path: root/
diff options
authorIvan Alejandro <>2015-07-30 18:14:07 -0300
committerIvan Alejandro <>2015-08-05 15:22:51 -0300
commit3a13ff32fa7c172e8206b392d6e61f1e4a1a0e6c (patch)
treec5dc610c52f414ff84ddf052be836f62e257885b /
parent6670dccd5f5f1448bc757f3640d7f3cd54266b07 (diff)
Add pyinstaller bundler script.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d504635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 LEAP
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+set -e # Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.
+REPOSITORIES="bitmask_client leap_pycommon soledad keymanager leap_mail"
+PACKAGES="leap_pycommon keymanager soledad/common soledad/client leap_mail bitmask_client"
+SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
+REPOS_ROOT="$SCRIPT_DIR/repositories" # Root path for all the needed repositories
+VENV_DIR="$SCRIPT_DIR/bitmask.venv" # Root path for all the needed repositories
+# To get colored output you should run this script like this:
+if [[ -z $ENABLE_COLORS ]]; then
+ cc_green=""
+ cc_yellow=""
+ cc_red=""
+ cc_normal=""
+ # Escape codes - set colors
+ esc=`echo -en "\033"`
+ cc_green="${esc}[0;32m"
+ cc_yellow="${esc}[0;33m"
+ cc_red="${esc}[0;31m"
+ cc_normal=`echo -en "${esc}[m\017"`
+mkdir -p $REPOS_ROOT
+ # from
+ site_packages=`python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())"`
+ cd $site_packages
+create_venv() {
+ status="creating virtualenv"
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status...${cc_normal}"
+ set -x # show commands
+ virtualenv $VENV_DIR && source $VENV_DIR/bin/activate
+ pip install --upgrade pip # get the latest pip
+ set +x
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status done.${cc_normal}"
+ status="installing pyinstaller from repo"
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status...${cc_normal}"
+ set -x # show commands
+ source $VENV_DIR/bin/activate
+ if [ ! -d pyinstaller ]; then
+ git clone --depth 1
+ cd pyinstaller
+ else
+ cd pyinstaller
+ git fetch origin
+ git reset --hard origin/develop
+ fi
+ python develop
+ set +x
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status done.${cc_normal}"
+clone_repos() {
+ status="clone repositories"
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status...${cc_normal}"
+ set -x # show commands
+ src=""
+ for repo in $REPOSITORIES; do
+ echo "${cc_yellow}Status: cloning: $repo...${cc_normal}"
+ if [ ! -d $repo ]; then
+ git clone -b develop $src/$repo --depth 1
+ else
+ cd $repo
+ git fetch
+ git reset --hard origin/develop
+ cd ..
+ fi
+ done
+ set +x
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status done!${cc_normal}"
+install_requirements() {
+ status="installing non-leap requirements"
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status...${cc_normal}"
+ set -x # show commands
+ source $VENV_DIR/bin/activate
+ cd $REPOS_ROOT/bitmask_client/
+ make install_base_deps
+ ./pkg/
+ # hack to solve gnupg version problem
+ pip uninstall -y gnupg && pip install gnupg
+ set +x
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status done.${cc_normal}"
+ echo "${cc_red}No sumo creation available in here.${cc_normal}"
+ exit # no creation, get sumo from path
+ status="creating sumo tarball"
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status...${cc_normal}"
+ set -x # show commands
+ # source $VENV_DIR/bin/activate
+ # cd $REPOS_ROOT/bitmask_client/
+ # python sdist --sumo
+ if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
+ echo "You need to specify a sumo tarball path parameter."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ status="'installing' sumo tarball"
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status...${cc_normal}"
+ set -x # show commands
+ source $VENV_DIR/bin/activate
+ _cdsitepackages
+ # the file name is like 'leap.bitmask-0.9.0rc1-12-g59bc704-SUMO.tar.gz'
+ # and the root path inside the archive for that file would be
+ # 'leap.bitmask-0.9.0rc1-12-g59bc704-SUMO'
+ base_path=`basename $SUMO_PATH .tar.gz`
+ tar xzf $SUMO_PATH $base_path/src/leap/ --strip-components=2
+ # HACK: this is only a hack around a missing pyinstaller hook
+ status="hack: add files"
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status...${cc_normal}"
+ set -x # show commands
+ _cdsitepackages
+ dest="$REPOS_ROOT/bitmask_client/pkg/pyinst/cryptography/"
+ mkdir -p $dest
+ cp cryptography/hazmat/bindings/openssl/src/osrandom_engine.{c,h} $dest
+ dest="$REPOS_ROOT/bitmask_client/dist/bitmask/u1db/backends/"
+ mkdir -p $dest
+ cp u1db/backends/dbschema.sql $dest
+ set +x
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status done.${cc_normal}"
+ status="tweaking linux specific stuff"
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status...${cc_normal}"
+ set -x # show commands
+ cd $REPOS_ROOT/bitmask_client/dist/bitmask
+ mv bitmask bitmask-app
+ cd $REPOS_ROOT/bitmask_client
+ cp pkg/linux/bitmask-launcher dist/bitmask/bitmask
+ cd $REPOS_ROOT/bitmask_client
+ mkdir -p dist/bitmask/helpers
+ cp pkg/linux/bitmask-root dist/bitmask/helpers/
+ # NOTE: TUF stuff is needed for all OSs, not just linux
+ # TODO: copy launcher.conf for TUF updates
+ # cp pkg/tuf/launcher.conf dist/bitmask/helpers/
+ set +x
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status done.${cc_normal}"
+ # - create bare zope dir in site-packages
+ # - touch zope/
+ # - move the zope.interface folder to zope/
+ # - move the zope.proxy folder to zope/
+ # - remove the zope* eggs in site-packages
+ # - remove any refs to these eggs in easy-install.pth ?? (unsure about this, talking from the top of my head)
+ status="tweaking zope packages"
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status...${cc_normal}"
+ set -x # show commands
+ _cdsitepackages
+ mkdir -p zope
+ touch zope/
+ # zope/interface and zope/proxy already in place
+ rm -fr zope.{interface,proxy}*.egg-info
+ rm -f zope.{interface,proxy}*-nspkg.pth
+ cd -
+ set +x
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status done.${cc_normal}"
+ status="running pyinstaller"
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status...${cc_normal}"
+ set -x # show commands
+ spec_file=$1
+ cd $REPOS_ROOT/bitmask_client
+ make clean_pkg
+ # HACK: path needed by bitmask_client makefile
+ mkdir -p $REPOS_ROOT/bitmask_client/dist/
+ make pyinst
+ set +x
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status done.${cc_normal}"
+ # - rename dist/bitmask distribution folder to bitmask-<release>-<date?>
+ status="creating bundle archive"
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status...${cc_normal}"
+ set -x # show commands
+ source $VENV_DIR/bin/activate
+ version=`python -c "import leap.bitmask; print leap.bitmask.__version__"`
+ cd $REPOS_ROOT/bitmask_client/dist/
+ # TODO: add version to bundle name
+ # `git describe` won't work if shallow clone (--depth 1)
+ BUNDLE_NAME="bitmask-$version"
+ mv bitmask $BUNDLE_NAME
+ set +x
+ echo "${cc_green}Status: $status done.${cc_normal}"
+if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
+ echo "Bitmask pyinstaller creator."
+ echo "You need to specify the sumo tarball path as a parameter."
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo " $0 path/to/sumo.tar.gz"
+ exit 1
+sumo_path=`realpath $1`
+install_sumo $sumo_path