path: root/pkg/windows/
diff options
authorKali Kaneko <>2016-04-18 12:07:25 -0400
committerKali Kaneko <>2016-04-18 12:07:25 -0400
commitba7699c7e186d2eb8e58d1232f039b62584e2333 (patch)
tree8224cd9b2499ababebc913f88d9c552f8c43632b /pkg/windows/
parent033bb6e2a0112e909d3c77df3d93ec6c99b729c9 (diff)
parentf3e5121b5a08979d8b4f0be3ed084c7d45517696 (diff)
Merge branch 'paixu-installer' into develop
Great work by paixu, one step into the direction of winodows reproducible builds. The installer doesn't work, but this probably has to do with remaining bugs in the main qt app.
Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/windows/')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/windows/ b/pkg/windows/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..522fc10f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/windows/
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+# render dependencies into separate subdirectories
+# ================================================
+# requires
+# - a linux host with wine, wine with python and mingw installed
+# - the sourcecode mounted to /var/src/
+# - a rw directory mounted to /var/build
+# returns nonzero exit code when pyinstaller failed
+# prepares a read-write copy of the sourcecode
+# executes qt-uic and qt-rcc for gui dialogs
+# installs dependencies from pkg/dependencies-windows.pip
+# runs pyinstaller
+# cleans up (remove wine-dlls, remove read-write copy)
+# creates nsis install/uninstall scripts for the files for each package
+# if $1 is set it is expected to be a branch/git-tag
+# the location where the pyinstaller results are placed
+# the location of the nsis installer nis files dictates the path of the files
+# option that is changed when a dependency-cache is found
+# default options for components
+setups=($(ls -1 ${source_ro_path}/pkg/windows | grep '.nis$' | sed 's|.nis$||'))
+# add mingw dlls that are build in other steps
+function addMingwDlls() {
+ root=$1
+ cp /usr/lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/4.9-win32/libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll ${root}
+ cp /root/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Lib/site-packages/zmq/libzmq.pyd ${root}
+ cp /root/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Lib/site-packages/zmq/libzmq.pyd ${root}
+ mkdir -p ${root}/pysqlcipher
+ cp /var/build/pyinstaller/pkg/pyinst/build/bitmask/pysqlcipher-2.6.4-py2.7-win32.egg/pysqlcipher/_sqlite.pyd ${root}/pysqlcipher
+ cp ~/.wine/drive_c/openssl/bin/*.dll ${root}
+# cleanup the temporary build path for subsequent executes
+function cleanup() {
+ rm -rf ${temporary_build_path} 2>/dev/null
+# create files that are not part of the repository but are needed
+# in the windows environment:
+# - license with \r\n
+# - ico from png (multiple sizes for best results on high-res displays)
+function createInstallablesDependencies() {
+ pushd ${temporary_build_path} > /dev/null
+ cat LICENSE | sed 's|\n|\r\n|g' > LICENSE.txt
+ convert data/images/mask-icon.png -filter Cubic -scale 256x256! data/images/mask-icon-256.png
+ convert data/images/mask-icon-256.png -define icon:auto-resize data/images/mask-icon.ico
+ # execute qt-uic / qt-rcc
+ wine mingw32-make all || die 'qt-uic / qt-rcc failed'
+ # get version using git (only available in host)
+ git_version=$(python version| grep 'Version is currently' | awk -F': ' '{print $2}')
+ # run in a path with the version contained so versioneer can
+ # find the information and put it into the egg
+ versioned_build_path=/var/tmp/${version_prefix}-${git_version}
+ mkdir -p ${versioned_build_path}
+ cp -r ${temporary_build_path}/* ${versioned_build_path}
+ # apply patches to the source that are required for working code
+ # should not be required in the future as it introduces possible
+ # hacks that are hard to debug
+ applyPatches ${versioned_build_path}
+ pushd ${versioned_build_path} > /dev/null
+ # XXX what's this update_files command?
+ #wine python update_files || die ' update_files failed'
+ wine python build || die ' build failed'
+ wine python install || die ' install failed'
+ popd
+ rm -rf ${versioned_build_path}
+ popd
+# create installer version that may be used by / makensis
+# greps the version-parts from the previously extracted git_version and stores
+# the result in a setup_version.nsh
+# when the git_version does provide a suffix it is prefixed with a dash so the
+# installer output needs no conditional for this
+function createInstallerVersion() {
+ setup=$1
+ # [0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*-[0-9]*_g[0-9a-f]*_dirty
+ VERSIONMAJOR=$(echo ${git_version} | sed 's|^\([0-9]*\)\..*$|\1|')
+ VERSIONMINOR=$(echo ${git_version} | sed 's|^[0-9]*\.\([0-9]*\).*$|\1|')
+ VERSIONBUILD=$(echo ${git_version} | sed 's|^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.\([0-9]*\).*$|\1|')
+ VERSIONSUFFIX=$(echo ${git_version} | sed 's|^[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*-\(.*\)$|\1|')
+ echo "!define VERSIONMAJOR ${VERSIONMAJOR}" > ${absolute_executable_path}/${setup}_version.nsh
+ echo "!define VERSIONMINOR ${VERSIONMINOR}" >> ${absolute_executable_path}/${setup}_version.nsh
+ echo "!define VERSIONBUILD ${VERSIONBUILD}" >> ${absolute_executable_path}/${setup}_version.nsh
+ if [ ${VERSIONSUFFIX} != "" ]; then
+ fi
+ echo "!define VERSIONSUFFIX ${VERSIONSUFFIX}" >> ${absolute_executable_path}/${setup}_version.nsh
+# create installable binaries with dlls
+function createInstallables() {
+ mkdir -p ${absolute_executable_path}
+ pushd ${temporary_build_path}/pkg/pyinst
+ # build install directories (contains multiple files with pyd,dll, some of
+ # them look like windows WS_32.dll but are from wine)
+ for setup in ${setups[@]}
+ do
+ # --clean do not cache anything and overwrite everything --noconfirm
+ # --distpath to place on correct location
+ # --debug to see what may be wrong with the result
+ # --paths=c:\python\lib\site-packages;c:\python27\lib\site-packages
+ wine pyinstaller \
+ --clean \
+ --noconfirm \
+ --distpath=.\\installables \
+ --paths=Z:\\var\\build\\pyinstaller\\src\\ \
+ --paths=C:\\Python27\\Lib\\site-packages\\ \
+ --debug \
+ ${setup}.spec \
+ || die 'pyinstaller for "'${setup}'" failed'
+ removeWineDlls installables/${setup}
+ addMingwDlls installables/${setup}
+ rm -r ${absolute_executable_path}/${setup}
+ cp -r installables/${setup} ${absolute_executable_path}
+ cp ${absolute_executable_path}/cacert.pem ${absolute_executable_path}/${setup}
+ rm -r installables
+ createInstallerVersion ${setup}
+ done
+ popd
+ pushd ${temporary_build_path}
+ cp data/images/mask-icon.ico ${absolute_executable_path}/
+ popd
+# install (windows)dependencies of project
+function installProjectDependencies() {
+ pushd ${temporary_build_path} > /dev/null
+ unsupported_packages="dirspec"
+ pip_flags="--find-links=Z:${temporary_build_path}/wheels"
+ for unsupported_package in ${unsupported_packages}
+ do
+ pip_flags="${pip_flags} --allow-external ${unsupported_package} --allow-unverified ${unsupported_package}"
+ done
+ pip_flags="${pip_flags} -r"
+ # install dependencies
+ mkdir -p ${temporary_build_path}/wheels
+ wine pip install ${pip_flags} pkg/requirements-leap.pip || die 'requirements-leap.pip could not be installed'
+ # fix requirements
+ # python-daemon breaks windows build
+ sed -i 's|^python-daemon|#python-daemon|' pkg/requirements.pip
+ wine pip install ${pip_flags} pkg/requirements.pip || die 'requirements.pip could not be installed'
+ git checkout pkg/requirements.pip
+ popd
+ cp -r /root/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Lib/site-packages ${absolute_executable_path}
+ curl > ${absolute_executable_path}/cacert.pem || die 'cacert.pem could not be fetched - would result in bad ssl in installer'
+# workaround for broken dependencies
+# runs before pip install requirements
+# fixes failure for pysqlcipher as this requests a https file that the
+# windows-python fails to request
+function installProjectDependenciesBroken() {
+ pushd ${temporary_build_path} > /dev/null
+ curl \
+ > pysqlcipher-2.6.4.tar.gz \
+ || die 'fetch pysqlcipher failed'
+ tar xzf pysqlcipher-2.6.4.tar.gz
+ pushd pysqlcipher-2.6.4
+ curl \
+ > \
+ || die 'fetch amalgamation for pysqlcipher failed'
+ unzip -o || die 'unzip amalgamation failed'
+ mv sqlcipher amalgamation
+ patch -p0 < ${source_ro_path}/pkg/windows/pyinstaller/ \
+ || die 'patch pysqlcipher failed'
+ wine python build install || die ' for pysqlcipher failed'
+ popd
+ popd # temporary_build_path
+# prepare read-write copy
+function prepareBuildPath() {
+ cleanup
+ # ensure shared openssl for all pip builds
+ test -d ${absolute_executable_path}/openvpn || die 'openvpn not available run docker-compose run --rm openvpn'
+ cp -r ${absolute_executable_path}/openvpn /root/.wine/drive_c/openssl
+ if [ -d ${absolute_executable_path}/site-packages ]; then
+ # use pip install cache for slow connections
+ rm -r /root/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Lib/site-packages
+ cp -r ${absolute_executable_path}/site-packages /root/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Lib/
+ install_dependencies=false
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z $1 ]; then
+ git_tag=$1
+ fi
+ if [ ${git_tag} != "HEAD" ]; then
+ echo "using ${git_tag} as source for the project"
+ git clone ${source_ro_path} ${temporary_build_path}
+ pushd ${temporary_build_path}
+ git checkout ${git_tag} || die 'checkout "'${git_tag}'" failed'
+ popd
+ else
+ echo "using current source tree for build"
+ mkdir -p ${temporary_build_path}/data
+ mkdir -p ${temporary_build_path}/docs
+ mkdir -p ${temporary_build_path}/pkg
+ mkdir -p ${temporary_build_path}/src
+ mkdir -p ${temporary_build_path}/.git
+ cp -r ${source_ro_path}/data/* ${temporary_build_path}/data
+ cp -r ${source_ro_path}/data/* ${temporary_build_path}/docs
+ cp -r ${source_ro_path}/pkg/* ${temporary_build_path}/pkg
+ cp -r ${source_ro_path}/src/* ${temporary_build_path}/src
+ cp -r ${source_ro_path}/.git/* ${temporary_build_path}/.git
+ cp ${source_ro_path}/* ${temporary_build_path}/
+ fi
+# add patches to the sourcetree
+# this function should do nothing some day and should be run after
+# the version has been evaluated
+function applyPatches() {
+ root_path=$1
+ # disable eip
+ if [ !${with_eip} ]; then
+ sed -i "s|HAS_EIP = True|HAS_EIP = False|" ${root_path}/src/leap/bitmask/
+ fi
+ # disable mail
+ if [ !${with_mail} ]; then
+ sed -i "s|HAS_MAIL = True|HAS_MAIL = False|" ${root_path}/src/leap/bitmask/
+ fi
+ # hack the logger
+ sed -i "s|'bitmask.log'|str(random.random()) + '_bitmask.log'|;s|import sys|import sys\nimport random|" ${root_path}/src/leap/bitmask/logs/
+ sed -i "s|perform_rollover=True|perform_rollover=False|" ${root_path}/src/leap/bitmask/
+ # fix requirements
+ # python-daemon breaks windows build
+ sed -i 's|^python-daemon|#python-daemon|' ${root_path}/pkg/requirements.pip
+# remove wine dlls that should not be in the installer
+# root: path that should be cleaned from dlls
+function removeWineDlls() {
+ root=$1
+ declare -a wine_dlls=(\
+ advapi32.dll \
+ comctl32.dll \
+ comdlg32.dll \
+ gdi32.dll \
+ imm32.dll \
+ iphlpapi.dll \
+ ktmw32.dll \
+ msvcp90.dll \
+ msvcrt.dll \
+ mswsock.dll \
+ mpr.dll \
+ netapi32.dll \
+ ole32.dll \
+ oleaut32.dll \
+ opengl32.dll \
+ psapi.dll \
+ rpcrt4.dll \
+ shell32.dll \
+ user32.dll \
+ version.dll \
+ winmm.dll \
+ winspool.drv \
+ ws2_32.dll \
+ wtsapi32.dll \
+ )
+ for wine_dll in "${wine_dlls[@]}"
+ do
+ # not all of the listed dlls are in all directories
+ rm ${root}/${wine_dll} 2>/dev/null
+ done
+# display failure message and emit non-zero exit code
+function die() {
+ echo "die:" $@
+ exit 1
+function main() {
+ prepareBuildPath $@
+ if [ ${install_dependencies} == true ]; then
+ installProjectDependenciesBroken
+ installProjectDependencies
+ fi
+ createInstallablesDependencies
+ createInstallables
+ cleanup
+main $@