diff options
authorIvan Alejandro <>2014-09-26 18:03:05 -0300
committerIvan Alejandro <>2014-09-29 13:07:29 -0300
commit08a46c32b202702bb0cd57f76be1e40f4b1de2c3 (patch)
parent247e8a1cc731d44c7d8056182faaf7b8b09109bf (diff)
Update README file with up to date docs.
2 files changed, 45 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..258a61e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Bundler
+This application is intended to create [Bitmask](
+[standalone bundles](
+This should eventually become the main tool in order to create reproducible
+## What do you need
+* Two virtual machines:
+ * Debian 7.1 32bits - for the 32bits bundle
+ * Debian 7.1 64bits - for the 64bits bundle
+* two scripts in this repository,
+* an internet connection,
+* approximately 1.3Gb of disk space,
+* (optional) configure `sudo` for your non-root user,
+* patience.
+The script uses `sudo` which is installed by default on Debian, but you need to
+configure your non-root user to be able to use `sudo`.
+Edit the `/etc/sudoers` file and add this line at the bottom:
+*HEADS UP*: That line allows the user 'leap' to use `sudo` without being asked
+for a password, that makes the script easier to use but it would be a security
+problem. If you use this script in a VM and only for bundling purposes then it
+shouldn't be a problem.
+## How to use
+You need to copy the scripts `` and `` to a VM
+and run `./`, after that it should be all automagically
+You can start the script with the parameter `nightly` to build a bundle from
+the latest `develop` code, otherwise it will bundle from the latest tag.
+The resulting bundle will be saved in:
+`/home/leap/bitmask.bundle/bundle.output/` under some name like
+`Bitmask-linux64-2014-09-24-9b3b7f6f.tar.bz2` in case of bundling a *nightly*
+release, or `Bitmask-linux64-0.7.0.tar.bz2` in case of a *normal* release.
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 734d82b..0000000
--- a/README.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-This application is intended to create bundles for the platform in which its being run. This should eventually become the main tool in order to create reproducible builds.
-How to use
-NOTE: Most of this will be done automatically in a while, but this is how it's done now.
-- Install Xcode and command line tools (OSX only)
-- Create a new virtualenv
- mkvirtualenv bundle
-- Install bundler deps (OSX or Linux)
- pip install -r pkg/requirements.pip
-- Install bundler deps (Windows)
- pip install pbs # There's no sh in Windows
- pip install modulegraph altgraph
-- Install the needed dependencies
- # Linux
- aptitude install libsqlite3-dev
- # In Windows you'll need sqlite3 in your path
-- psutils is a dependency for another dependency, it might get installed in a zip form, which we don't want, so we install it by hand for now
- pip install psutil
-- We need a slightly different python-gnupg, so clone from a different repo
- git clone
- cd python-gnupg/
- git checkout develop
- git pull origin develop
- python develop
-- Same thing with protobuf.socketrpc
- git clone
- cd protobuf-socket-rpc
- python easy_install -Z .
-- Install Qt 4.8 in whatever way you prefer.
-- Build PySide:
- git clone git://
- git clone git://
- git clone git://
- git clone git://
- git clone git://
- # OSX
- export PYSIDESANDBOXPATH=$HOME/Code/pyside/sandbox
- # Linux
- export PYTHONPATH=$PYSIDESANDBOXPATH/lib/python2.6/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
- # In OSX, the paths may vary depending on the Qt installation
- runcmake -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.7 -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=/Applications/ .. -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE=/usr/local/bin/qmake -DQT_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/include/ -DQT_INCLUDES=/usr/local/include/ -DALTERNATIVE_QT_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/include/
- # In Linux
- runcmake ..
- make install
- # Make them available from the virtualenv
- ln -s $PYSIDESANDBOXPATH/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PySide $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PySide
- ln -s $PYSIDESANDBOXPATH/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pysideuic $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pysideuic
-- Create a paths file: The problem is that inside a virtualenv we don't have access to the real distutils, so we'll need to look for it on the "original" (i.e. non-virtualenv) paths for python.
- python bundler/ <paths file>
-- Collect the binaries. We aren't building everything yet, so you'll need to collect the following files:
- # OSX
- Bitmask <-- this is the bitmask_launcher
- Python
- QtCore
- QtGui
- cocoasudo
- gpg
- libboost_filesystem.dylib
- libboost_python.dylib
- libboost_system.dylib
- libpng15.15.dylib
- libpyside-python2.7.1.2.dylib
- libshiboken-python2.7.1.2.dylib
- openvpn.files
- openvpn.leap
- qt_menu.nib
-- (Optional) Seed a configuration: You might want to create a bundle with a specific configuration pinned providers.
-- Create the bundle:
- # On OSX and Linux
- python bundler/ --workon <path/to/bundle/temp> --paths-file <paths file> --binaries <binaries dir> --seeded-config <seeded config> [--nightly] --do gitclone pythonsetup
- python bundler/ --workon <path/to/bundle/temp> --paths-file <paths file> --binaries <binaries dir> --seeded-config <seeded config> [--nightly] --skip gitclone pythonsetup
- # On Windows
- python bundler/ --workon <path/to/bundle/temp> --paths-file <paths file> --binaries <binaries dir> --seeded-config <seeded config> [--nightly] --do gitclone
- # Modify bitmask_client/pkg/requirements.pip, comment out python-daemon
- python bundler/ --workon <path/to/bundle/temp> --paths-file <paths file> --binaries <binaries dir> --seeded-config <seeded config> [--nightly] --do pythonsetup
- python bundler/ --workon <path/to/bundle/temp> --paths-file <paths file> --binaries <binaries dir> --seeded-config <seeded config> [--nightly] --skip gitclone pythonsetup