path: root/app/src/normal/assets
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2025-02-03update preshipped riseup provider.jsoncyBerta
2024-02-27update preshipped provider.json and CA cert for RiseupcyBerta
2023-07-08Update ca cert for calyxChirayu Desai
2023-07-07Switch to new IPs for CalyxVPNChirayu Desai
2023-01-02remove hard-coded IP's for riseup api for now, switch menshen URLcyBerta
2022-11-22set motd url for Riseup in BitmaskcyBerta
2022-08-07set riseup's main_url to while still showing as d...cyBerta
2022-05-06set allow_registration to false for calyx preshipped providercyBerta
2022-05-06update preshipped provider.json filescyBerta
2022-01-31finish riseup CA cert transition for custom buildscyBerta
2022-01-31update ca cert fingerprint for calyxcyBerta
2022-01-31add new ca cert for calyxcyBerta
2021-12-17allow to parse and handle multiple certs in a pem filecyBerta
2021-12-13add hexacab config testwisecyBerta
2021-05-21update preshipped provider.jsoncyBerta
2020-07-26remove demo providerscyBerta
2020-07-23implement gateway selection based on geoip servicecyBerta
2020-07-01inject preshipped geoip url to provider objectcyBerta
2020-01-23add provider api IP's to provider url jsons in asset foldercyberta
2020-01-21implement no-dns fallback using okhttp's Dns interfacecyberta
2019-10-08add pluggable transports demo as separate entry to Bitmask's onboarding provi...cyBerta
2019-05-21* show error dialog if provider is misconfigured and has not allowed registra...cyBerta
2018-08-17#8896 move preconfigured providers to flavor normal and customcyBerta