path: root/pkg/bundles
diff options
authorkali <>2017-08-05 15:20:48 -0700
committerKali Kaneko <>2017-08-14 18:09:36 -0400
commit7e89e670ec0baac063c52c4f6d3690eb6e6130ad (patch)
tree44fb4c44be22f891f3b9a62dd5da3aef3544cdbb /pkg/bundles
parent736c57502d75dbf0d1780260f8788425403d25e6 (diff)
[pkg] move bundling scripts
Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/bundles')
3 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/bundles/README.rst b/pkg/bundles/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7754355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/bundles/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+bundle utilities
+In this folder there are several makefile/batch scripts that are used during
+the bundling process.
+The bundles are first generated by PyInstaller (using the spec file in
+``pkg/pyinst``), and then we arrange the various helpers in a way that is
+specific to every platform.
+The scripts in this folder are expected to be called from the root folder of
+the project, and therefore all the paths are relative paths to the root folder.
diff --git a/pkg/bundles/ b/pkg/bundles/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..158293b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/bundles/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# This makefile should be called from the topmost bitmask folder
+OSX_RES = dist/
+OSX_CON = dist/
+OSX_CERT = "Developer ID Installer: LEAP Encryption Access Project"
+ echo "enter 'make bundle or make bundle_osx'"
+bundle: bundle_clean
+ pyinstaller -y pkg/pyinst/app.spec
+ cp $(VIRTUAL_ENV)/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ $(DIST)
+ cp src/leap/bitmask/core/bitmaskd.tac $(DIST)
+ mkdir -p $(DIST)/leap
+ # if you find yourself puzzled becase the following files are not found in your
+ # virtualenv, make sure that you're installing the packages from wheels and not eggs.
+ mkdir -p $(DIST)/leap/soledad/client/_db
+ cp $(VIRTUAL_ENV)/lib/python2.7/site-packages/leap/soledad/client/_db/dbschema.sql $(DIST)/leap/soledad/client/_db/
+ cp $(VIRTUAL_ENV)/lib/python2.7/site-packages/leap/common/cacert.pem $(DIST)/
+ cp -r $(VIRTUAL_ENV)/lib/python2.7/site-packages/leap/bitmask_js $(DIST)/leap/
+ cp -r $(VIRTUAL_ENV)/lib/python2.7/site-packages/leap/pixelated_www $(DIST)/leap/
+ mv $(DIST) _bundlelib && mkdir $(DIST_VERSION) && mv _bundlelib $(DIST_VERSION)/lib/
+ cd pkg/launcher && make
+ cp pkg/launcher/bitmask $(DIST_VERSION)
+ # TODO build it in a docker container!
+ mkdir -p $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/mail
+ # this is /usr/bin/gpg1 in debian stretch
+ cp /usr/bin/gpg $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/mail/gpg
+ # workaround for missing in fresh ubuntu
+ patchelf --set-rpath '.' $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/mail/gpg
+ cp /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ $(DIST_VERSION)/lib
+ mkdir -p $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/vpn
+ # TODO verify signature
+ wget -O $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/vpn/openvpn.leap
+ mkdir -p $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/helpers
+ cp src/leap/bitmask/vpn/helpers/linux/bitmask-root $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/helpers/
+ cp src/leap/bitmask/vpn/helpers/linux/se.leap.bitmask.bundle.policy $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/helpers/
+ cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/ $(DIST_VERSION)/lib/ || echo "libGL version not found"
+ mkdir -p $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/helpers
+ cp src/leap/bitmask/vpn/helpers/osx/bitmask-helper $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/helpers/
+ cp src/leap/bitmask/vpn/helpers/osx/ $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/helpers/
+ cp pkg/osx/scripts/se.leap.bitmask-helper.plist $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/helpers/
+ cp -r pkg/osx/daemon $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/helpers/
+ cp -r pkg/osx/openvpn $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/helpers/
+ cp $(DIST_VERSION)/lib/ $(OSX_CON)/
+ cp $(DIST_VERSION)/lib/bitmaskd.tac $(OSX_CON)/
+ cp -r $(DIST_VERSION)/lib/leap $(OSX_CON)/
+ mv dist/ $(OSX_CON)/bitmask-app
+ cp pkg/osx/bitmask-wrapper $(OSX_CON)/bitmask
+ mkdir -p $(OSX_RES)/bitmask-helper
+ cp -r $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/helpers/bitmask-helper $(OSX_RES)/bitmask-helper/
+ cp -r $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/helpers/ $(OSX_RES)/bitmask-helper/
+ cp -r $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/helpers/daemon/ $(OSX_RES)/bitmask-helper/
+ cp -r $(DIST_VERSION)/apps/helpers/openvpn/* $(OSX_RES)/
+ wget -O $(OSX_RES)/openvpn.leap
+ chmod +x $(OSX_RES)/openvpn.leap
+ pkg/osx/quickpkg --output dist/Bitmask-$(NEXT_VERSION)_pre.pkg --scripts pkg/osx/scripts/ dist/
+ productsign --sign $(OSX_CERT) dist/Bitmask-$(NEXT_VERSION)_pre.pkg dist/Bitmask-$(NEXT_VERSION).pkg
+bundle_linux: bundle bundle_linux_gpg bundle_linux_vpn bundle_linux_helpers
+bundle_osx: bundle bundle_osx_helpers bundle_osx_missing bundle_osx_pkg
+ pyinstaller -y pkg/pyinst/app.spec
+ cp ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/Lib/site-packages/_scrypt.pyd $(DIST)
+ cp ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/Lib/site-packages/zmq/libzmq.pyd $(DIST)
+ cp src/leap/bitmask/core/bitmaskd.tac $(DIST)
+ cd dist/ && tar cvzf Bitmask.$(NEXT_VERSION).tar.gz bitmask-$(NEXT_VERSION)
+ gpg2 -a --sign --detach-sign dist/Bitmask.$(NEXT_VERSION).tar.gz
+ rsync --rsh='ssh' -avztlpog --progress --partial dist/Bitmask.$(NEXT_VERSION).*
+ rm -rf "dist" "build"
diff --git a/pkg/bundles/win_postbuild.bat b/pkg/bundles/win_postbuild.bat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4d9fb01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/bundles/win_postbuild.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+SET DIST=%CD%\dist\bitmask
+cp %VIRTUAL_ENV%/Lib/site-packages/_scrypt.pyd %DIST%
+cp %VIRTUAL_ENV%/Lib/site-packages/zmq/libzmq.pyd %DIST%
+cp %VIRTUAL_ENV%/Lib/site-packages/leap/common/cacert.pem %DIST%
+cp %CD%\src\leap\bitmask\core\bitmaskd.tac %DIST%
+mkdir %DIST%\leap
+mkdir %DIST%\leap\soledad\common\l2db\backends
+mkdir %DIST%\apps\mail
+cp %CD%/../gpg/* %DIST%\apps\mail\
+cp %VIRTUAL_ENV%/Lib/site-packages/leap/soledad/common/l2db/backends/dbschema.sql %DIST%\leap\soledad\common\l2db\backends
+cp -r %VIRTUAL_ENV%/Lib/site-packages/leap/bitmask_js %DIST%\leap\