path: root/src
diff options
authorBrad Anderson <>2010-05-25 12:46:11 -0400
committerBrad Anderson <>2010-05-25 12:46:11 -0400
commit322ef619409da556cd36b16315c332417a4eba1d (patch)
treee1ae1f488d5a48147595dc42429e8c68bb2346af /src
parentd5fc5305705bd5a308d1c5cab8da0fba1b5d0320 (diff)
fix create_db bug
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/fabric_create.erl b/src/fabric_create.erl
index b47cd768..245ae2a2 100644
--- a/src/fabric_create.erl
+++ b/src/fabric_create.erl
@@ -54,13 +54,15 @@ create_db_loop(RefNodePart) ->
%% @doc create_db receive loop
+%% Acc is either an accumulation of responses, or if we've received all
+%% responses, it's {ok, Responses}
-spec create_db_loop([ref_node_part()], tref(), np_acc()) ->
np_acc() | {ok, np_acc()}.
create_db_loop(_,_,{ok, Acc}) -> {ok, Acc};
create_db_loop(RefNodePart, TimeoutRef, AccIn) ->
{Ref, {ok, MainPid}} when is_reference(Ref) ->
- % for dev only, close the Fd
+ % for dev only, close the Fd TODO: remove me
gen_server:call({couch_server, node(MainPid)}, {force_close, MainPid}),
AccOut = check_all_parts(Ref, RefNodePart, AccIn, ok),
@@ -72,20 +74,25 @@ create_db_loop(RefNodePart, TimeoutRef, AccIn) ->
{error, timeout}
+%% @doc check the results of the create replies
+%% If we have a good reply from each partition, return ok
-spec create_results(np_acc(), [ref_node_part()]) -> ok | create_quorum_error.
create_results(Results, RefNodePart) ->
- NPs = create_result(Results, []),
- DistinctNPs = distinct_parts(RefNodePart),
+ ResultParts = create_result(Results, []),
+ DistinctParts = distinct_parts(RefNodePart),
- NPs =:= DistinctNPs -> ok;
- true -> create_quorum_error
+ ResultParts =:= DistinctParts -> ok;
+ true ->
+ ?debugFmt("~nResultParts: ~p~nDistinctParts: ~p~n",
+ [ResultParts, DistinctParts]),
+ create_quorum_error
-spec create_result(np_acc(), [np()]) -> [np()] | file_exists.
create_result([], Acc) ->
- Acc;
-create_result([{NP, ok}|Rest], Acc) ->
- create_result(Rest, [NP|Acc]);
+ lists:usort(Acc);
+create_result([{{_N,P}, ok}|Rest], Acc) ->
+ create_result(Rest, [P|Acc]);
create_result([{_NP, {error, file_exists}}|_Rest], _Acc) ->
{error, file_exists}; % if any replies were file_exists, return that
create_result([{{_N,_P}, Result}|Rest], Acc) ->
@@ -95,7 +102,7 @@ create_result([{{_N,_P}, Result}|Rest], Acc) ->
check_all_parts(Ref, RefNodePart, Acc, Reply) ->
case couch_util:get_value(Ref, RefNodePart) of
{Node, Part} ->
- case lists:keyfind(1, {Node, Part}, Acc) of
+ case lists:keyfind({Node, Part}, 1, Acc) of
true -> Acc; % already present... that's odd
_ ->
NewAcc = [{{Node, Part}, Reply} | Acc],