path: root/pages/install
diff options
authorIvan Alejandro <>2015-11-02 13:23:16 -0300
committerIvan Alejandro <>2015-11-02 13:23:16 -0300
commitee978e16ee3f6fa85510dfccb9b23efcecbc2220 (patch)
treec2e2356efe1b74866dd4e00addc079dc86ced529 /pages/install
parent7192a29353c0167874f3ffdb9ad94a8dbab66c75 (diff)
Move upgrade instructions to bottom
Diffstat (limited to 'pages/install')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/pages/install/linux/en.text b/pages/install/linux/en.text
index 8ecdf55..06e5028 100644
--- a/pages/install/linux/en.text
+++ b/pages/install/linux/en.text
@@ -3,23 +3,6 @@
<%= render({:partial => 'common/notice'}, {:type => 'info', :text => '<b>NOTE:</b> Encrypted email support in Bitmask is still experimental.'}) %>
-h2. Upgrading
-*From stand-alone bundles*: Bitmask should upgrade itself automatically (for versions equal or later than 0.7.0). If you are running a version prior to 0.7.0, you can download the new bundle and copy the "config" folder from the old bundle directory.
-*From packages*: If you are running from packages, then you can trigger an update like so:
-bc. apt-get update
-apt-get dist-upgrade
-NOTE: When upgrading Ubuntu from 14.10 (Utopic) to 15.04 (Vivid), you may need to run this command again:
-bc. sudo add-apt-repository "deb vivid main"
-This is because the Ubuntu upgrade process probably commented out all your prior custom repository lines in @/etc/apt/sources.list@.
There are two ways to install Bitmask - via the stand-alone bundles or via packages.
h2. Download stand-alone bundle
@@ -77,3 +60,18 @@ h3. Debian 7.0 (Wheezy)
h3. Debian 8.0 (Jessie)
<%= render({:partial => 'via_packages'}, {:distro => 'jessie', :os => 'debian'}) %>
+h2. Upgrading
+*From stand-alone bundles*: Bitmask should upgrade itself automatically (for versions equal or later than 0.7.0). If you are running a version prior to 0.7.0, you can download the new bundle and copy the "config" folder from the old bundle directory.
+*From packages*: If you are running from packages, then you can trigger an update like so:
+bc. apt-get update
+apt-get dist-upgrade
+NOTE: When upgrading Ubuntu from 14.10 (Utopic) to 15.04 (Vivid), you may need to run this command again:
+bc. sudo add-apt-repository "deb vivid main"
+This is because the Ubuntu upgrade process probably commented out all your prior custom repository lines in @/etc/apt/sources.list@.