path: root/1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_doc.erl
diff options
authorRobert Newson <>2011-05-17 11:15:14 +0000
committerRobert Newson <>2011-05-17 11:15:14 +0000
commite8e4b0d293021fe90326a85828f3cfb087bf18b7 (patch)
tree986f544eac623ec23b769b36828894f93a173aa3 /1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_doc.erl
parentda6a5322b0b8084f434752060caa8be214c6f4fa (diff)
tagging 1.1.0
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to '1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_doc.erl')
1 files changed, 527 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_doc.erl b/1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_doc.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3d66145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.1.x/src/couchdb/couch_doc.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([from_json_obj/1,to_json_obj/2,has_stubs/1, merge_stubs/2]).
+-export([doc_to_multi_part_stream/5, len_doc_to_multi_part_stream/4]).
+% helpers used by to_json_obj
+to_json_rev(0, []) ->
+ [];
+to_json_rev(Start, [FirstRevId|_]) ->
+ [{<<"_rev">>, ?l2b([integer_to_list(Start),"-",revid_to_str(FirstRevId)])}].
+to_json_body(true, {Body}) ->
+ Body ++ [{<<"_deleted">>, true}];
+to_json_body(false, {Body}) ->
+ Body.
+to_json_revisions(Options, Start, RevIds) ->
+ case lists:member(revs, Options) of
+ false -> [];
+ true ->
+ [{<<"_revisions">>, {[{<<"start">>, Start},
+ {<<"ids">>, [revid_to_str(R) ||R <- RevIds]}]}}]
+ end.
+revid_to_str(RevId) when size(RevId) =:= 16 ->
+ ?l2b(couch_util:to_hex(RevId));
+revid_to_str(RevId) ->
+ RevId.
+rev_to_str({Pos, RevId}) ->
+ ?l2b([integer_to_list(Pos),"-",revid_to_str(RevId)]).
+revs_to_strs([]) ->
+ [];
+revs_to_strs([{Pos, RevId}| Rest]) ->
+ [rev_to_str({Pos, RevId}) | revs_to_strs(Rest)].
+to_json_meta(Meta) ->
+ lists:map(
+ fun({revs_info, Start, RevsInfo}) ->
+ {JsonRevsInfo, _Pos} = lists:mapfoldl(
+ fun({RevId, Status}, PosAcc) ->
+ JsonObj = {[{<<"rev">>, rev_to_str({PosAcc, RevId})},
+ {<<"status">>, ?l2b(atom_to_list(Status))}]},
+ {JsonObj, PosAcc - 1}
+ end, Start, RevsInfo),
+ {<<"_revs_info">>, JsonRevsInfo};
+ ({local_seq, Seq}) ->
+ {<<"_local_seq">>, Seq};
+ ({conflicts, Conflicts}) ->
+ {<<"_conflicts">>, revs_to_strs(Conflicts)};
+ ({deleted_conflicts, DConflicts}) ->
+ {<<"_deleted_conflicts">>, revs_to_strs(DConflicts)}
+ end, Meta).
+to_json_attachments(Attachments, Options) ->
+ to_json_attachments(
+ Attachments,
+ lists:member(attachments, Options),
+ lists:member(follows, Options),
+ lists:member(att_encoding_info, Options)
+ ).
+to_json_attachments([], _OutputData, _DataToFollow, _ShowEncInfo) ->
+ [];
+to_json_attachments(Atts, OutputData, DataToFollow, ShowEncInfo) ->
+ AttProps = lists:map(
+ fun(#att{disk_len=DiskLen, att_len=AttLen, encoding=Enc}=Att) ->
+ {, {[
+ {<<"content_type">>, Att#att.type},
+ {<<"revpos">>, Att#att.revpos}
+ ] ++
+ if not OutputData orelse == stub ->
+ [{<<"length">>, DiskLen}, {<<"stub">>, true}];
+ true ->
+ if DataToFollow ->
+ [{<<"length">>, DiskLen}, {<<"follows">>, true}];
+ true ->
+ AttData = case Enc of
+ gzip ->
+ zlib:gunzip(att_to_bin(Att));
+ identity ->
+ att_to_bin(Att)
+ end,
+ [{<<"data">>, base64:encode(AttData)}]
+ end
+ end ++
+ case {ShowEncInfo, Enc} of
+ {false, _} ->
+ [];
+ {true, identity} ->
+ [];
+ {true, _} ->
+ [
+ {<<"encoding">>, couch_util:to_binary(Enc)},
+ {<<"encoded_length">>, AttLen}
+ ]
+ end
+ }}
+ end, Atts),
+ [{<<"_attachments">>, {AttProps}}].
+to_json_obj(#doc{id=Id,deleted=Del,body=Body,revs={Start, RevIds},
+ meta=Meta}=Doc,Options)->
+ {[{<<"_id">>, Id}]
+ ++ to_json_rev(Start, RevIds)
+ ++ to_json_body(Del, Body)
+ ++ to_json_revisions(Options, Start, RevIds)
+ ++ to_json_meta(Meta)
+ ++ to_json_attachments(Doc#doc.atts, Options)
+ }.
+from_json_obj({Props}) ->
+ transfer_fields(Props, #doc{body=[]});
+from_json_obj(_Other) ->
+ throw({bad_request, "Document must be a JSON object"}).
+parse_revid(RevId) when size(RevId) =:= 32 ->
+ RevInt = erlang:list_to_integer(?b2l(RevId), 16),
+ <<RevInt:128>>;
+parse_revid(RevId) when length(RevId) =:= 32 ->
+ RevInt = erlang:list_to_integer(RevId, 16),
+ <<RevInt:128>>;
+parse_revid(RevId) when is_binary(RevId) ->
+ RevId;
+parse_revid(RevId) when is_list(RevId) ->
+ ?l2b(RevId).
+parse_rev(Rev) when is_binary(Rev) ->
+ parse_rev(?b2l(Rev));
+parse_rev(Rev) when is_list(Rev) ->
+ SplitRev = lists:splitwith(fun($-) -> false; (_) -> true end, Rev),
+ case SplitRev of
+ {Pos, [$- | RevId]} -> {list_to_integer(Pos), parse_revid(RevId)};
+ _Else -> throw({bad_request, <<"Invalid rev format">>})
+ end;
+parse_rev(_BadRev) ->
+ throw({bad_request, <<"Invalid rev format">>}).
+parse_revs([]) ->
+ [];
+parse_revs([Rev | Rest]) ->
+ [parse_rev(Rev) | parse_revs(Rest)].
+validate_docid(Id) when is_binary(Id) ->
+ case couch_util:validate_utf8(Id) of
+ false -> throw({bad_request, <<"Document id must be valid UTF-8">>});
+ true -> ok
+ end,
+ case Id of
+ <<"_design/", _/binary>> -> ok;
+ <<"_local/", _/binary>> -> ok;
+ <<"_", _/binary>> ->
+ throw({bad_request, <<"Only reserved document ids may start with underscore.">>});
+ _Else -> ok
+ end;
+validate_docid(Id) ->
+ ?LOG_DEBUG("Document id is not a string: ~p", [Id]),
+ throw({bad_request, <<"Document id must be a string">>}).
+transfer_fields([], #doc{body=Fields}=Doc) ->
+ % convert fields back to json object
+ Doc#doc{body={lists:reverse(Fields)}};
+transfer_fields([{<<"_id">>, Id} | Rest], Doc) ->
+ validate_docid(Id),
+ transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{id=Id});
+transfer_fields([{<<"_rev">>, Rev} | Rest], #doc{revs={0, []}}=Doc) ->
+ {Pos, RevId} = parse_rev(Rev),
+ transfer_fields(Rest,
+ Doc#doc{revs={Pos, [RevId]}});
+transfer_fields([{<<"_rev">>, _Rev} | Rest], Doc) ->
+ % we already got the rev from the _revisions
+ transfer_fields(Rest,Doc);
+transfer_fields([{<<"_attachments">>, {JsonBins}} | Rest], Doc) ->
+ Atts = lists:map(fun({Name, {BinProps}}) ->
+ case couch_util:get_value(<<"stub">>, BinProps) of
+ true ->
+ Type = couch_util:get_value(<<"content_type">>, BinProps),
+ RevPos = couch_util:get_value(<<"revpos">>, BinProps, nil),
+ DiskLen = couch_util:get_value(<<"length">>, BinProps),
+ {Enc, EncLen} = att_encoding_info(BinProps),
+ #att{name=Name, data=stub, type=Type, att_len=EncLen,
+ disk_len=DiskLen, encoding=Enc, revpos=RevPos};
+ _ ->
+ Type = couch_util:get_value(<<"content_type">>, BinProps,
+ RevPos = couch_util:get_value(<<"revpos">>, BinProps, 0),
+ case couch_util:get_value(<<"follows">>, BinProps) of
+ true ->
+ DiskLen = couch_util:get_value(<<"length">>, BinProps),
+ {Enc, EncLen} = att_encoding_info(BinProps),
+ #att{name=Name, data=follows, type=Type, encoding=Enc,
+ att_len=EncLen, disk_len=DiskLen, revpos=RevPos};
+ _ ->
+ Value = couch_util:get_value(<<"data">>, BinProps),
+ Bin = base64:decode(Value),
+ LenBin = size(Bin),
+ #att{name=Name, data=Bin, type=Type, att_len=LenBin,
+ disk_len=LenBin, revpos=RevPos}
+ end
+ end
+ end, JsonBins),
+ transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{atts=Atts});
+transfer_fields([{<<"_revisions">>, {Props}} | Rest], Doc) ->
+ RevIds = couch_util:get_value(<<"ids">>, Props),
+ Start = couch_util:get_value(<<"start">>, Props),
+ if not is_integer(Start) ->
+ throw({doc_validation, "_revisions.start isn't an integer."});
+ not is_list(RevIds) ->
+ throw({doc_validation, "_revisions.ids isn't a array."});
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ [throw({doc_validation, "RevId isn't a string"}) ||
+ RevId <- RevIds, not is_binary(RevId)],
+ RevIds2 = [parse_revid(RevId) || RevId <- RevIds],
+ transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{revs={Start, RevIds2}});
+transfer_fields([{<<"_deleted">>, B} | Rest], Doc) when is_boolean(B) ->
+ transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{deleted=B});
+% ignored fields
+transfer_fields([{<<"_revs_info">>, _} | Rest], Doc) ->
+ transfer_fields(Rest, Doc);
+transfer_fields([{<<"_local_seq">>, _} | Rest], Doc) ->
+ transfer_fields(Rest, Doc);
+transfer_fields([{<<"_conflicts">>, _} | Rest], Doc) ->
+ transfer_fields(Rest, Doc);
+transfer_fields([{<<"_deleted_conflicts">>, _} | Rest], Doc) ->
+ transfer_fields(Rest, Doc);
+% special fields for replication documents
+transfer_fields([{<<"_replication_state">>, _} = Field | Rest],
+ #doc{body=Fields} = Doc) ->
+ transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{body=[Field|Fields]});
+transfer_fields([{<<"_replication_state_time">>, _} = Field | Rest],
+ #doc{body=Fields} = Doc) ->
+ transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{body=[Field|Fields]});
+transfer_fields([{<<"_replication_id">>, _} = Field | Rest],
+ #doc{body=Fields} = Doc) ->
+ transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{body=[Field|Fields]});
+% unknown special field
+transfer_fields([{<<"_",Name/binary>>, _} | _], _) ->
+ throw({doc_validation,
+ ?l2b(io_lib:format("Bad special document member: _~s", [Name]))});
+transfer_fields([Field | Rest], #doc{body=Fields}=Doc) ->
+ transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{body=[Field|Fields]}).
+att_encoding_info(BinProps) ->
+ DiskLen = couch_util:get_value(<<"length">>, BinProps),
+ case couch_util:get_value(<<"encoding">>, BinProps) of
+ undefined ->
+ {identity, DiskLen};
+ Enc ->
+ EncodedLen = couch_util:get_value(<<"encoded_length">>, BinProps, DiskLen),
+ {list_to_existing_atom(?b2l(Enc)), EncodedLen}
+ end.
+to_doc_info(FullDocInfo) ->
+ {DocInfo, _Path} = to_doc_info_path(FullDocInfo),
+ DocInfo.
+max_seq([], Max) ->
+ Max;
+max_seq([#rev_info{seq=Seq}|Rest], Max) ->
+ max_seq(Rest, if Max > Seq -> Max; true -> Seq end).
+to_doc_info_path(#full_doc_info{id=Id,rev_tree=Tree}) ->
+ RevInfosAndPath =
+ [{#rev_info{deleted=Del,body_sp=Bp,seq=Seq,rev={Pos,RevId}}, Path} ||
+ {{Del, Bp, Seq},{Pos, [RevId|_]}=Path} <-
+ couch_key_tree:get_all_leafs(Tree)],
+ SortedRevInfosAndPath = lists:sort(
+ fun({#rev_info{deleted=DeletedA,rev=RevA}, _PathA},
+ {#rev_info{deleted=DeletedB,rev=RevB}, _PathB}) ->
+ % sort descending by {not deleted, rev}
+ {not DeletedA, RevA} > {not DeletedB, RevB}
+ end, RevInfosAndPath),
+ [{_RevInfo, WinPath}|_] = SortedRevInfosAndPath,
+ RevInfos = [RevInfo || {RevInfo, _Path} <- SortedRevInfosAndPath],
+ {#doc_info{id=Id, high_seq=max_seq(RevInfos, 0), revs=RevInfos}, WinPath}.
+att_foldl(#att{data=Bin}, Fun, Acc) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+ Fun(Bin, Acc);
+att_foldl(#att{data={Fd,Sp},att_len=Len}, Fun, Acc) when is_tuple(Sp) orelse Sp == null ->
+ couch_stream:old_foldl(Fd, Sp, Len, Fun, Acc);
+att_foldl(#att{data={Fd,Sp},md5=Md5}, Fun, Acc) ->
+ couch_stream:foldl(Fd, Sp, Md5, Fun, Acc);
+att_foldl(#att{data=DataFun,att_len=Len}, Fun, Acc) when is_function(DataFun) ->
+ fold_streamed_data(DataFun, Len, Fun, Acc).
+range_att_foldl(#att{data={Fd,Sp}}, From, To, Fun, Acc) ->
+ couch_stream:range_foldl(Fd, Sp, From, To, Fun, Acc).
+att_foldl_decode(#att{data={Fd,Sp},md5=Md5,encoding=Enc}, Fun, Acc) ->
+ couch_stream:foldl_decode(Fd, Sp, Md5, Enc, Fun, Acc);
+att_foldl_decode(#att{data=Fun2,att_len=Len, encoding=identity}, Fun, Acc) ->
+ fold_streamed_data(Fun2, Len, Fun, Acc).
+att_to_bin(#att{data=Bin}) when is_binary(Bin) ->
+ Bin;
+att_to_bin(#att{data=Iolist}) when is_list(Iolist) ->
+ iolist_to_binary(Iolist);
+att_to_bin(#att{data={_Fd,_Sp}}=Att) ->
+ iolist_to_binary(
+ lists:reverse(att_foldl(
+ Att,
+ fun(Bin,Acc) -> [Bin|Acc] end,
+ []
+ ))
+ );
+att_to_bin(#att{data=DataFun, att_len=Len}) when is_function(DataFun)->
+ iolist_to_binary(
+ lists:reverse(fold_streamed_data(
+ DataFun,
+ Len,
+ fun(Data, Acc) -> [Data | Acc] end,
+ []
+ ))
+ ).
+get_validate_doc_fun(#doc{body={Props}}=DDoc) ->
+ case couch_util:get_value(<<"validate_doc_update">>, Props) of
+ undefined ->
+ nil;
+ _Else ->
+ fun(EditDoc, DiskDoc, Ctx, SecObj) ->
+ couch_query_servers:validate_doc_update(DDoc, EditDoc, DiskDoc, Ctx, SecObj)
+ end
+ end.
+has_stubs(#doc{atts=Atts}) ->
+ has_stubs(Atts);
+has_stubs([]) ->
+ false;
+has_stubs([#att{data=stub}|_]) ->
+ true;
+has_stubs([_Att|Rest]) ->
+ has_stubs(Rest).
+merge_stubs(#doc{id=Id,atts=MemBins}=StubsDoc, #doc{atts=DiskBins}) ->
+ BinDict = dict:from_list([{Name, Att} || #att{name=Name}=Att <- DiskBins]),
+ MergedBins = lists:map(
+ fun(#att{name=Name, data=stub, revpos=StubRevPos}) ->
+ case dict:find(Name, BinDict) of
+ {ok, #att{revpos=DiskRevPos}=DiskAtt}
+ when DiskRevPos == StubRevPos orelse StubRevPos == nil ->
+ DiskAtt;
+ _ ->
+ throw({missing_stub,
+ <<"id:", Id/binary, ", name:", Name/binary>>})
+ end;
+ (Att) ->
+ Att
+ end, MemBins),
+ StubsDoc#doc{atts= MergedBins}.
+fold_streamed_data(_RcvFun, 0, _Fun, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+fold_streamed_data(RcvFun, LenLeft, Fun, Acc) when LenLeft > 0->
+ Bin = RcvFun(),
+ ResultAcc = Fun(Bin, Acc),
+ fold_streamed_data(RcvFun, LenLeft - size(Bin), Fun, ResultAcc).
+len_doc_to_multi_part_stream(Boundary, JsonBytes, Atts, SendEncodedAtts) ->
+ AttsSize = lists:foldl(fun(#att{data=Data} = Att, AccAttsSize) ->
+ case Data of
+ stub ->
+ AccAttsSize;
+ _ ->
+ AccAttsSize +
+ 4 + % "\r\n\r\n"
+ case SendEncodedAtts of
+ true ->
+ Att#att.att_len;
+ _ ->
+ Att#att.disk_len
+ end +
+ 4 + % "\r\n--"
+ size(Boundary)
+ end
+ end, 0, Atts),
+ if AttsSize == 0 ->
+ {<<"application/json">>, iolist_size(JsonBytes)};
+ true ->
+ {<<"multipart/related; boundary=\"", Boundary/binary, "\"">>,
+ 2 + % "--"
+ size(Boundary) +
+ 36 + % "\r\ncontent-type: application/json\r\n\r\n"
+ iolist_size(JsonBytes) +
+ 4 + % "\r\n--"
+ size(Boundary) +
+ + AttsSize +
+ 2 % "--"
+ }
+ end.
+doc_to_multi_part_stream(Boundary, JsonBytes, Atts, WriteFun,
+ SendEncodedAtts) ->
+ case lists:any(fun(#att{data=Data})-> Data /= stub end, Atts) of
+ true ->
+ WriteFun([<<"--", Boundary/binary,
+ "\r\ncontent-type: application/json\r\n\r\n">>,
+ JsonBytes, <<"\r\n--", Boundary/binary>>]),
+ atts_to_mp(Atts, Boundary, WriteFun, SendEncodedAtts);
+ false ->
+ WriteFun(JsonBytes)
+ end.
+atts_to_mp([], _Boundary, WriteFun, _SendEncAtts) ->
+ WriteFun(<<"--">>);
+atts_to_mp([#att{data=stub} | RestAtts], Boundary, WriteFun,
+ SendEncodedAtts) ->
+ atts_to_mp(RestAtts, Boundary, WriteFun, SendEncodedAtts);
+atts_to_mp([Att | RestAtts], Boundary, WriteFun,
+ SendEncodedAtts) ->
+ WriteFun(<<"\r\n\r\n">>),
+ AttFun = case SendEncodedAtts of
+ false ->
+ fun att_foldl_decode/3;
+ true ->
+ fun att_foldl/3
+ end,
+ AttFun(Att, fun(Data, _) -> WriteFun(Data) end, ok),
+ WriteFun(<<"\r\n--", Boundary/binary>>),
+ atts_to_mp(RestAtts, Boundary, WriteFun, SendEncodedAtts).
+doc_from_multi_part_stream(ContentType, DataFun) ->
+ Self = self(),
+ Parser = spawn_link(fun() ->
+ couch_httpd:parse_multipart_request(ContentType, DataFun,
+ fun(Next)-> mp_parse_doc(Next, []) end),
+ unlink(Self)
+ end),
+ Parser ! {get_doc_bytes, self()},
+ receive
+ {doc_bytes, DocBytes} ->
+ erlang:put(mochiweb_request_recv, true),
+ Doc = from_json_obj(?JSON_DECODE(DocBytes)),
+ % go through the attachments looking for 'follows' in the data,
+ % replace with function that reads the data from MIME stream.
+ ReadAttachmentDataFun = fun() ->
+ Parser ! {get_bytes, self()},
+ receive {bytes, Bytes} -> Bytes end
+ end,
+ Atts2 = lists:map(
+ fun(#att{data=follows}=A) ->
+ A#att{data=ReadAttachmentDataFun};
+ (A) ->
+ A
+ end, Doc#doc.atts),
+ {ok, Doc#doc{atts=Atts2}}
+ end.
+mp_parse_doc({headers, H}, []) ->
+ case couch_util:get_value("content-type", H) of
+ {"application/json", _} ->
+ fun (Next) ->
+ mp_parse_doc(Next, [])
+ end
+ end;
+mp_parse_doc({body, Bytes}, AccBytes) ->
+ fun (Next) ->
+ mp_parse_doc(Next, [Bytes | AccBytes])
+ end;
+mp_parse_doc(body_end, AccBytes) ->
+ receive {get_doc_bytes, From} ->
+ From ! {doc_bytes, lists:reverse(AccBytes)}
+ end,
+ fun (Next) ->
+ mp_parse_atts(Next)
+ end.
+mp_parse_atts(eof) ->
+ ok;
+mp_parse_atts({headers, _H}) ->
+ fun (Next) ->
+ mp_parse_atts(Next)
+ end;
+mp_parse_atts({body, Bytes}) ->
+ receive {get_bytes, From} ->
+ From ! {bytes, Bytes}
+ end,
+ fun (Next) ->
+ mp_parse_atts(Next)
+ end;
+mp_parse_atts(body_end) ->
+ fun (Next) ->
+ mp_parse_atts(Next)
+ end.