path: root/1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_rep_changes_feed.erl
diff options
authorRobert Newson <>2011-05-17 11:15:14 +0000
committerRobert Newson <>2011-05-17 11:15:14 +0000
commite8e4b0d293021fe90326a85828f3cfb087bf18b7 (patch)
tree986f544eac623ec23b769b36828894f93a173aa3 /1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_rep_changes_feed.erl
parentda6a5322b0b8084f434752060caa8be214c6f4fa (diff)
tagging 1.1.0
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to '1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_rep_changes_feed.erl')
1 files changed, 503 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_rep_changes_feed.erl b/1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_rep_changes_feed.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c298937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_rep_changes_feed.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
+ code_change/3]).
+-export([start_link/4, next/1, stop/1]).
+-define(BUFFER_SIZE, 1000).
+-define(DOC_IDS_FILTER_NAME, "_doc_ids").
+-record (state, {
+ changes_from = nil,
+ changes_loop = nil,
+ init_args,
+ last_seq,
+ conn = nil,
+ reqid = nil,
+ complete = false,
+ count = 0,
+ partial_chunk = <<>>,
+ reply_to = nil,
+ rows = queue:new(),
+ doc_ids = nil
+-import(couch_util, [
+ get_value/2,
+ get_value/3
+start_link(Parent, Source, StartSeq, PostProps) ->
+ gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [Parent, Source, StartSeq, PostProps], []).
+next(Server) ->
+ gen_server:call(Server, next_changes, infinity).
+stop(Server) ->
+ catch gen_server:call(Server, stop),
+ ok.
+init([Parent, #http_db{headers = Headers0} = Source, Since, PostProps]) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ Feed = case get_value(<<"continuous">>, PostProps, false) of
+ false ->
+ normal;
+ true ->
+ continuous
+ end,
+ BaseQS = [
+ {"style", all_docs},
+ {"heartbeat", 10000},
+ {"since", Since},
+ {"feed", Feed}
+ ],
+ {QS, Method, Body, Headers} = case get_value(<<"doc_ids">>, PostProps) of
+ undefined ->
+ {maybe_add_filter_qs_params(PostProps, BaseQS), get, nil, Headers0};
+ DocIds when is_list(DocIds) ->
+ Headers1 = [{"Content-Type", "application/json"} | Headers0],
+ QS1 = [{"filter", ?l2b(?DOC_IDS_FILTER_NAME)} | BaseQS],
+ {QS1, post, {[{<<"doc_ids">>, DocIds}]}, Headers1}
+ end,
+ Pid = couch_rep_httpc:spawn_link_worker_process(Source),
+ Req = Source#http_db{
+ method = Method,
+ body = Body,
+ resource = "_changes",
+ qs = QS,
+ conn = Pid,
+ options = [{stream_to, {self(), once}}] ++
+ lists:keydelete(inactivity_timeout, 1, Source#http_db.options),
+ headers = Headers -- [{"Accept-Encoding", "gzip"}]
+ },
+ {ibrowse_req_id, ReqId} = couch_rep_httpc:request(Req),
+ Args = [Parent, Req, Since, PostProps],
+ State = #state{
+ conn = Pid,
+ last_seq = Since,
+ reqid = ReqId,
+ init_args = Args,
+ doc_ids = get_value(<<"doc_ids">>, PostProps, nil)
+ },
+ receive
+ {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, "200", _} ->
+ ibrowse:stream_next(ReqId),
+ {ok, State};
+ {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, Code, Hdrs}
+ when Code =:= "301"; Code =:= "302"; Code =:= "303" ->
+ {ReqId2, Req2} = redirect_req(Req, Code, Hdrs),
+ receive
+ {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId2, "200", _} ->
+ {ok, State#state{
+ conn = Req2#http_db.conn,
+ reqid = ReqId2,
+ init_args = [Parent, Req2, Since, PostProps]}};
+ {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId2, "405", _} when Method =:= post ->
+ {ReqId3, Req3} = req_no_builtin_doc_ids(Req2, ReqId2),
+ receive
+ {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId3, "200", _} ->
+ {ok, State#state{
+ conn = Req3#http_db.conn,
+ reqid = ReqId3,
+ init_args = [Parent, Req3, Since, PostProps]}}
+ after 30000 ->
+ {stop, changes_timeout}
+ end
+ after 30000 ->
+ {stop, changes_timeout}
+ end;
+ {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, "404", _} ->
+ stop_link_worker(Pid),
+ ?LOG_INFO("source doesn't have _changes, trying _all_docs_by_seq", []),
+ Self = self(),
+ BySeqPid = spawn_link(fun() -> by_seq_loop(Self, Source, Since) end),
+ {ok, State#state{changes_loop = BySeqPid}};
+ {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, "405", _} when Method =:= post ->
+ {ReqId2, Req2} = req_no_builtin_doc_ids(Req, ReqId),
+ receive
+ {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId2, "200", _} ->
+ {ok, State#state{
+ conn = Req2#http_db.conn,
+ reqid = ReqId2,
+ init_args = [Parent, Req2, Since, PostProps]}};
+ {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, Code, Hdrs}
+ when Code =:= "301"; Code =:= "302"; Code =:= "303" ->
+ {ReqId3, Req3} = redirect_req(Req2, Code, Hdrs),
+ receive
+ {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId3, "200", _} ->
+ {ok, State#state{
+ conn = Req3#http_db.conn,
+ reqid = ReqId3,
+ init_args = [Parent, Req3, Since, PostProps]}}
+ after 30000 ->
+ {stop, changes_timeout}
+ end
+ after 30000 ->
+ {stop, changes_timeout}
+ end;
+ {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, Code, _} ->
+ {stop, {changes_error_code, list_to_integer(Code)}}
+ after 10000 ->
+ {stop, changes_timeout}
+ end;
+init([_Parent, Source, Since, PostProps] = InitArgs) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ Server = self(),
+ Filter = case get_value(<<"doc_ids">>, PostProps) of
+ undefined ->
+ ?b2l(get_value(<<"filter">>, PostProps, <<>>));
+ DocIds when is_list(DocIds) ->
+ end,
+ ChangesArgs = #changes_args{
+ style = all_docs,
+ since = Since,
+ filter = Filter,
+ feed = case get_value(<<"continuous">>, PostProps, false) of
+ true ->
+ "continuous";
+ false ->
+ "normal"
+ end,
+ timeout = infinity
+ },
+ ChangesPid = spawn_link(fun() ->
+ ChangesFeedFun = couch_changes:handle_changes(
+ ChangesArgs,
+ {json_req, filter_json_req(Filter, Source, PostProps)},
+ Source
+ ),
+ ChangesFeedFun(fun({change, Change, _}, _) ->
+ gen_server:call(Server, {add_change, Change}, infinity);
+ (_, _) ->
+ ok
+ end)
+ end),
+ {ok, #state{changes_loop=ChangesPid, init_args=InitArgs}}.
+maybe_add_filter_qs_params(PostProps, BaseQS) ->
+ case get_value(<<"filter">>, PostProps) of
+ undefined ->
+ BaseQS;
+ FilterName ->
+ {Params} = get_value(<<"query_params">>, PostProps, {[]}),
+ lists:foldr(
+ fun({K, V}, QSAcc) ->
+ Ks = couch_util:to_list(K),
+ case proplists:is_defined(Ks, QSAcc) of
+ true ->
+ QSAcc;
+ false ->
+ [{Ks, V} | QSAcc]
+ end
+ end,
+ [{"filter", FilterName} | BaseQS],
+ Params
+ )
+ end.
+filter_json_req([], _Db, _PostProps) ->
+ {[]};
+filter_json_req(?DOC_IDS_FILTER_NAME, _Db, PostProps) ->
+ {[{<<"doc_ids">>, get_value(<<"doc_ids">>, PostProps)}]};
+filter_json_req(FilterName, Db, PostProps) ->
+ {Query} = get_value(<<"query_params">>, PostProps, {[]}),
+ {ok, Info} = couch_db:get_db_info(Db),
+ % simulate a request to db_name/_changes
+ {[
+ {<<"info">>, {Info}},
+ {<<"id">>, null},
+ {<<"method">>, 'GET'},
+ {<<"path">>, [couch_db:name(Db), <<"_changes">>]},
+ {<<"query">>, {[{<<"filter">>, FilterName} | Query]}},
+ {<<"headers">>, []},
+ {<<"body">>, []},
+ {<<"peer">>, <<"replicator">>},
+ {<<"form">>, []},
+ {<<"cookie">>, []},
+ {<<"userCtx">>, couch_util:json_user_ctx(Db)}
+ ]}.
+handle_call({add_change, Row}, From, State) ->
+ handle_add_change(Row, From, State);
+handle_call(next_changes, From, State) ->
+ handle_next_changes(From, State);
+handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, ok, State}.
+handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_info({ibrowse_async_headers, Id, Code, Hdrs}, #state{reqid=Id}=State) ->
+ handle_headers(list_to_integer(Code), Hdrs, State);
+handle_info({ibrowse_async_response, Id, {error, sel_conn_closed}},
+ #state{reqid=Id}=State) ->
+ handle_retry(State);
+handle_info({ibrowse_async_response, Id, {error, connection_closed}},
+ #state{reqid=Id}=State) ->
+ handle_retry(State);
+handle_info({ibrowse_async_response, Id, {error,E}}, #state{reqid=Id}=State) ->
+ {stop, {error, E}, State};
+handle_info({ibrowse_async_response, Id, Chunk}, #state{reqid=Id}=State) ->
+ Messages = [M || M <- re:split(Chunk, ",?\n", [trim]), M =/= <<>>],
+ handle_messages(Messages, State);
+handle_info({ibrowse_async_response_end, Id}, #state{reqid=Id} = State) ->
+ handle_feed_completion(State);
+handle_info({'EXIT', From, normal}, #state{changes_loop=From} = State) ->
+ handle_feed_completion(State);
+handle_info({'EXIT', From, normal}, #state{conn=From, complete=true} = State) ->
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_info({'EXIT', From, Reason}, #state{changes_loop=From} = State) ->
+ ?LOG_ERROR("changes_loop died with reason ~p", [Reason]),
+ {stop, changes_loop_died, State};
+handle_info({'EXIT', From, Reason}, State) ->
+ ?LOG_ERROR("changes loop, process ~p died with reason ~p", [From, Reason]),
+ {stop, {From, Reason}, State};
+handle_info(Msg, #state{init_args = InitArgs} = State) ->
+ case Msg of
+ changes_timeout ->
+ [_, #http_db{url = Url} | _] = InitArgs,
+ ?LOG_ERROR("changes loop timeout, no data received from ~s",
+ [couch_util:url_strip_password(Url)]);
+ _ ->
+ ?LOG_ERROR("changes loop received unexpected message ~p", [Msg])
+ end,
+ {stop, Msg, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, State) ->
+ #state{
+ changes_loop = ChangesPid,
+ conn = Conn
+ } = State,
+ if is_pid(ChangesPid) -> exit(ChangesPid, stop); true -> ok end,
+ stop_link_worker(Conn).
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+%internal funs
+handle_add_change(Row, From, #state{reply_to=nil} = State) ->
+ {Rows2, Count2} = queue_changes_row(Row, State),
+ NewState = State#state{count = Count2, rows = Rows2},
+ if Count2 =< ?BUFFER_SIZE ->
+ {reply, ok, NewState};
+ true ->
+ {noreply, NewState#state{changes_from=From}}
+ end;
+handle_add_change(Row, _From, #state{count=0} = State) ->
+ gen_server:reply(State#state.reply_to, [Row]),
+ {reply, ok, State#state{reply_to=nil}}.
+handle_next_changes(From, #state{count=0}=State) ->
+ if State#state.complete ->
+ {stop, normal, complete, State};
+ true ->
+ {noreply, State#state{reply_to=From}}
+ end;
+handle_next_changes(_From, State) ->
+ #state{
+ changes_from = ChangesFrom,
+ rows = Rows
+ } = State,
+ NewState = State#state{count=0, changes_from=nil, rows=queue:new()},
+ maybe_stream_next(NewState),
+ if ChangesFrom =/= nil -> gen_server:reply(ChangesFrom, ok); true -> ok end,
+ {reply, queue:to_list(Rows), NewState}.
+handle_headers(200, _, State) ->
+ maybe_stream_next(State),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_headers(Code, Hdrs, #state{init_args = InitArgs} = State)
+ when Code =:= 301 ; Code =:= 302 ; Code =:= 303 ->
+ stop_link_worker(State#state.conn),
+ [Parent, Source, Since, PostProps] = InitArgs,
+ Source2 = couch_rep_httpc:redirected_request(Code, Hdrs, Source),
+ Pid2 = couch_rep_httpc:spawn_link_worker_process(Source2),
+ Source3 = Source2#http_db{conn = Pid2},
+ {ibrowse_req_id, ReqId} = couch_rep_httpc:request(Source3),
+ InitArgs2 = [Parent, Source3, Since, PostProps],
+ {noreply, State#state{conn=Pid2, reqid=ReqId, init_args=InitArgs2}};
+handle_headers(Code, Hdrs, State) ->
+ ?LOG_ERROR("replicator changes feed failed with code ~s and Headers ~n~p",
+ [Code,Hdrs]),
+ {stop, {error, Code}, State}.
+handle_messages([], State) ->
+ maybe_stream_next(State),
+ {noreply, State};
+handle_messages([<<"{\"results\":[">>|Rest], State) ->
+ handle_messages(Rest, State);
+handle_messages([<<"]">>, <<"\"last_seq\":", _/binary>>], State) ->
+ handle_feed_completion(State);
+handle_messages([<<"{\"last_seq\":", _/binary>>], State) ->
+ handle_feed_completion(State);
+handle_messages([Chunk|Rest], #state{partial_chunk = Partial} = State) ->
+ NewState = try
+ Row = {Props} = decode_row(<<Partial/binary, Chunk/binary>>),
+ case State of
+ #state{reply_to=nil} ->
+ {Rows2, Count2} = queue_changes_row(Row, State),
+ State#state{
+ last_seq = couch_util:get_value(<<"seq">>, Props),
+ partial_chunk = <<>>,
+ rows = Rows2,
+ count = Count2
+ };
+ #state{count=0, reply_to=From}->
+ gen_server:reply(From, [Row]),
+ State#state{reply_to = nil, partial_chunk = <<>>}
+ end
+ catch
+ throw:{invalid_json, Bad} ->
+ State#state{partial_chunk = Bad}
+ end,
+ handle_messages(Rest, NewState).
+handle_feed_completion(#state{reply_to=nil} = State)->
+ {noreply, State#state{complete=true}};
+handle_feed_completion(#state{count=0} = State) ->
+ gen_server:reply(State#state.reply_to, complete),
+ {stop, normal, State}.
+handle_retry(State) ->
+ ?LOG_DEBUG("retrying changes feed because our connection closed", []),
+ #state{
+ count = Count,
+ init_args = [_, Source, _, PostProps],
+ last_seq = Since,
+ reply_to = ReplyTo,
+ rows = Rows
+ } = State,
+ case init([nil, Source, Since, PostProps]) of
+ {ok, State1} ->
+ MergedState = State1#state{
+ count = Count,
+ reply_to = ReplyTo,
+ rows = Rows
+ },
+ {noreply, MergedState};
+ _ ->
+ {stop, {error, connection_closed}, State}
+ end.
+by_seq_loop(Server, Source, StartSeq) ->
+ Req = Source#http_db{
+ resource = "_all_docs_by_seq",
+ qs = [{limit, 1000}, {startkey, StartSeq}]
+ },
+ {Results} = couch_rep_httpc:request(Req),
+ Rows = couch_util:get_value(<<"rows">>, Results),
+ if Rows =:= [] -> exit(normal); true -> ok end,
+ EndSeq = lists:foldl(fun({RowInfoList}, _) ->
+ Id = couch_util:get_value(<<"id">>, RowInfoList),
+ Seq = couch_util:get_value(<<"key">>, RowInfoList),
+ {RowProps} = couch_util:get_value(<<"value">>, RowInfoList),
+ RawRevs = [
+ couch_util:get_value(<<"rev">>, RowProps),
+ couch_util:get_value(<<"conflicts">>, RowProps, []),
+ couch_util:get_value(<<"deleted_conflicts">>, RowProps, [])
+ ],
+ ParsedRevs = couch_doc:parse_revs(lists:flatten(RawRevs)),
+ Change = {[
+ {<<"seq">>, Seq},
+ {<<"id">>, Id},
+ {<<"changes">>, [{[{<<"rev">>,R}]} || R <- ParsedRevs]}
+ ]},
+ gen_server:call(Server, {add_change, Change}, infinity),
+ Seq
+ end, 0, Rows),
+ by_seq_loop(Server, Source, EndSeq).
+decode_row(<<",", Rest/binary>>) ->
+ decode_row(Rest);
+decode_row(Row) ->
+maybe_stream_next(#state{reqid=nil}) ->
+ ok;
+maybe_stream_next(#state{complete=false, count=N} = S) when N < ?BUFFER_SIZE ->
+ timer:cancel(get(timeout)),
+ {ok, Timeout} = timer:send_after(31000, changes_timeout),
+ put(timeout, Timeout),
+ ibrowse:stream_next(S#state.reqid);
+maybe_stream_next(_) ->
+ timer:cancel(get(timeout)).
+stop_link_worker(Conn) when is_pid(Conn) ->
+ unlink(Conn),
+ receive {'EXIT', Conn, _} -> ok after 0 -> ok end,
+ catch ibrowse:stop_worker_process(Conn);
+stop_link_worker(_) ->
+ ok.
+redirect_req(#http_db{conn = WorkerPid} = Req, Code, Headers) ->
+ stop_link_worker(WorkerPid),
+ Req2 = couch_rep_httpc:redirected_request(Code, Headers, Req),
+ WorkerPid2 = couch_rep_httpc:spawn_link_worker_process(Req2),
+ Req3 = Req2#http_db{conn = WorkerPid2},
+ {ibrowse_req_id, ReqId} = couch_rep_httpc:request(Req3),
+ {ReqId, Req3}.
+req_no_builtin_doc_ids(#http_db{conn = WorkerPid, qs = QS} = Req, ReqId) ->
+ % CouchDB versions prior to 1.1.0 don't have the builtin filter _doc_ids
+ % and don't allow POSTing to /database/_changes
+ purge_req_messages(ReqId),
+ stop_link_worker(WorkerPid),
+ Req2 = Req#http_db{method = get, qs = lists:keydelete("filter", 1, QS)},
+ WorkerPid2 = couch_rep_httpc:spawn_link_worker_process(Req2),
+ Req3 = Req2#http_db{conn = WorkerPid2},
+ {ibrowse_req_id, ReqId2} = couch_rep_httpc:request(Req3),
+ {ReqId2, Req3}.
+purge_req_messages(ReqId) ->
+ ibrowse:stream_next(ReqId),
+ receive
+ {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, {error, _}} ->
+ ok;
+ {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, _Data} ->
+ purge_req_messages(ReqId);
+ {ibrowse_async_response_end, ReqId} ->
+ ok
+ end.
+queue_changes_row(Row, #state{doc_ids = nil, count = Count, rows = Rows}) ->
+ {queue:in(Row, Rows), Count + 1};
+queue_changes_row({RowProps} = Row,
+ #state{doc_ids = Ids, count = Count, rows = Rows}) ->
+ case lists:member(get_value(<<"id">>, RowProps), Ids) of
+ true ->
+ {queue:in(Row, Rows), Count + 1};
+ false ->
+ {Rows, Count}
+ end.