path: root/1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_server.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_server.erl')
1 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_server.erl b/1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_server.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7870d69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_server.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3,sup_start_link/0]).
+ root_dir = [],
+ dbname_regexp,
+ max_dbs_open=100,
+ dbs_open=0,
+ start_time=""
+ }).
+dev_start() ->
+ couch:stop(),
+ up_to_date = make:all([load, debug_info]),
+ couch:start().
+get_version() ->
+ Apps = application:loaded_applications(),
+ case lists:keysearch(couch, 1, Apps) of
+ {value, {_, _, Vsn}} ->
+ Vsn;
+ false ->
+ "0.0.0"
+ end.
+get_stats() ->
+ {ok, #server{start_time=Time,dbs_open=Open}} =
+ gen_server:call(couch_server, get_server),
+ [{start_time, ?l2b(Time)}, {dbs_open, Open}].
+sup_start_link() ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, couch_server}, couch_server, [], []).
+open(DbName, Options) ->
+ case gen_server:call(couch_server, {open, DbName, Options}, infinity) of
+ {ok, Db} ->
+ Ctx = couch_util:get_value(user_ctx, Options, #user_ctx{}),
+ {ok, Db#db{user_ctx=Ctx}};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+create(DbName, Options) ->
+ case gen_server:call(couch_server, {create, DbName, Options}, infinity) of
+ {ok, Db} ->
+ Ctx = couch_util:get_value(user_ctx, Options, #user_ctx{}),
+ {ok, Db#db{user_ctx=Ctx}};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+delete(DbName, Options) ->
+ gen_server:call(couch_server, {delete, DbName, Options}, infinity).
+check_dbname(#server{dbname_regexp=RegExp}, DbName) ->
+ case re:run(DbName, RegExp, [{capture, none}]) of
+ nomatch ->
+ case DbName of
+ "_users" -> ok;
+ "_replicator" -> ok;
+ _Else ->
+ {error, illegal_database_name}
+ end;
+ match ->
+ ok
+ end.
+is_admin(User, ClearPwd) ->
+ case couch_config:get("admins", User) of
+ "-hashed-" ++ HashedPwdAndSalt ->
+ [HashedPwd, Salt] = string:tokens(HashedPwdAndSalt, ","),
+ couch_util:to_hex(crypto:sha(ClearPwd ++ Salt)) == HashedPwd;
+ _Else ->
+ false
+ end.
+has_admins() ->
+ couch_config:get("admins") /= [].
+get_full_filename(Server, DbName) ->
+ filename:join([Server#server.root_dir, "./" ++ DbName ++ ".couch"]).
+hash_admin_passwords() ->
+ hash_admin_passwords(true).
+hash_admin_passwords(Persist) ->
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun({_User, "-hashed-" ++ _}) ->
+ ok; % already hashed
+ ({User, ClearPassword}) ->
+ Salt = ?b2l(couch_uuids:random()),
+ Hashed = couch_util:to_hex(crypto:sha(ClearPassword ++ Salt)),
+ couch_config:set("admins",
+ User, "-hashed-" ++ Hashed ++ "," ++ Salt, Persist)
+ end, couch_config:get("admins")).
+init([]) ->
+ % read config and register for configuration changes
+ % just stop if one of the config settings change. couch_server_sup
+ % will restart us and then we will pick up the new settings.
+ RootDir = couch_config:get("couchdb", "database_dir", "."),
+ MaxDbsOpen = list_to_integer(
+ couch_config:get("couchdb", "max_dbs_open")),
+ Self = self(),
+ ok = couch_config:register(
+ fun("couchdb", "database_dir") ->
+ exit(Self, config_change)
+ end),
+ ok = couch_config:register(
+ fun("couchdb", "max_dbs_open", Max) ->
+ gen_server:call(couch_server,
+ {set_max_dbs_open, list_to_integer(Max)})
+ end),
+ ok = couch_file:init_delete_dir(RootDir),
+ hash_admin_passwords(),
+ ok = couch_config:register(
+ fun("admins", _Key, _Value, Persist) ->
+ % spawn here so couch_config doesn't try to call itself
+ spawn(fun() -> hash_admin_passwords(Persist) end)
+ end, false),
+ {ok, RegExp} = re:compile("^[a-z][a-z0-9\\_\\$()\\+\\-\\/]*$"),
+ ets:new(couch_dbs_by_name, [set, private, named_table]),
+ ets:new(couch_dbs_by_pid, [set, private, named_table]),
+ ets:new(couch_dbs_by_lru, [ordered_set, private, named_table]),
+ ets:new(couch_sys_dbs, [set, private, named_table]),
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ {ok, #server{root_dir=RootDir,
+ dbname_regexp=RegExp,
+ max_dbs_open=MaxDbsOpen,
+ start_time=httpd_util:rfc1123_date()}}.
+terminate(_Reason, _Srv) ->
+ [couch_util:shutdown_sync(Pid) || {_, {Pid, _LruTime}} <-
+ ets:tab2list(couch_dbs_by_name)],
+ ok.
+all_databases() ->
+ {ok, #server{root_dir=Root}} = gen_server:call(couch_server, get_server),
+ NormRoot = couch_util:normpath(Root),
+ Filenames =
+ filelib:fold_files(Root, "^[a-z0-9\\_\\$()\\+\\-]*[\\.]couch$", true,
+ fun(Filename, AccIn) ->
+ NormFilename = couch_util:normpath(Filename),
+ case NormFilename -- NormRoot of
+ [$/ | RelativeFilename] -> ok;
+ RelativeFilename -> ok
+ end,
+ [list_to_binary(filename:rootname(RelativeFilename, ".couch")) | AccIn]
+ end, []),
+ {ok, lists:usort(Filenames)}.
+maybe_close_lru_db(#server{dbs_open=NumOpen, max_dbs_open=MaxOpen}=Server)
+ when NumOpen < MaxOpen ->
+ {ok, Server};
+maybe_close_lru_db(#server{dbs_open=NumOpen}=Server) ->
+ % must free up the lru db.
+ case try_close_lru(now()) of
+ ok ->
+ {ok, Server#server{dbs_open=NumOpen - 1}};
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
+try_close_lru(StartTime) ->
+ LruTime = get_lru(),
+ if LruTime > StartTime ->
+ % this means we've looped through all our opened dbs and found them
+ % all in use.
+ {error, all_dbs_active};
+ true ->
+ [{_, DbName}] = ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_lru, LruTime),
+ [{_, {opened, MainPid, LruTime}}] = ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+ case couch_db:is_idle(MainPid) of
+ true ->
+ ok = shutdown_idle_db(DbName, MainPid, LruTime);
+ false ->
+ % this still has referrers. Go ahead and give it a current lru time
+ % and try the next one in the table.
+ NewLruTime = now(),
+ true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_name, {DbName, {opened, MainPid, NewLruTime}}),
+ true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_pid, {MainPid, DbName}),
+ true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_lru, LruTime),
+ true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_lru, {NewLruTime, DbName}),
+ try_close_lru(StartTime)
+ end
+ end.
+get_lru() ->
+ get_lru(ets:first(couch_dbs_by_lru)).
+get_lru(LruTime) ->
+ [{LruTime, DbName}] = ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_lru, LruTime),
+ case ets:member(couch_sys_dbs, DbName) of
+ false ->
+ LruTime;
+ true ->
+ [{_, {opened, MainPid, _}}] = ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+ case couch_db:is_idle(MainPid) of
+ true ->
+ NextLru = ets:next(couch_dbs_by_lru, LruTime),
+ ok = shutdown_idle_db(DbName, MainPid, LruTime),
+ get_lru(NextLru);
+ false ->
+ get_lru(ets:next(couch_dbs_by_lru, LruTime))
+ end
+ end.
+shutdown_idle_db(DbName, MainPid, LruTime) ->
+ couch_util:shutdown_sync(MainPid),
+ true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_lru, LruTime),
+ true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+ true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_pid, MainPid),
+ true = ets:delete(couch_sys_dbs, DbName),
+ ok.
+open_async(Server, From, DbName, Filepath, Options) ->
+ Parent = self(),
+ Opener = spawn_link(fun() ->
+ Res = couch_db:start_link(DbName, Filepath, Options),
+ gen_server:call(
+ Parent, {open_result, DbName, Res, Options}, infinity
+ ),
+ unlink(Parent),
+ case Res of
+ {ok, DbReader} ->
+ unlink(DbReader);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end),
+ true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_name, {DbName, {opening, Opener, [From]}}),
+ true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_pid, {Opener, DbName}),
+ DbsOpen = case lists:member(sys_db, Options) of
+ true ->
+ true = ets:insert(couch_sys_dbs, {DbName, true}),
+ Server#server.dbs_open;
+ false ->
+ Server#server.dbs_open + 1
+ end,
+ Server#server{dbs_open = DbsOpen}.
+handle_call({set_max_dbs_open, Max}, _From, Server) ->
+ {reply, ok, Server#server{max_dbs_open=Max}};
+handle_call(get_server, _From, Server) ->
+ {reply, {ok, Server}, Server};
+handle_call({open_result, DbName, {ok, OpenedDbPid}, Options}, _From, Server) ->
+ link(OpenedDbPid),
+ [{DbName, {opening,Opener,Froms}}] = ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+ lists:foreach(fun({FromPid,_}=From) ->
+ gen_server:reply(From,
+ catch couch_db:open_ref_counted(OpenedDbPid, FromPid))
+ end, Froms),
+ LruTime = now(),
+ true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_name,
+ {DbName, {opened, OpenedDbPid, LruTime}}),
+ true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_pid, Opener),
+ true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_pid, {OpenedDbPid, DbName}),
+ true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_lru, {LruTime, DbName}),
+ case lists:member(create, Options) of
+ true ->
+ couch_db_update_notifier:notify({created, DbName});
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ {reply, ok, Server};
+handle_call({open_result, DbName, Error, Options}, _From, Server) ->
+ [{DbName, {opening,Opener,Froms}}] = ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+ lists:foreach(fun(From) ->
+ gen_server:reply(From, Error)
+ end, Froms),
+ true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+ true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_pid, Opener),
+ DbsOpen = case lists:member(sys_db, Options) of
+ true ->
+ true = ets:delete(couch_sys_dbs, DbName),
+ Server#server.dbs_open;
+ false ->
+ Server#server.dbs_open - 1
+ end,
+ {reply, ok, Server#server{dbs_open = DbsOpen}};
+handle_call({open, DbName, Options}, {FromPid,_}=From, Server) ->
+ LruTime = now(),
+ case ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName) of
+ [] ->
+ open_db(DbName, Server, Options, From);
+ [{_, {opening, Opener, Froms}}] ->
+ true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_name, {DbName, {opening, Opener, [From|Froms]}}),
+ {noreply, Server};
+ [{_, {opened, MainPid, PrevLruTime}}] ->
+ true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_name, {DbName, {opened, MainPid, LruTime}}),
+ true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_lru, PrevLruTime),
+ true = ets:insert(couch_dbs_by_lru, {LruTime, DbName}),
+ {reply, couch_db:open_ref_counted(MainPid, FromPid), Server}
+ end;
+handle_call({create, DbName, Options}, From, Server) ->
+ case ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName) of
+ [] ->
+ open_db(DbName, Server, [create | Options], From);
+ [_AlreadyRunningDb] ->
+ {reply, file_exists, Server}
+ end;
+handle_call({delete, DbName, _Options}, _From, Server) ->
+ DbNameList = binary_to_list(DbName),
+ case check_dbname(Server, DbNameList) of
+ ok ->
+ FullFilepath = get_full_filename(Server, DbNameList),
+ UpdateState =
+ case ets:lookup(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName) of
+ [] -> false;
+ [{_, {opening, Pid, Froms}}] ->
+ couch_util:shutdown_sync(Pid),
+ true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+ true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_pid, Pid),
+ [gen_server:reply(F, not_found) || F <- Froms],
+ true;
+ [{_, {opened, Pid, LruTime}}] ->
+ couch_util:shutdown_sync(Pid),
+ true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_name, DbName),
+ true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_pid, Pid),
+ true = ets:delete(couch_dbs_by_lru, LruTime),
+ true
+ end,
+ Server2 = case UpdateState of
+ true ->
+ DbsOpen = case ets:member(couch_sys_dbs, DbName) of
+ true ->
+ true = ets:delete(couch_sys_dbs, DbName),
+ Server#server.dbs_open;
+ false ->
+ Server#server.dbs_open - 1
+ end,
+ Server#server{dbs_open = DbsOpen};
+ false ->
+ Server
+ end,
+ %% Delete any leftover .compact files. If we don't do this a subsequent
+ %% request for this DB will try to open the .compact file and use it.
+ couch_file:delete(Server#server.root_dir, FullFilepath ++ ".compact"),
+ case couch_file:delete(Server#server.root_dir, FullFilepath) of
+ ok ->
+ couch_db_update_notifier:notify({deleted, DbName}),
+ {reply, ok, Server2};
+ {error, enoent} ->
+ {reply, not_found, Server2};
+ Else ->
+ {reply, Else, Server2}
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ {reply, Error, Server}
+ end.
+handle_cast(Msg, _Server) ->
+ exit({unknown_cast_message, Msg}).
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+handle_info({'EXIT', _Pid, config_change}, Server) ->
+ {noreply, shutdown, Server};
+handle_info(Error, _Server) ->
+ ?LOG_ERROR("Unexpected message, restarting couch_server: ~p", [Error]),
+ exit(kill).
+open_db(DbName, Server, Options, From) ->
+ DbNameList = binary_to_list(DbName),
+ case check_dbname(Server, DbNameList) of
+ ok ->
+ Filepath = get_full_filename(Server, DbNameList),
+ case lists:member(sys_db, Options) of
+ true ->
+ {noreply, open_async(Server, From, DbName, Filepath, Options)};
+ false ->
+ case maybe_close_lru_db(Server) of
+ {ok, Server2} ->
+ {noreply, open_async(Server2, From, DbName, Filepath, Options)};
+ CloseError ->
+ {reply, CloseError, Server}
+ end
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ {reply, Error, Server}
+ end.