path: root/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth')
9 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/ b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48b76482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+## use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
+## of the License at
+## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+## WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+## License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+## the License.
+oauthebindir = $(localerlanglibdir)/erlang-oauth/ebin
+oauth_file_collection = \
+ \
+ oauth.erl \
+ oauth_hmac_sha1.erl \
+ oauth_http.erl \
+ oauth_plaintext.erl \
+ oauth_rsa_sha1.erl \
+ oauth_unix.erl \
+ oauth_uri.erl
+# Removed oauth_rsa_sha1.beam until we require R12B5 or
+# we add a ./configure option to enable it.
+oauthebin_make_generated_file_list = \
+ \
+ oauth.beam \
+ oauth_hmac_sha1.beam \
+ oauth_http.beam \
+ oauth_plaintext.beam \
+ oauth_unix.beam \
+ oauth_uri.beam
+oauthebin_DATA = \
+ $(oauthebin_make_generated_file_list)
+ $(oauth_file_collection)
+ $(oauthebin_make_generated_file_list)
+ cp $< $@
+%.beam: %.erl
+ $(ERLC) $(ERLC_FLAGS) $<
diff --git a/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/ b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6357b9b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+{application, oauth, [
+ {description, "Erlang OAuth implementation"},
+ {vsn, "dev"},
+ {modules, [
+ oauth,
+ oauth_hmac_sha1,
+ oauth_http,
+ oauth_plaintext,
+ oauth_rsa_sha1,
+ oauth_unix,
+ oauth_uri
+ ]},
+ {registered, []},
+ {applications, [
+ kernel,
+ stdlib,
+ crypto,
+ inets
+ ]}
diff --git a/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth.erl b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..866655c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ [ get/5
+ , header/1
+ , post/5
+ , signature/5
+ , signature_base_string/3
+ , signed_params/6
+ , token/1
+ , token_secret/1
+ , uri/2
+ , verify/6
+ ]).
+get(URL, ExtraParams, Consumer, Token, TokenSecret) ->
+ SignedParams = signed_params("GET", URL, ExtraParams, Consumer, Token, TokenSecret),
+ oauth_http:get(uri(URL, SignedParams)).
+post(URL, ExtraParams, Consumer, Token, TokenSecret) ->
+ SignedParams = signed_params("POST", URL, ExtraParams, Consumer, Token, TokenSecret),
+ oauth_http:post(URL, oauth_uri:params_to_string(SignedParams)).
+uri(Base, []) ->
+ Base;
+uri(Base, Params) ->
+ lists:concat([Base, "?", oauth_uri:params_to_string(Params)]).
+header(Params) ->
+ {"Authorization", "OAuth " ++ oauth_uri:params_to_header_string(Params)}.
+token(Params) ->
+ proplists:get_value("oauth_token", Params).
+token_secret(Params) ->
+ proplists:get_value("oauth_token_secret", Params).
+verify(Signature, HttpMethod, URL, Params, Consumer, TokenSecret) ->
+ case signature_method(Consumer) of
+ plaintext ->
+ oauth_plaintext:verify(Signature, consumer_secret(Consumer), TokenSecret);
+ hmac_sha1 ->
+ BaseString = signature_base_string(HttpMethod, URL, Params),
+ oauth_hmac_sha1:verify(Signature, BaseString, consumer_secret(Consumer), TokenSecret);
+ rsa_sha1 ->
+ BaseString = signature_base_string(HttpMethod, URL, Params),
+ oauth_rsa_sha1:verify(Signature, BaseString, consumer_secret(Consumer))
+ end.
+signed_params(HttpMethod, URL, ExtraParams, Consumer, Token, TokenSecret) ->
+ Params = token_param(Token, params(Consumer, ExtraParams)),
+ [{"oauth_signature", signature(HttpMethod, URL, Params, Consumer, TokenSecret)}|Params].
+signature(HttpMethod, URL, Params, Consumer, TokenSecret) ->
+ case signature_method(Consumer) of
+ plaintext ->
+ oauth_plaintext:signature(consumer_secret(Consumer), TokenSecret);
+ hmac_sha1 ->
+ BaseString = signature_base_string(HttpMethod, URL, Params),
+ oauth_hmac_sha1:signature(BaseString, consumer_secret(Consumer), TokenSecret);
+ rsa_sha1 ->
+ BaseString = signature_base_string(HttpMethod, URL, Params),
+ oauth_rsa_sha1:signature(BaseString, consumer_secret(Consumer))
+ end.
+signature_base_string(HttpMethod, URL, Params) ->
+ NormalizedURL = oauth_uri:normalize(URL),
+ NormalizedParams = oauth_uri:params_to_string(lists:sort(Params)),
+ oauth_uri:calate("&", [HttpMethod, NormalizedURL, NormalizedParams]).
+token_param("", Params) ->
+ Params;
+token_param(Token, Params) ->
+ [{"oauth_token", Token}|Params].
+params(Consumer, Params) ->
+ Nonce = base64:encode_to_string(crypto:rand_bytes(32)), % cf. ruby-oauth
+ params(Consumer, oauth_unix:timestamp(), Nonce, Params).
+params(Consumer, Timestamp, Nonce, Params) ->
+ [ {"oauth_version", "1.0"}
+ , {"oauth_nonce", Nonce}
+ , {"oauth_timestamp", integer_to_list(Timestamp)}
+ , {"oauth_signature_method", signature_method_string(Consumer)}
+ , {"oauth_consumer_key", consumer_key(Consumer)}
+ | Params
+ ].
+signature_method_string(Consumer) ->
+ case signature_method(Consumer) of
+ plaintext ->
+ hmac_sha1 ->
+ "HMAC-SHA1";
+ rsa_sha1 ->
+ "RSA-SHA1"
+ end.
+signature_method(_Consumer={_, _, Method}) ->
+ Method.
+consumer_secret(_Consumer={_, Secret, _}) ->
+ Secret.
+consumer_key(_Consumer={Key, _, _}) ->
+ Key.
diff --git a/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_hmac_sha1.erl b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_hmac_sha1.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79d59f37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_hmac_sha1.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+-export([signature/3, verify/4]).
+signature(BaseString, CS, TS) ->
+ Key = oauth_uri:calate("&", [CS, TS]),
+ base64:encode_to_string(crypto:sha_mac(Key, BaseString)).
+verify(Signature, BaseString, CS, TS) ->
+ couch_util:verify(signature(BaseString, CS, TS), Signature).
diff --git a/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_http.erl b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_http.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf5a4bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_http.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+-export([get/1, post/2, response_params/1, response_body/1, response_code/1]).
+get(URL) ->
+ request(get, {URL, []}).
+post(URL, Data) ->
+ request(post, {URL, [], "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", Data}).
+request(Method, Request) ->
+ http:request(Method, Request, [{autoredirect, false}], []).
+response_params(Response) ->
+ oauth_uri:params_from_string(response_body(Response)).
+response_body({{_, _, _}, _, Body}) ->
+ Body.
+response_code({{_, Code, _}, _, _}) ->
+ Code.
diff --git a/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_plaintext.erl b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_plaintext.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41a1e9b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_plaintext.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+-export([signature/2, verify/3]).
+signature(CS, TS) ->
+ oauth_uri:calate("&", [CS, TS]).
+verify(Signature, CS, TS) ->
+ couch_util:verify(signature(CS, TS), Signature).
diff --git a/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_rsa_sha1.erl b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_rsa_sha1.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f4828e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_rsa_sha1.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+-export([signature/2, verify/3]).
+signature(BaseString, PrivateKeyPath) ->
+ {ok, [Info]} = public_key:pem_to_der(PrivateKeyPath),
+ {ok, PrivateKey} = public_key:decode_private_key(Info),
+ base64:encode_to_string(public_key:sign(list_to_binary(BaseString), PrivateKey)).
+verify(Signature, BaseString, PublicKey) ->
+ public_key:verify_signature(to_binary(BaseString), sha, base64:decode(Signature), public_key(PublicKey)).
+to_binary(Term) when is_list(Term) ->
+ list_to_binary(Term);
+to_binary(Term) when is_binary(Term) ->
+ Term.
+public_key(Path) when is_list(Path) ->
+ {ok, [{cert, DerCert, not_encrypted}]} = public_key:pem_to_der(Path),
+ {ok, Cert} = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(DerCert, otp),
+ public_key(Cert);
+public_key(#'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate=Cert}) ->
+ public_key(Cert);
+public_key(#'OTPTBSCertificate'{subjectPublicKeyInfo=Info}) ->
+ public_key(Info);
+public_key(#'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'{subjectPublicKey=Key}) ->
+ Key.
diff --git a/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_unix.erl b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_unix.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73ca3143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_unix.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+timestamp() ->
+ timestamp(calendar:universal_time()).
+timestamp(DateTime) ->
+ seconds(DateTime) - epoch().
+epoch() ->
+ seconds({{1970,1,1},{00,00,00}}).
+seconds(DateTime) ->
+ calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(DateTime).
diff --git a/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_uri.erl b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_uri.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3bdc9076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.1.x/src/erlang-oauth/oauth_uri.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+-export([normalize/1, calate/2, encode/1]).
+-export([params_from_string/1, params_to_string/1,
+ params_from_header_string/1, params_to_header_string/1]).
+-import(lists, [concat/1]).
+-define(is_uppercase_alpha(C), C >= $A, C =< $Z).
+-define(is_lowercase_alpha(C), C >= $a, C =< $z).
+-define(is_alpha(C), ?is_uppercase_alpha(C); ?is_lowercase_alpha(C)).
+-define(is_digit(C), C >= $0, C =< $9).
+-define(is_alphanumeric(C), ?is_alpha(C); ?is_digit(C)).
+-define(is_unreserved(C), ?is_alphanumeric(C); C =:= $-; C =:= $_; C =:= $.; C =:= $~).
+-define(is_hex(C), ?is_digit(C); C >= $A, C =< $F).
+normalize(URI) ->
+ case http_uri:parse(URI) of
+ {Scheme, UserInfo, Host, Port, Path, _Query} ->
+ normalize(Scheme, UserInfo, string:to_lower(Host), Port, [Path]);
+ Else ->
+ Else
+ end.
+normalize(http, UserInfo, Host, 80, Acc) ->
+ normalize(http, UserInfo, [Host|Acc]);
+normalize(https, UserInfo, Host, 443, Acc) ->
+ normalize(https, UserInfo, [Host|Acc]);
+normalize(Scheme, UserInfo, Host, Port, Acc) ->
+ normalize(Scheme, UserInfo, [Host, ":", Port|Acc]).
+normalize(Scheme, [], Acc) ->
+ concat([Scheme, "://"|Acc]);
+normalize(Scheme, UserInfo, Acc) ->
+ concat([Scheme, "://", UserInfo, "@"|Acc]).
+params_to_header_string(Params) ->
+ intercalate(", ", [concat([encode(K), "=\"", encode(V), "\""]) || {K, V} <- Params]).
+params_from_header_string(String) ->
+ [param_from_header_string(Param) || Param <- re:split(String, ",\\s*", [{return, list}]), Param =/= ""].
+param_from_header_string(Param) ->
+ [Key, QuotedValue] = string:tokens(Param, "="),
+ Value = string:substr(QuotedValue, 2, length(QuotedValue) - 2),
+ {decode(Key), decode(Value)}.
+params_from_string(Params) ->
+ [param_from_string(Param) || Param <- string:tokens(Params, "&")].
+param_from_string(Param) ->
+ list_to_tuple([decode(Value) || Value <- string:tokens(Param, "=")]).
+params_to_string(Params) ->
+ intercalate("&", [calate("=", [K, V]) || {K, V} <- Params]).
+calate(Sep, Xs) ->
+ intercalate(Sep, [encode(X) || X <- Xs]).
+intercalate(Sep, Xs) ->
+ concat(intersperse(Sep, Xs)).
+intersperse(_, []) -> [];
+intersperse(_, [X]) -> [X];
+intersperse(Sep, [X|Xs]) ->
+ [X, Sep|intersperse(Sep, Xs)].
+decode(Chars) ->
+ decode(Chars, []).
+decode([], Decoded) ->
+ lists:reverse(Decoded);
+decode([$%,A,B|Etc], Decoded) when ?is_hex(A), ?is_hex(B) ->
+ decode(Etc, [erlang:list_to_integer([A,B], 16)|Decoded]);
+decode([C|Etc], Decoded) when ?is_unreserved(C) ->
+ decode(Etc, [C|Decoded]).
+encode(Chars) ->
+ encode(Chars, []).
+encode([], Encoded) ->
+ lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Encoded));
+encode([C|Etc], Encoded) when ?is_unreserved(C) ->
+ encode(Etc, [C|Encoded]);
+encode([C|Etc], Encoded) ->
+ Value = io_lib:format("%~2.2.0s", [erlang:integer_to_list(C, 16)]),
+ encode(Etc, [Value|Encoded]).