Age | Commit message (Expand) | Author |
2024-02-27 | scroll EditText to visible area after the keyboard appeared | cyBerta |
2024-02-26 | fix runtime exception on location switch | cyBerta |
2024-02-26 | save manually added providers in encrypted shared preferences instead of exte... | cyBerta |
2024-01-26 | move reqex pattern for IPv4 and PEM into functions for now | cyBerta |
2024-01-25 | fix ProviderApiManagerTest, sneaking in some missing changes from previous co... | cyBerta |
2024-01-25 | remove methods from ConfigHelper after moving functionality to CertificateHelper | cyBerta |
2024-01-25 | improve TimezoneHelper, don't allow to set the TimezoneInterface outside of U... | cyBerta |
2024-01-25 | rename ObfsvpnHelper to BuildConfigHelper, adding other BuildConfig propertie... | cyBerta |
2024-01-25 | fix VpnCertificateValidatorTest, extract CertificateHelper (returns a fingerp... | cyBerta |
2024-01-25 | fix VpnConfigGenerator Test, move RSAHelper and ObfsVpnHelper out of ConfigHe... | cyBerta |
2024-01-25 | fix ProviderManagerTest, adapt InputStreamHelper and Filehelper to be mockabl... | cyBerta |
2024-01-24 | fix GatewaySelectorTest, introduce TimezoneHelper | cyBerta |
2024-01-17 | replace deprectated Observer and Observables by PropertyChangeListener and Pr... | cyBerta |
2023-10-31 | disable location button in EipFragment in case there's only 1 Location available | cyBerta |
2023-10-31 | Replace Butterknife references with ViewBinding | cyBerta |
2023-10-31 | Remove old Provider setup flow. In order to update to Gradle 8, we finally sa... | cyBerta |
2023-10-25 | tint action bar toggle in GatewaySelectionFragment | cyBerta |
2023-10-25 | always show provider setup progress in percentage, combine tor bootstrap prog... | cyBerta |
2023-10-24 | use new provider setup flow for custom branded apps | cyBerta |
2023-10-24 | show progress spinner during provider setup in custom flavored apps | cyBerta |
2023-10-23 | tint actionbar subtitle and icons according to actionbar title color | cyBerta |
2023-08-30 | fix notification permission handling, also covering the case of an app update... | cyBerta |
2023-08-05 | use brighter start button in initial setup flow | cyBerta |
2023-08-04 | implement custom 'start vpn' button design for initial provider setup | cyBerta |
2023-08-04 | clean up | cyBerta |
2023-08-04 | tweak setup action bar text weight (bold) | cyBerta |
2023-08-04 | hide keyboard when edit text focus was lost in provider selection screen | cyBerta |
2023-08-03 | preselect plain vpn/cirucmvention selection from shared preferences | cyBerta |
2023-08-03 | move to new SetupActivity when switching providers | cyBerta |
2023-08-03 | update tests | cyBerta |
2023-08-02 | use single instance of shared prefernces across the app, this reduces the lag... | cyBerta |
2023-07-31 | add cancel button, call provider stetup command in ConfigureProviderFragment ... | cyBerta |
2023-07-29 | update design and UX for provider setup | cyberta |
2023-07-19 | always provide private VPN key over management interface, avoid exposing it i... | cyBerta |
2023-07-17 | always switch to encrypted shared preferences | cyBerta |
2023-07-13 | use updated encrypted shared preferences API | cyBerta |
2023-07-13 | migrate to encrypted shared preferences | cyBerta |
2023-07-13 | sanitize launcher intent | cyBerta |
2023-04-18 | try tls 1.3 during bootstrapping | cyBerta |
2023-04-18 | update okhttp | cyBerta |
2023-04-15 | fix missing domain name of manually added providers in provider selection | cyBerta |
2023-04-13 | adding tests | cyBerta |
2023-04-13 | first pass on obfs4-hop pt integration | cyBerta |
2023-04-13 | don't handle obfs4 over kcp as a separate pluggable transport, instead 'tcp' ... | cyBerta |
2023-03-30 | Merge branch 'fastlane' into 'master' | cyberta |
2023-02-23 | fix city choose test | kwadronaut |
2023-01-19 | improve screenshot tests, run in different languages, test more Fragments/Act... | cyberta |
2023-01-05 | hide gateway pinning entry and obfuscation pinning entry in releases | cyBerta |
2023-01-03 | Merge branch 'fix_animation_crash' into 'master' | cyberta |
2022-12-28 | fix crash when trying to animate a drawable after Fragment is not in resumed ... | cyBerta |