path: root/app/src/main/java/se/leap/bitmaskclient
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
9 daysallow gateway pinning and obfuscation proxy pinning in beta buildsHEADmastercyBerta
11 daysfix memory leak in UpdateDownloadManagercyBerta
13 daysmake a couple of member variables of model classes final, since they are not ...cyBerta
13 daysimprove error log shown if the provider doesn't support openvpn in UDP mode f...cyBerta
13 daysfix missing start() call for the obfsvpn client thread, implement EventLogger...cyBerta
2024-06-17update obfsvpn to version 1.0.0, this is a breaking API change. Obfsvpn requi...cyBerta
2024-04-26allow during the initial setup to re-launch the app and resume in the configu...cyBerta
2024-04-24temporary workaround that stores provider setup updates if app is in backgrou...cyBerta
2024-04-18force updating provider settings on client updatecyBerta
2024-04-17update golang and snowflake lib, update snowflake frontscyBerta
2024-03-09catch nullpointer exception in ConfigureProviderFragmentcyBerta
2024-03-01replace hard coded Bitmask with %s in string resources in context of circumve...cyBerta
2024-02-27bring setup activity back to foreground if provider setup is about to finishcyBerta
2024-02-27Allow entering valid domains instead of URLs including protocol. Don't allow ...cyBerta
2024-02-27scroll EditText to visible area after the keyboard appearedcyBerta
2024-02-26fix runtime exception on location switchcyBerta
2024-02-26save manually added providers in encrypted shared preferences instead of exte...cyBerta
2024-02-25save manually added providercyBerta
2024-02-03fix foreground service permissions for Android API 34cyBerta
2024-01-26move reqex pattern for IPv4 and PEM into functions for nowcyBerta
2024-01-25fix ProviderApiManagerTest, sneaking in some missing changes from previous co...cyBerta
2024-01-25refactor ProviderApiConnector, allow to inject dummy implementations for unit...cyBerta
2024-01-25ProviderSetupObservable: replace deprecated Observer class with PropertyChang...cyBerta
2024-01-25remove methods from ConfigHelper after moving functionality to CertificateHelpercyBerta
2024-01-25improve TimezoneHelper, don't allow to set the TimezoneInterface outside of U...cyBerta
2024-01-25rename ObfsvpnHelper to BuildConfigHelper, adding other BuildConfig propertie...cyBerta
2024-01-25fix VpnCertificateValidatorTest, extract CertificateHelper (returns a fingerp...cyBerta
2024-01-25fix VpnConfigGenerator Test, move RSAHelper and ObfsVpnHelper out of ConfigHe...cyBerta
2024-01-25fix ProviderManagerTest, adapt InputStreamHelper and Filehelper to be mockabl...cyBerta
2024-01-24fix GatewaySelectorTest, introduce TimezoneHelpercyBerta
2024-01-22fix check if provider setup result matches the intended last selected providercyBerta
2024-01-17replace deprectated Observer and Observables by PropertyChangeListener and Pr...cyBerta
2023-11-23use application context to create VPN permission request intentcyBerta
2023-11-23replace direct call on private static currentStatus field with getInstance() ...cyBerta
2023-11-23add null-check before delayed calling of the activity callback in ConfigureOr...cyBerta
2023-11-01ensure that the blocking VPN notification always disappears if openvpn is (re...cyBerta
2023-11-01Fix memory leak in VoidVpnService and ensure it gets stopped correctly.cyBerta
2023-10-31disable location button in EipFragment in case there's only 1 Location availablecyBerta
2023-10-31Replace Butterknife references with ViewBindingcyBerta
2023-10-31Remove old Provider setup flow. In order to update to Gradle 8, we finally sa...cyBerta
2023-10-26fix possible NPE in ProviderSetupObservablecyBerta
2023-10-25tint action bar toggle in GatewaySelectionFragmentcyBerta
2023-10-25automatically move to next provider setup fragment after permission dialog wa...cyBerta
2023-10-25make linter happy about missing super() call in CustomProviderSetupActivitycyBerta
2023-10-25deprecate old Provider API jobs, such as login and signupcyBerta
2023-10-25always show provider setup progress in percentage, combine tor bootstrap prog...cyBerta
2023-10-24use new provider setup flow for custom branded appscyBerta
2023-10-24replace snake_case with camelCase in ProviderManagercyBerta
2023-10-24show progress spinner during provider setup in custom flavored appscyBerta
2023-10-23tint actionbar subtitle and icons according to actionbar title colorcyBerta