path: root/
diff options
authorIvan Alejandro <>2015-02-26 12:17:49 -0300
committerIvan Alejandro <>2015-02-27 14:42:18 -0300
commit2db203ff98b947db0db9adcaa47b637a18b05a0d (patch)
treec3e68970f9fd8fe11f7bd059bc8e5ed90bbaef41 /
parent5d3b5b51b1a892586b86a3f333f9beba08f49b33 (diff)
Run the TUF repo updater in a Docker container.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index b8de3f3..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-# Needed files:
-# Bitmask-linux32-0.7.0.tar.bz2 # fresh bundled bundle
-# Bitmask-linux64-0.7.0.tar.bz2 # fresh bundled bundle
-# tuf_private_key.pem # private key
-# # this script
-# Output:
-# workdir/ <-- temporary folder: virtualenv, bundle, repo.tar.gz, key
-# output/ <-- here you'll find the resulting compressed repo/bundle
-# Expected directory structure for the repo after the script finishes:
-# $ tree workdir/repo/
-# repo
-# ├── metadata.staged
-# │   ├── root.json
-# │   ├── snapshot.json
-# │   ├── snapshot.json.gz
-# │   ├── targets.json
-# │   ├── targets.json.gz
-# │   └── timestamp.json
-# └── targets
-# ... Bitmask bundle files ...
-set -e # Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.
-# Set some colors variables
-esc=`echo -en "\033"`
-show_help() {
-cat << EOF
-Usage: ${0##*/} [-h] [-r FILE] [-s] [-a (32|64)] -v VERSION -k KEY_FILE -R (S|U)
-Do stuff for version VERSION and arch ARCH.
- -h display this help and exit.
- -a ARCH do the tuf stuff for that ARCH, 32 or 64 bits. The default is '64'.
- -k KEY_FILE use this key file to sign the release
- -r FILE use particular repo/ file to do the tuf stuff. FILE must be a .tar.gz file.
- -s run the setup process, create virtualenv and install dependencies.
- -v VERSION version to work with. This is a mandatory argument.
- -R REPO use the (S)table or (U)nstable TUF web repo.
-get_args() {
- # from:
- local OPTIND
- ARCH="64"
- while getopts "hr:sv:a:k:R:" opt; do
- case "$opt" in
- h)
- show_help
- exit 0
- ;;
- ;;
- r) REPO=`realpath $OPTARG`
- ;;
- s) SETUP='YES'
- ;;
- k) KEY_FILE=`realpath $OPTARG`
- ;;
- ;;
- ;;
- '?')
- show_help >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- done
- shift "$((OPTIND-1))" # Shift off the options and optional --.
- if [[ -z $VERSION ]]; then
- echo 'Error: missing -v flag'
- show_help
- exit 1
- fi
- if [[ -z $KEY_FILE ]]; then
- echo 'Error: missing -k flag'
- show_help
- exit 1
- fi
- if [[ -z $WEB_REPO ]]; then
- echo 'Error: missing -R flag'
- show_help
- exit 1
- else
- if [[ $WEB_REPO != 'S' && $WEB_REPO != 'U' ]]; then
- echo 'Error: invalid parameter for the -R flag'
- show_help
- exit 2
- fi
- fi
- echo "---------- settings ----------"
- echo "Arch: $ARCH"
- echo "Key: $KEY_FILE"
- echo "Repo: $REPO"
- echo "Setup: $SETUP"
- echo "Version: $VERSION"
- echo "Web repo: $WEB_REPO"
- echo "--------------------"
- read -p "Press <Enter> to continue, <Ctrl>+C to exit. "
-# ----------------------------------------
- # Initialize the needed variables and create the work directory.
- BASE=`pwd`
- WORKDIR=$BASE/workdir
- BITMASK="Bitmask-linux$ARCH-$VERSION"
- if [[ ! -f $RELEASE ]]; then
- echo "ERROR: you need to copy the file into this directory."
- fi
- if [[ ! -f $KEY_FILE ]]; then
- echo "ERROR: the specified key file does not exist."
- fi
- # Initialize path
- mkdir -p $WORKDIR
-do_setup() {
- # Create a clean virtualenv and install the needed dependencies.
- echo "${cc_yellow}-> Setting up virtualenv and installing dependencies...${cc_normal}"
- # remove existing virtualenv
- [[ -d $VENVDIR ]] && rm -fr $VENVDIR
- virtualenv $VENVDIR
- source $VENVDIR/bin/activate
- pip install tuf[tools] pycrypto
-do_tuf_stuff() {
- cp $BASE/$BITMASK.tar.bz2 .
- rm -fr repo/
- mkdir repo && cd repo/
- if [[ $ARCH == "64" ]]; then
- TUF_ARCH='linux-x86_64'
- else
- TUF_ARCH='linux-i386'
- fi
- if [[ $WEB_REPO == 'S' ]]; then
- TUF_URL=$TUF_ARCH/metadata/
- else
- TUF_URL=$TUF_ARCH/metadata/
- fi
- if [[ -z $REPO ]]; then
- # Download old repo metadata
- echo "${cc_yellow}-> Downloading metadata files from the old bundle...${cc_normal}"
- wget --quiet --recursive --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=2 --no-parent --reject "index.html*" $TUF_URL
- mv metadata metadata.staged
- else
- echo "${cc_yellow}-> Extracting metadata files from the repo file...${cc_normal}"
- # we need that specific folder without the repo/ parent path
- tar xzf $REPO repo/metadata.staged/ --strip-components=1
- fi
- echo "${cc_yellow}-> Uncompressing bundle and moving to its place...${cc_normal}"
- tar xjf $BASE/$BITMASK.tar.bz2 # fresh bundled bundle
- rm -fr $BITMASK/repo/ # We must not add that folder to the tuf repo.
- rm -fr targets
- mv $BITMASK targets
- echo "${cc_yellow}-> Doing release magic...${cc_normal}"
- echo "${cc_yellow}-> Creating output file...${cc_normal}"
- mkdir -p output
- rm -f output/$BITMASK-tuf.tar.bz2
- tar cjf output/$BITMASK-tuf.tar.bz2 repo/
-get_args $@
-if [[ $SETUP == 'YES' ]]; then
- do_setup
- if [[ ! -f $VENVDIR/bin/activate ]]; then
- echo "${cc_red}Error:${cc_normal} missing virtualenv, you need to use the -s switch."
- exit 1
- fi
- source $VENVDIR/bin/activate
-echo "${cc_green}TUF release complete.${cc_normal}"
-echo "You can find the resulting file in:"
-echo "$WORKDIR/output/$BITMASK-tuf.tar.bz2"