path: root/gui
diff options
authorkali kaneko (leap communications) <>2021-02-09 00:09:36 +0100
committerkali kaneko (leap communications) <>2021-02-09 00:09:36 +0100
commitb8a9a0aef57c387b96503b7d8ee9b08bb2d35999 (patch)
tree81ce468c40f96db820df8ea2fb705e4fc5e69886 /gui
parent82ee9e4e415c60410980c1adb0bfb74dd1571fc2 (diff)
[style] qmlfmt ftw
Diffstat (limited to 'gui')
6 files changed, 166 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/gui/providers/providers.json b/gui/providers/providers.json
index 2891855..d0d3a62 100644
--- a/gui/providers/providers.json
+++ b/gui/providers/providers.json
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"apiURL": "",
"geolocationAPI": "",
"caCertString": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\n0BuC1b7uW/bBn/xKm319wXVDvBgZgcktMolak39V7DVO\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
- "timeStamp": "2020-11-30 22:04:27"
+ "timeStamp": "2021-02-08 23:57:09"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gui/qml/AboutDialog.qml b/gui/qml/AboutDialog.qml
index 97be25e..7c673d2 100644
--- a/gui/qml/AboutDialog.qml
+++ b/gui/qml/AboutDialog.qml
@@ -4,35 +4,37 @@ import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
MessageDialog {
title: qsTr("About")
text: getText()
- informativeText: getVersion()
+ informativeText: getVersion()
icon: StandardIcon.Information
function getText() {
var _name = ctx ? ctx.appName : "vpn"
var _provider = ctx ? ctx.provider : "unknown"
- var _donateURL= ctx ? ctx.donateURL : ""
+ var _donateURL = ctx ? ctx.donateURL : ""
var _tosURL = ctx ? ctx.tosURL : "..."
var _donateTXT = ""
if (_donateURL) {
//: donation text of the about dialog
- _donateTXT = qsTr("<p>This service is paid for entirely by donations from users like you. <a href=\"%1\">Please donate</a>.</p>").arg(_donateURL)
+ _donateTXT = qsTr(
+ "<p>This service is paid for entirely by donations from users like you. <a href=\"%1\">Please donate</a>.</p>").arg(
+ _donateURL)
- //: about dialog
- //: %1 -> application name
- //: %2 -> provider name
- //: %3 -> donation text if activated
+ //: about dialog
+ //: %1 -> application name
+ //: %2 -> provider name
+ //: %3 -> donation text if activated
var _txt = qsTr(
- "<p>%1 is an easy, fast, and secure VPN service from %2. %1 does not require a user account, keep logs, or track you in any way.</p> %3 <p>By using this application, you agree to the <a href=\"%4\">Terms of Service</a>. This service is provided as-is, without any warranty, and is intended for people who work to make the world a better place.</p>").arg(_name).arg(_provider).arg(_donateTXT).arg(_tosURL)
+ "<p>%1 is an easy, fast, and secure VPN service from %2. %1 does not require a user account, keep logs, or track you in any way.</p> %3 <p>By using this application, you agree to the <a href=\"%4\">Terms of Service</a>. This service is provided as-is, without any warranty, and is intended for people who work to make the world a better place.</p>").arg(
+ _name).arg(_provider).arg(_donateTXT).arg(_tosURL)
return _txt
function getVersion() {
var _name = ctx ? ctx.appName : "vpn"
- var _ver = ctx ? ctx.version : "unknown"
- //: %1 -> application name
- //: %2 -> version string
- var _txt = qsTr("%1 version: %2").arg(_name).arg(_ver)
+ var _ver = ctx ? ctx.version : "unknown"
+ //: %1 -> application name
+ //: %2 -> version string
+ var _txt = qsTr("%1 version: %2").arg(_name).arg(_ver)
return _txt
diff --git a/gui/qml/DonateDialog.qml b/gui/qml/DonateDialog.qml
index 366d559..1604e41 100644
--- a/gui/qml/DonateDialog.qml
+++ b/gui/qml/DonateDialog.qml
@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ MessageDialog {
function getText() {
var _name = ctx ? ctx.appName : "vpn"
- //: donate dialog
- //: %1 -> application name
+ //: donate dialog
+ //: %1 -> application name
var _txt = qsTr(
- "The %1 service is expensive to run. Because we don't want to store personal information about you, there are no accounts or billing for this service. But if you want the service to continue, donate at least $5 each month.\n\nDo you want to donate now?").arg(_name)
+ "The %1 service is expensive to run. Because we don't want to store personal information about you, there are no accounts or billing for this service. But if you want the service to continue, donate at least $5 each month.\n\nDo you want to donate now?").arg(
+ _name)
return _txt
diff --git a/gui/qml/FailDialog.qml b/gui/qml/FailDialog.qml
index 3da421b..a78690e 100644
--- a/gui/qml/FailDialog.qml
+++ b/gui/qml/FailDialog.qml
@@ -20,4 +20,3 @@ MessageDialog {
diff --git a/gui/qml/LoginOKDialog.qml b/gui/qml/LoginOKDialog.qml
index bceda18..f00a0ab 100644
--- a/gui/qml/LoginOKDialog.qml
+++ b/gui/qml/LoginOKDialog.qml
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ Dialog {
function _loginOk() {
- visible: false;
- backend.resetNotification("login_ok");
+ visible: false
+ backend.resetNotification("login_ok")
visible: false
diff --git a/gui/qml/main.qml b/gui/qml/main.qml
index 4fce2c4..4115922 100644
--- a/gui/qml/main.qml
+++ b/gui/qml/main.qml
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ ApplicationWindow {
visible: false
property var ctx
- property var loginDone
+ property var loginDone
property var allowEmptyPass
Connections {
target: jsonModel
onDataChanged: {
- ctx = JSON.parse(jsonModel.getJson());
+ ctx = JSON.parse(jsonModel.getJson())
// FIXME -- we need to inform the backend that we've already seen
// this. Otherwise this keeps popping randonmly on state changes.
@@ -32,15 +32,16 @@ ApplicationWindow {
if (ctx.loginOk == 'true') {
loginOk.visible = true
- if (ctx.errors ) {
- login.visible = false
- if ( ctx.errors == "nohelpers" ) {
- showInitFailure(qsTr("Could not find helpers. Please check your installation"))
- } else if ( ctx.errors == "nopolkit" ) {
- showInitFailure(qsTr("Could not find polkit agent."))
- } else {
- showInitFailure()
- }
+ if (ctx.errors) {
+ login.visible = false
+ if (ctx.errors == "nohelpers") {
+ showInitFailure(
+ qsTr("Could not find helpers. Please check your installation"))
+ } else if (ctx.errors == "nopolkit") {
+ showInitFailure(qsTr("Could not find polkit agent."))
+ } else {
+ showInitFailure()
+ }
if (ctx.donateURL) {
donateItem.visible = true
@@ -51,11 +52,11 @@ ApplicationWindow {
function showInitFailure(msg) {
console.debug("ERRORS:", ctx.errors)
if (msg == undefined) {
- if (ctx.errors == 'bad_auth_502' || ctx.errors == 'bad_auth_timeout') {
- msg = qsTr("Oops! The authentication service seems down. Please try again later")
+ if (ctx.errors == 'bad_auth_502'
+ || ctx.errors == 'bad_auth_timeout') {
+ msg = qsTr("Oops! The authentication service seems down. Please try again later")
initFailure.title = qsTr("Service Error")
- }
- else if (ctx.errors == 'bad_auth') {
+ } else if (ctx.errors == 'bad_auth') {
if (allowEmptyPass) {
// For now, this is a libraryVPN, so we can be explicit about what credentials are here.
// Another option to consider is to customize the error strings while vendoring.
@@ -68,18 +69,19 @@ ApplicationWindow {
} else {
//: %1 -> application name
//: %2 -> error string
- msg = qsTr("Got an error starting %1: %2").arg(ctx.appName).arg(ctx.errors)
+ msg = qsTr("Got an error starting %1: %2").arg(ctx.appName).arg(
+ ctx.errors)
initFailure.text = msg
- initFailure.visible = true
+ initFailure.visible = true
function shouldAllowEmptyPass() {
let obj = JSON.parse(providers.getJson())
let active = obj['default']
let allProviders = obj['providers']
- for (let i = 0; i < allProviders.length; i++) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < allProviders.length; i++) {
if (allProviders[i]['name'] === active) {
return (allProviders[i]['authEmptyPass'] === 'true')
@@ -88,44 +90,44 @@ ApplicationWindow {
Component.onCompleted: {
- loginDone = false;
- console.debug("Platform:", Qt.platform.os);
- console.debug("DEBUG: Pre-seeded providers:");
- console.debug(providers.getJson());
- allowEmptyPass = shouldAllowEmptyPass();
+ loginDone = false
+ console.debug("Platform:", Qt.platform.os)
+ console.debug("DEBUG: Pre-seeded providers:")
+ console.debug(providers.getJson())
+ allowEmptyPass = shouldAllowEmptyPass()
/* TODO get appVisible flag from backend */
- app.visible = false;
+ app.visible = false
function toHuman(st) {
- switch(st) {
- case "off":
- //: %1 -> application name
- return qsTr("%1 off").arg(ctx.appName);
- case "on":
- //: %1 -> application name
- return qsTr("%1 on").arg(ctx.appName);
- case "connecting":
- //: %1 -> application name
- return qsTr("Connecting to %1").arg(ctx.appName);
- case "stopping":
- //: %1 -> application name
- return qsTr("Stopping %1").arg(ctx.appName);
- case "failed":
- //: %1 -> application name
- return qsTr("%1 blocking internet").arg(ctx.appName); // TODO failed is not handed yet
+ switch (st) {
+ case "off":
+ //: %1 -> application name
+ return qsTr("%1 off").arg(ctx.appName)
+ case "on":
+ //: %1 -> application name
+ return qsTr("%1 on").arg(ctx.appName)
+ case "connecting":
+ //: %1 -> application name
+ return qsTr("Connecting to %1").arg(ctx.appName)
+ case "stopping":
+ //: %1 -> application name
+ return qsTr("Stopping %1").arg(ctx.appName)
+ case "failed":
+ //: %1 -> application name
+ return qsTr("%1 blocking internet").arg(
+ ctx.appName) // TODO failed is not handed yet
property var icons: {
- "off": "qrc:/assets/icon/png/black/vpn_off.png",
- "on": "qrc:/assets/icon/png/black/vpn_on.png",
- "wait": "qrc:/assets/icon/png/black/vpn_wait_0.png",
- "blocked": "qrc:/assets/icon/png/black/vpn_blocked.png",
+ "off": "qrc:/assets/icon/png/black/vpn_off.png",
+ "on": "qrc:/assets/icon/png/black/vpn_on.png",
+ "wait": "qrc:/assets/icon/png/black/vpn_wait_0.png",
+ "blocked": "qrc:/assets/icon/png/black/vpn_blocked.png"
SystemTrayIcon {
id: systray
@@ -136,31 +138,31 @@ ApplicationWindow {
// produce a segfault when trying to call
// left and right click seem to be working fine, so let's ignore this for now.
switch (reason) {
- case SystemTrayIcon.Unknown:
- console.debug("activated: unknown event")
+ case SystemTrayIcon.Unknown:
+ console.debug("activated: unknown event")
+ break
+ case SystemTrayIcon.Context:
+ console.debug("activated: context")
+ /* segfaults in osx and linux */
+ if (Qt.platform.os === "windows") {
- break
- case SystemTrayIcon.Context:
- console.debug("activated: context")
- /* segfaults in osx and linux */
- if (Qt.platform.os === "windows") {
- }
- break
- case SystemTrayIcon.DoubleClick:
- console.debug("activated: double click")
- if (Qt.platform.os === "windows") {
- }
- break
- case SystemTrayIcon.Trigger:
- console.debug("activated: left click")
- if (Qt.platform.os === "windows") {
- }
- break
- case SystemTrayIcon.MiddleClick:
- break
+ }
+ break
+ case SystemTrayIcon.DoubleClick:
+ console.debug("activated: double click")
+ if (Qt.platform.os === "windows") {
+ }
+ break
+ case SystemTrayIcon.Trigger:
+ console.debug("activated: left click")
+ if (Qt.platform.os === "windows") {
+ }
+ break
+ case SystemTrayIcon.MiddleClick:
+ break
@@ -168,24 +170,26 @@ ApplicationWindow {
icon.source = icons["off"]
tooltip = qsTr("Checking status...")
console.debug("systray init completed")
- hide();
+ hide()
if (systrayVisible) {
- show();
+ show()
if (Qt.platform.os === "windows") {
- let appname = ctx ? ctx.appName: "VPN";
- showNotification(appname + " is up and running. Please use system tray icon to control it.");
+ let appname = ctx ? ctx.appName : "VPN"
+ showNotification(
+ appname
+ + " is up and running. Please use system tray icon to control it.")
// Helper to show notification messages
function showNotification(msg) {
- console.log("Going to show notification message: ", msg);
+ console.log("Going to show notification message: ", msg)
if (supportsMessages) {
- let appname = ctx ? ctx.appName: "VPN";
- showMessage(appname, msg, null, 15000);
+ let appname = ctx ? ctx.appName : "VPN"
+ showMessage(appname, msg, null, 15000)
} else {
- console.log("System doesn't support systray notifications");
+ console.log("System doesn't support systray notifications")
@@ -198,31 +202,68 @@ ApplicationWindow {
state: ctx ? ctx.status : ""
states: [
- State { name: "initializing" },
+ State {
+ name: "initializing"
+ },
State {
name: "off"
- PropertyChanges { target: systray; tooltip: toHuman("off"); icon.source: icons["off"] }
- PropertyChanges { target: statusItem; text: toHuman("off") }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: systray
+ tooltip: toHuman("off")
+ icon.source: icons["off"]
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: statusItem
+ text: toHuman("off")
+ }
State {
name: "on"
- PropertyChanges { target: systray; tooltip: toHuman("on"); icon.source: icons["on"] }
- PropertyChanges { target: statusItem; text: toHuman("on") }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: systray
+ tooltip: toHuman("on")
+ icon.source: icons["on"]
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: statusItem
+ text: toHuman("on")
+ }
State {
name: "starting"
- PropertyChanges { target: systray; tooltip: toHuman("connecting"); icon.source: icons["wait"] }
- PropertyChanges { target: statusItem; text: toHuman("connecting") }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: systray
+ tooltip: toHuman("connecting")
+ icon.source: icons["wait"]
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: statusItem
+ text: toHuman("connecting")
+ }
State {
name: "stopping"
- PropertyChanges { target: systray; tooltip: toHuman("stopping"); icon.source: icons["wait"] }
- PropertyChanges { target: statusItem; text: toHuman("stopping") }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: systray
+ tooltip: toHuman("stopping")
+ icon.source: icons["wait"]
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: statusItem
+ text: toHuman("stopping")
+ }
State {
name: "failed"
- PropertyChanges { target: systray; tooltip: toHuman("failed"); icon.source: icons["blocked"] }
- PropertyChanges { target: statusItem; text: toHuman("failed") }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: systray
+ tooltip: toHuman("failed")
+ icon.source: icons["blocked"]
+ }
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: statusItem
+ text: toHuman("failed")
+ }
@@ -243,7 +284,8 @@ ApplicationWindow {
onTriggered: {
- visible: ctx ? (ctx.status == "off" || ctx.status == "failed") : false
+ visible: ctx ? (ctx.status == "off"
+ || ctx.status == "failed") : false
MenuItem {
@@ -256,22 +298,26 @@ ApplicationWindow {
onTriggered: {
- visible: ctx ? (ctx.status == "on" || ctx.status == "starting" || ctx.status == "failed") : false
+ visible: ctx ? (ctx.status == "on" || ctx.status == "starting"
+ || ctx.status == "failed") : false
MenuSeparator {}
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("About...")
- onTriggered: { about.visible = true }
+ onTriggered: {
+ about.visible = true
+ }
MenuItem {
id: donateItem
text: qsTr("Donate...")
visible: ctx ? ctx.donateURL : false
- onTriggered: { donate.visible = true }
+ onTriggered: {
+ donate.visible = true
+ }
MenuSeparator {}
@@ -280,7 +326,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
text: qsTr("Help...")
onTriggered: {
- console.debug(Qt.resolvedUrl(ctx.helpURL));
+ console.debug(Qt.resolvedUrl(ctx.helpURL))
@@ -289,7 +335,9 @@ ApplicationWindow {
text: qsTr("Report a bug...")
onTriggered: {
- Qt.openUrlExternally(Qt.resolvedUrl(""))
+ Qt.openUrlExternally(
+ Qt.resolvedUrl(
+ ""))
@@ -317,7 +365,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
visible: false
- LoginOKDialog{
+ LoginOKDialog {
id: loginOk
visible: false