path: root/src/se/leap/openvpn/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/se/leap/openvpn/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 250 deletions
diff --git a/src/se/leap/openvpn/ b/src/se/leap/openvpn/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8acdc423..00000000
--- a/src/se/leap/openvpn/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-package se.leap.openvpn;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import se.leap.bitmaskclient.R;
-import android.content.Context;
-import android.os.Build;
-import android.util.Log;
-public class OpenVPN {
- public static LinkedList<LogItem> logbuffer;
- private static Vector<LogListener> logListener;
- private static Vector<StateListener> stateListener;
- private static String[] mBconfig;
- private static String mLaststatemsg;
- private static String mLaststate;
- private static int mLastStateresid=R.string.state_noprocess;
- public static String TAG="se.leap.openvpn.OpenVPN";
- static {
- logbuffer = new LinkedList<LogItem>();
- logListener = new Vector<OpenVPN.LogListener>();
- stateListener = new Vector<OpenVPN.StateListener>();
- logInformation();
- }
- public static class LogItem {
- public static final int ERROR = 1;
- public static final int INFO = 2;
- public static final int VERBOSE = 3;
- private Object [] mArgs = null;
- private String mMessage = null;
- private int mRessourceId;
- // Default log priority
- int mLevel = INFO;
- public LogItem(int ressourceId, Object[] args) {
- mRessourceId = ressourceId;
- mArgs = args;
- }
- public LogItem(int loglevel,int ressourceId, Object[] args) {
- mRessourceId = ressourceId;
- mArgs = args;
- mLevel = loglevel;
- }
- public LogItem(String message) {
- mMessage = message;
- }
- public LogItem(int loglevel, String msg) {
- mLevel = loglevel;
- mMessage = msg;
- }
- public LogItem(int loglevel, int ressourceId) {
- mRessourceId =ressourceId;
- mLevel = loglevel;
- }
- public String getString(Context c) {
- if(mMessage !=null) {
- return mMessage;
- } else {
- if(c!=null) {
- if(mArgs == null)
- return c.getString(mRessourceId);
- else
- return c.getString(mRessourceId,mArgs);
- } else {
- String str = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH,"Log (no context) resid %d", mRessourceId);
- if(mArgs !=null)
- for(Object o:mArgs)
- str += "|" + o.toString();
- return str;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private static final int MAXLOGENTRIES = 500;
- public static final String MANAGMENT_PREFIX = "M:";
- public interface LogListener {
- void newLog(LogItem logItem);
- }
- public interface StateListener {
- void updateState(String state, String logmessage, int localizedResId);
- }
- synchronized static void logMessage(int level,String prefix, String message)
- {
- newlogItem(new LogItem(prefix + message));
- Log.d("OpenVPN log item", message);
- }
- synchronized static void clearLog() {
- logbuffer.clear();
- logInformation();
- }
- private static void logInformation() {
- logInfo(R.string.mobile_info,Build.MODEL, Build.BOARD,Build.BRAND,Build.VERSION.SDK_INT);
- }
- public synchronized static void addLogListener(LogListener ll){
- logListener.add(ll);
- }
- public synchronized static void removeLogListener(LogListener ll) {
- logListener.remove(ll);
- }
- public synchronized static void addStateListener(StateListener sl){
- stateListener.add(sl);
- if(mLaststate!=null)
- sl.updateState(mLaststate, mLaststatemsg, mLastStateresid);
- }
- private static int getLocalizedState(String state){
- if (state.equals("CONNECTING"))
- return R.string.state_connecting;
- else if (state.equals("WAIT"))
- return R.string.state_wait;
- else if (state.equals("AUTH"))
- return R.string.state_auth;
- else if (state.equals("GET_CONFIG"))
- return R.string.state_get_config;
- else if (state.equals("ASSIGN_IP"))
- return R.string.state_assign_ip;
- else if (state.equals("ADD_ROUTES"))
- return R.string.state_add_routes;
- else if (state.equals("CONNECTED"))
- return R.string.state_connected;
- else if (state.equals("RECONNECTING"))
- return R.string.state_reconnecting;
- else if (state.equals("EXITING"))
- return R.string.state_exiting;
- else if (state.equals("RESOLVE"))
- return R.string.state_resolve;
- else if (state.equals("TCP_CONNECT"))
- return R.string.state_tcp_connect;
- else if (state.equals("FATAL"))
- return R.string.eip_state_not_connected;
- else
- return R.string.unknown_state;
- }
- public synchronized static void removeStateListener(StateListener sl) {
- stateListener.remove(sl);
- }
- synchronized public static LogItem[] getlogbuffer() {
- // The stoned way of java to return an array from a vector
- // brought to you by eclipse auto complete
- return (LogItem[]) logbuffer.toArray(new LogItem[logbuffer.size()]);
- }
- public static void logBuilderConfig(String[] bconfig) {
- mBconfig = bconfig;
- }
- public static void triggerLogBuilderConfig() {
- if(mBconfig==null) {
- logMessage(0, "", "No active interface");
- } else {
- for (String item : mBconfig) {
- logMessage(0, "", item);
- }
- }
- }
- public static void updateStateString (String state, String msg) {
- int rid = getLocalizedState(state);
- updateStateString(state, msg,rid);
- }
- public synchronized static void updateStateString(String state, String msg, int resid) {
- if (! "BYTECOUNT".equals(state)) {
- mLaststate= state;
- mLaststatemsg = msg;
- mLastStateresid = resid;
- for (StateListener sl : stateListener) {
- sl.updateState(state,msg,resid);
- }
- }
- }
- public static void logInfo(String message) {
- newlogItem(new LogItem(LogItem.INFO, message));
- }
- public static void logInfo(int ressourceId, Object... args) {
- newlogItem(new LogItem(LogItem.INFO, ressourceId, args));
- }
- private static void newlogItem(LogItem logItem) {
- logbuffer.addLast(logItem);
- if(logbuffer.size()>MAXLOGENTRIES)
- logbuffer.removeFirst();
- for (LogListener ll : logListener) {
- ll.newLog(logItem);
- }
- }
- public static void logError(String msg) {
- newlogItem(new LogItem(LogItem.ERROR, msg));
- }
- public static void logError(int ressourceId) {
- newlogItem(new LogItem(LogItem.ERROR, ressourceId));
- }
- public static void logError(int ressourceId, Object... args) {
- newlogItem(new LogItem(LogItem.ERROR, ressourceId,args));
- }