T], Acc) when X >= $a, X =< $z ->
- url_encode_char(T, [X | Acc]);
-url_encode_char([X | T], Acc) when X >= $A, X =< $Z ->
- url_encode_char(T, [X | Acc]);
-url_encode_char([X | T], Acc) when X == $-; X == $_; X == $. ->
- url_encode_char(T, [X | Acc]);
-url_encode_char([32 | T], Acc) ->
- url_encode_char(T, [$+ | Acc]);
-url_encode_char([X | T], Acc) ->
- url_encode_char(T, [$%, d2h(X bsr 4), d2h(X band 16#0f) | Acc]);
-url_encode_char([], Acc) ->
- Acc.
-d2h(N) when N<10 -> N+$0;
-d2h(N) -> N+$a-10.
-decode_rfc822_date(String) when is_list(String) ->
- case catch decode_rfc822_date_1(string:tokens(String, ", \t\r\n")) of
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- {error, invalid_date};
- Res ->
- Res
- end.
-% TODO: Have to handle the Zone
-decode_rfc822_date_1([_,DayInt,Month,Year, Time,Zone]) ->
- decode_rfc822_date_1([DayInt,Month,Year, Time,Zone]);
-decode_rfc822_date_1([Day,Month,Year, Time,_Zone]) ->
- DayI = list_to_integer(Day),
- MonthI = month_int(Month),
- YearI = list_to_integer(Year),
- TimeTup = case string:tokens(Time, ":") of
- [H,M] ->
- {list_to_integer(H),
- list_to_integer(M),
- 0};
- [H,M,S] ->
- {list_to_integer(H),
- list_to_integer(M),
- list_to_integer(S)}
- end,
- {{YearI,MonthI,DayI}, TimeTup}.
-month_int("Jan") -> 1;
-month_int("Feb") -> 2;
-month_int("Mar") -> 3;
-month_int("Apr") -> 4;
-month_int("May") -> 5;
-month_int("Jun") -> 6;
-month_int("Jul") -> 7;
-month_int("Aug") -> 8;
-month_int("Sep") -> 9;
-month_int("Oct") -> 10;
-month_int("Nov") -> 11;
-month_int("Dec") -> 12.
-%% @doc Given a status code, returns an atom describing the status code.
-%% @spec status_code(StatusCode::status_code()) -> StatusDescription
-%% status_code() = string() | integer()
-%% StatusDescription = atom()
-status_code(100) -> continue;
-status_code(101) -> switching_protocols;
-status_code(102) -> processing;
-status_code(200) -> ok;
-status_code(201) -> created;
-status_code(202) -> accepted;
-status_code(203) -> non_authoritative_information;
-status_code(204) -> no_content;
-status_code(205) -> reset_content;
-status_code(206) -> partial_content;
-status_code(207) -> multi_status;
-status_code(300) -> multiple_choices;
-status_code(301) -> moved_permanently;
-status_code(302) -> found;
-status_code(303) -> see_other;
-status_code(304) -> not_modified;
-status_code(305) -> use_proxy;
-status_code(306) -> unused;
-status_code(307) -> temporary_redirect;
-status_code(400) -> bad_request;
-status_code(401) -> unauthorized;
-status_code(402) -> payment_required;
-status_code(403) -> forbidden;
-status_code(404) -> not_found;
-status_code(405) -> method_not_allowed;
-status_code(406) -> not_acceptable;
-status_code(407) -> proxy_authentication_required;
-status_code(408) -> request_timeout;
-status_code(409) -> conflict;
-status_code(410) -> gone;
-status_code(411) -> length_required;
-status_code(412) -> precondition_failed;
-status_code(413) -> request_entity_too_large;
-status_code(414) -> request_uri_too_long;
-status_code(415) -> unsupported_media_type;
-status_code(416) -> requested_range_not_satisfiable;
-status_code(417) -> expectation_failed;
-status_code(422) -> unprocessable_entity;
-status_code(423) -> locked;
-status_code(424) -> failed_dependency;
-status_code(500) -> internal_server_error;
-status_code(501) -> not_implemented;
-status_code(502) -> bad_gateway;
-status_code(503) -> service_unavailable;
-status_code(504) -> gateway_timeout;
-status_code(505) -> http_version_not_supported;
-status_code(507) -> insufficient_storage;
-status_code(X) when is_list(X) -> status_code(list_to_integer(X));
-status_code(_) -> unknown_status_code.
-%% @doc Implements the base64 encoding algorithm. The output data type matches in the input data type.
-%% @spec encode_base64(In) -> Out
-%% In = string() | binary()
-%% Out = string() | binary()
-encode_base64(List) when is_list(List) ->
- binary_to_list(base64:encode(List));
-encode_base64(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
- base64:encode(Bin).
-%% @doc Implements the base64 decoding algorithm. The output data type matches in the input data type.
-%% @spec decode_base64(In) -> Out | exit({error, invalid_input})
-%% In = string() | binary()
-%% Out = string() | binary()
-decode_base64(List) when is_list(List) ->
- binary_to_list(base64:decode(List));
-decode_base64(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
- base64:decode(Bin).
-get_value(Tag, TVL, DefVal) ->
- case lists:keysearch(Tag, 1, TVL) of
- false ->
- DefVal;
- {value, {_, Val}} ->
- Val
- end.
-get_value(Tag, TVL) ->
- {value, {_, V}} = lists:keysearch(Tag,1,TVL),
- V.
-parse_url(Url) ->
- case parse_url(Url, get_protocol, #url{abspath=Url}, []) of
- #url{host_type = undefined, host = Host} = UrlRec ->
- case inet_parse:address(Host) of
- {ok, {_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}} ->
- UrlRec#url{host_type = ipv6_address};
- {ok, {_, _, _, _}} ->
- UrlRec#url{host_type = ipv4_address};
- _ ->
- UrlRec#url{host_type = hostname}
- end;
- Else ->
- Else
- end.
-parse_url([$:, $/, $/ | _], get_protocol, Url, []) ->
- {invalid_uri_1, Url};
-parse_url([$:, $/, $/ | T], get_protocol, Url, TmpAcc) ->
- Prot = list_to_existing_atom(lists:reverse(TmpAcc)),
- parse_url(T, get_username,
- Url#url{protocol = Prot},
- []);
-parse_url([H | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) when H == $/;
- H == $? ->
- Path = case H of
- $/ ->
- [$/ | T];
- $? ->
- [$/, $? | T]
- end,
- %% No username/password. No port number
- Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
- port = default_port(Url#url.protocol),
- path = Path};
-parse_url([$: | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) ->
- %% It is possible that no username/password has been
- %% specified. But we'll continue with the assumption that there is
- %% a username/password. If we encounter a '@' later on, there is a
- %% username/password indeed. If we encounter a '/', it was
- %% actually the hostname
- parse_url(T, get_password,
- Url#url{username = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
- []);
-parse_url([$@ | T], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) ->
- parse_url(T, get_host,
- Url#url{username = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
- password = ""},
- []);
-parse_url([$[ | T], get_username, Url, []) ->
- % IPv6 address literals are enclosed by square brackets:
- %
- parse_url(T, get_ipv6_address, Url#url{host_type = ipv6_address}, []);
-parse_url([$[ | T], get_username, _Url, TmpAcc) ->
- {error, {invalid_username_or_host, lists:reverse(TmpAcc) ++ "[" ++ T}};
-parse_url([$[ | _], get_password, _Url, []) ->
- {error, missing_password};
-parse_url([$[ | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
- % IPv6 address literals are enclosed by square brackets:
- %
- parse_url(T, get_ipv6_address,
- Url#url{host_type = ipv6_address,
- password = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
- []);
-parse_url([$@ | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
- parse_url(T, get_host,
- Url#url{password = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
- []);
-parse_url([H | T], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) when H == $/;
- H == $? ->
- %% Ok, what we thought was the username/password was the hostname
- %% and portnumber
- #url{username=User} = Url,
- Port = list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc)),
- Path = case H of
- $/ ->
- [$/ | T];
- $? ->
- [$/, $? | T]
- end,
- Url#url{host = User,
- port = Port,
- username = undefined,
- password = undefined,
- path = Path};
-parse_url([$] | T], get_ipv6_address, #url{protocol = Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
- Addr = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
- case inet_parse:address(Addr) of
- {ok, {_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}} ->
- Url2 = Url#url{host = Addr, port = default_port(Prot)},
- case T of
- [$: | T2] ->
- parse_url(T2, get_port, Url2, []);
- [$/ | T2] ->
- Url2#url{path = [$/ | T2]};
- [$? | T2] ->
- Url2#url{path = [$/, $? | T2]};
- [] ->
- Url2#url{path = "/"};
- _ ->
- {error, {invalid_host, "[" ++ Addr ++ "]" ++ T}}
- end;
- _ ->
- {error, {invalid_ipv6_address, Addr}}
- end;
-parse_url([$[ | T], get_host, #url{} = Url, []) ->
- parse_url(T, get_ipv6_address, Url#url{host_type = ipv6_address}, []);
-parse_url([$: | T], get_host, #url{} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
- parse_url(T, get_port,
- Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc)},
- []);
-parse_url([H | T], get_host, #url{protocol=Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) when H == $/;
- H == $? ->
- Path = case H of
- $/ ->
- [$/ | T];
- $? ->
- [$/, $? | T]
- end,
- Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
- port = default_port(Prot),
- path = Path};
-parse_url([H | T], get_port, #url{protocol=Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) when H == $/;
- H == $? ->
- Path = case H of
- $/ ->
- [$/ | T];
- $? ->
- [$/, $? | T]
- end,
- Port = case TmpAcc of
- [] ->
- default_port(Prot);
- _ ->
- list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc))
- end,
- Url#url{port = Port, path = Path};
-parse_url([H | T], State, Url, TmpAcc) ->
- parse_url(T, State, Url, [H | TmpAcc]);
-parse_url([], get_host, Url, TmpAcc) when TmpAcc /= [] ->
- Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
- port = default_port(Url#url.protocol),
- path = "/"};
-parse_url([], get_username, Url, TmpAcc) when TmpAcc /= [] ->
- Url#url{host = lists:reverse(TmpAcc),
- port = default_port(Url#url.protocol),
- path = "/"};
-parse_url([], get_port, #url{protocol=Prot} = Url, TmpAcc) ->
- Port = case TmpAcc of
- [] ->
- default_port(Prot);
- _ ->
- list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc))
- end,
- Url#url{port = Port,
- path = "/"};
-parse_url([], get_password, Url, TmpAcc) ->
- %% Ok, what we thought was the username/password was the hostname
- %% and portnumber
- #url{username=User} = Url,
- Port = case TmpAcc of
- [] ->
- default_port(Url#url.protocol);
- _ ->
- list_to_integer(lists:reverse(TmpAcc))
- end,
- Url#url{host = User,
- port = Port,
- username = undefined,
- password = undefined,
- path = "/"};
-parse_url([], State, Url, TmpAcc) ->
- {invalid_uri_2, State, Url, TmpAcc}.
-default_port(http) -> 80;
-default_port(https) -> 443;
-default_port(ftp) -> 21.
-printable_date() ->
- {{Y,Mo,D},{H, M, S}} = calendar:local_time(),
- {_,_,MicroSecs} = now(),
- [integer_to_list(Y),
- $-,
- integer_to_list(Mo),
- $-,
- integer_to_list(D),
- $_,
- integer_to_list(H),
- $:,
- integer_to_list(M),
- $:,
- integer_to_list(S),
- $:,
- integer_to_list(MicroSecs div 1000)].
-do_trace(Fmt, Args) ->
- do_trace(get(my_trace_flag), Fmt, Args).
-do_trace(_, Fmt, Args) ->
- io:format("~s -- (~s) - "++Fmt,
- [printable_date(),
- get(ibrowse_trace_token) | Args]).
-do_trace(true, Fmt, Args) ->
- io:format("~s -- (~s) - "++Fmt,
- [printable_date(),
- get(ibrowse_trace_token) | Args]);
-do_trace(_, _, _) ->
- ok.