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+User-facing changes in Leap Client
+Release 0.2.0 (2012-10-XX)
+This release is a functionally working version in Debian Squeeze and Ubuntu 12.04.
+It is able to connect to a preconfigured leap provider and autoconfigures a EIP connection.
+Python Support
+This release supports Python2.6 and Python2.7
+New Features
+- Branded build: the final package includes branding info needed to connect to a default provider.
+- First run wizard: allows to register an user with the selected provider. It also downloads all
+ the config files needed to connect to the eip service on this provider.
+- Network checks: we do some basic network testing and warn user in case we cannot find a
+ suitable network interface, or if the virtual interface dissapears after a successful eip connection.
+- Debug mode and logfiles: the leap-client script allows to be invoked with the --debug flag.
+ It also accepts a --logfile option that is useful for documenting bug reports.
+See the ``README.rst`` for a step-to-step install guide.
+The following libraries are needed:
+- PyQt4
+- libgnutls
+- openvpn
+for building the package dependencies, you will need also:
+- python-setuptools
+- python-dev
+- libgnutls-dev
+Leap-Client depends on the following python packages:
+- requests
+- ping
+- psutil
+- netifaces
+- jsonschema
+- srp
+- pycrypto
+- keyring
+- python-gnutls==1.1.9
+We are freezing the python-gnutls library dependency for this release due to a bug in ubuntu, see:
+Configuration files
+Config files are created under ``~/.config/leap``
+Currently user should be able to completely remove this folder and have it auto-generated in the first run.
+- Current eip service config is stored in ``eip.json``
+- Under ``.config/leap/providers``, there is a per-provider folder that contains:
+ - ``provider.json``, with all options for connecting to this provider.
+ - ``eip-service.json``, with eip-specific configuration options,
+ - ``keys/ca``, for a copy of the ca certificates used in the tls connections to provider.
+ - ``keys/client``, for a local copy of leap user certificates used in the eip connection.
+- ``leap.conf`` for general application configurations (gui windows geometry, ...).
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
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+The LEAP Encryption Access Project Client
+*your internet encryption toolkit*
+Read the docs!
+You can read the documentation online at ` <>`_. If you prefer to build it locally, run::
+ $ cd docs
+ $ make html
+Quick Start
+At the current development stage we still do not have any versioned release. Instead, you might want to have a look at the `testers guide <>`_ for a quick howto on fetching and testing latest development code.
+LEAP Client depends on these libraries:
+* ``python 2.6`` or ``2.7``
+* ``qt4 libraries``
+* ``libgnutls``
+* ``openvpn``
+Python packages are listed in ``pkg/requirements.pip`` and ``pkg/test-requirements.pip``
+Under a debian-based system, you can run::
+ $ apt-get install openvpn python-qt4 python-crypto python-requests python-gnutls
+For *testing*::
+ $ apt-get install python-nose python-mock python-coverage
+For *building* the package you will need to install also::
+ $ apt-get install pyqt4-dev-tools libgnutls-dev python-setuptools python-all-dev
+Use pip to install the required python packages::
+ $ apt-get install python-pip python-dev libgnutls-dev
+ $ pip install -r pkg/requirements.pip
+After getting the source and installing all the dependencies, proceed to install ``leap-client`` package::
+ $ python install
+After a successful installation, there should be a launcher called ``leap-client`` somewhere in your path::
+ $ leap-client
+See the `hackers guide <>`_.
+The LEAP client git repository is available at::
+ git://
+Some steps need to be run when setting a development environment for the first time.
+Enable a **virtualenv** to isolate your libraries. (Current *.gitignore* knows about a virtualenv in the root tree. If you do not like that place, just change ``.`` for *<>*)::
+ $ virtualenv .
+ $ source bin/activate
+Make sure you are in the development branch::
+ (leap_client)$ git checkout develop
+Symlink your global pyqt libraries::
+ (leap_client)$ pkg/
+And make your working tree available to your pythonpath::
+ (leap_client)$ python develop
+Have a look at ``pkg/test-requirements.pip`` for the tests dependencies.
+To run the test suite::
+ $ ./
+which the first time should automagically install all the needed dependencies in your virtualenv for you.
+.. image::
+The LEAP Client is released under the terms of the `GNU GPL version 3`_ or later.
+.. _`GNU GPL version 3`: