#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2008 The Tor Project. See LICENSE for licensing information. # $Id: setup.py,v 1.103 2007-09-15 19:06:37 nickm Exp $ import sys # # Current Thandy version # VERSION = '0.0.1-alpha' # System: 0==alpha, 50==beta, 98=pre, 99==release candidate, 100==release VERSION_INFO = (0,0,1) for name in [ "simplejson", "Crypto" ]: try: __import__(name) except ImportError: print "Missing support for module %s"%name sys.exit(1) import os, re, shutil, string, struct, sys os.umask(022) #====================================================================== # Create startup scripts if we're installing. if not os.path.isdir("./bin"): os.mkdir("./bin") SCRIPTS = [] def makescripts(extrapath=None): del SCRIPTS[:] for script_suffix, modname in [ ("server", "ServerCLI"), ("client", "ClientCLI"), ("pk", "SignerCLI"), ]: fname = os.path.join("./bin", "thandy-%s"%script_suffix) if sys.platform == "win32": fname += ".py" f = open(fname, 'w') f.write("#!/bin/sh\n") if extrapath: f.write('PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:%s"\n'%extrapath) f.write('export PYTHONPATH\n') f.write("%s -m thandy.%s $*\n" %(sys.executable, modname)) f.close() SCRIPTS.append(fname) #====================================================================== # Define a helper to let us run commands from the compiled code. def _haveCmd(cmdname): for entry in os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(entry, cmdname)): return 1 return 0 def requirePythonDev(e=None): if os.path.exists("/etc/debian_version"): v = sys.version[:3] print "Debian may expect you to install python%s-dev"%v elif os.path.exists("/etc/redhat-release"): print "Redhat may expect you to install python2-devel" else: print "You may be missing some 'python development' package for your" print "distribution." if e: print "(Error was: %s)"%e sys.exit(1) try: from distutils.core import Command from distutils.errors import DistutilsPlatformError from distutils.sysconfig import get_makefile_filename except ImportError, e: print "\nUh oh. You have Python installed, but I didn't find the distutils" print "module, which is supposed to come with the standard library.\n" requirePythonDev() try: # This catches failures to install python2-dev on some redhats. get_makefile_filename() except IOError: print "\nUh oh. You have Python installed, but distutils can't find the" print "Makefile it needs to build additional Python components.\n" requirePythonDev() #====================================================================== # Now, tell setup.py how to cope. import distutils.core, distutils.command.install from distutils.core import setup, Distribution class InstallCommand(distutils.command.install.install): def run(self): script_path = None sys_path = map(os.path.normpath, sys.path) sys_path = map(os.path.normcase, sys_path) install_lib = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(self.install_lib)) if install_lib not in sys_path: script_path = install_lib makescripts(self.install_lib) distutils.command.install.install.run(self) setup(name='Thandy', version=VERSION, license="3-clause BSD", description= "Thandy: Secure cross-platform update automation tool.", author="Nick Mathewson", author_email="nickm@freehaven.net", url="http://www.torproject/org", package_dir={ '' : 'lib' }, packages=['thandy'], scripts=SCRIPTS, cmdclass={'install': InstallCommand}, )