# Copyright 2008 The Tor Project, Inc. See LICENSE for licensing information. import os def getItemsFromPackage(pkg): """Given a Thandy package decoded from its json format, return a dict with an entry for each installable item in the path, mapping the item's relative path to a PackageItem object that can check or install that item. """ result = {} format = pkg.get('format') for item in pkg['files']: relPath = item[0] if len(item) >= 3: extra = item[2] else: extra = {} checker = getChecker(relPath, extra, defaultFormat=format, package=pkg) installer = getInstaller(relPath, extra, defaultFormat=format, package=pkg) result[relPath] = PackageItem(relPath, checker, installer) return result def getChecker(relPath, extra, defaultFormat, package): """Return a Checker instance for an item in a package, or None if we don't know how to check that item. relPath -- the item's relative path in the repository. extra -- the info part of the item's entry in the package. defaultFormat -- the value of the package's "format" field. Only used for obsolete checker types. package -- the package object itself. Only used for obsolete checker types. """ checkType = extra.get("check_type") if checkType == None: # This part is for obsolete packages. if defaultFormat == 'rpm': import thandy.packagesys.RPMPackages return thandy.packagesys.RPMPackages.RPMChecker( os.path.split(relPath)[1], extra['rpm_version']) elif defaultFormat == 'exe': if extra.has_key('registry_ent'): import thandy.packagesys.ExePackages k,v=extra['registry_ent'] return thandy.packagesys.ExePackages.RegistryChecker(k, v) else: import thandy.packagesys.PackageDB return thandy.packagesys.PackageDB.DBChecker( package['name'], package['version']) elif defaultFormat == 'thp': # TODO: create checker here! pass else: return None elif checkType == 'rpm': import thandy.packagesys.RPMPackages return thandy.packagesys.RPMPackages.RPMChecker( os.path.split(relPath)[1], extra['rpm_version']) elif checkType == 'db': import thandy.packagesys.PackageDB return thandy.packagesys.PackageDB.DBChecker( extra['item_name'], extra['item_version']) elif checkType == 'registry': import thandy.packagesys.ExePackages k,v=extra['registry_ent'] return thandy.packagesys.ExePackages.RegistryChecker(k,v) elif checkType == 'thp': import thandy.packagesys.ThpPackages return thandy.packagesys.ThpPackages.ThpChecker( extra['thp_name'], extra['thp_version']) else: return None def getInstaller(relPath, extra, defaultFormat, package): """Return an Installer for an item in a package, or None if we don't know how to install that item. Arguments are as for getChecker(). """ installType = extra.get("install_type") if installType == None: # This part is for obsolete packages. if defaultFormat == 'rpm': import thandy.packagesys.RPMPackages return thandy.packagesys.RPMPackages.RPMInstaller( relPath, os.path.split(relPath)[1]) elif defaultFormat == 'exe': import thandy.packagesys.ExePackages installer = thandy.packagesys.ExePackages.CommandInstaller( relPath, [ "${FILE}" ] + extra.get('exe_args', [])) if not extra.has_key('registry_ent'): import thandy.packagesys.PackageDB installer = thandy.packagesys.PackageDB.DBInstaller( package['name'], package['version'], relPath, installer) return installer else: return None elif installType == 'rpm': import thandy.packagesys.RPMPackages installer = thandy.packagesys.RPMPackages.RPMInstaller( relPath, os.path.split(relPath)[1]) elif installType == 'command': import thandy.packagesys.ExePackages installer = thandy.packagesys.ExePackages.CommandInstaller( relPath, extra['cmd_install'], extra.get('cmd_remove')) else: return None if extra.get('check_type') == 'db': import thandy.packagesys.PackageDB installer = thandy.packagesys.PackageDB.DBInstaller( extra['item_name'], extra['item_version'], installer) return installer class PackageItem: """Represents a single item from a package.""" def __init__(self, relativePath, checker, installer): self._relPath = relativePath self._checker = checker self._installer = installer def getRelativePath(self): """DOCDOC""" return self._relPath def setTransaction(self, transaction): """Set the transaction context for this item to 'transaction'. """ if self._checker is not None: self._checker.setTransaction(transaction) if self._installer is not None: self._installer.setTransaction(transaction) def setCacheRoot(self, cacheRoot): """Tell this item to look for files relative to 'cacheRoot'.""" if self._installer is not None: self._installer.setCacheRoot(cacheRoot) def canCheck(self): """Return true iff we know how to check if this item is installed.""" return self._checker != None def canInstall(self): """Return true iff we know how to install this item.""" return self._installer != None def getChecker(self): return self._checker def getInstaller(self): return self._installer class Checker: """Abstract base class. A Checker knows how to detect whether a given installable item is installed, and how to tell what version is installed. All version checking functions may raise CheckNotSupported if they need an OS-dependent package detection mechanism that we don't have. Examples include checking the Windows Registry on a non-win32 platform. """ def __init__(self): self._transaction = None def setTransaction(self, transaction): """Associate this Checker with a given transaction. Future actions will take place in the given transaction context, if this Checker supports transactions. """ self._transaction = transaction # def checkInstall(self): # raise NotImplemented() def anyVersionInstalled(self): """Return true iff any version of this item is installed.""" raise len(self.getInstalledVersions()) > 1 def getInstalledVersions(self): """Return a list of all versions of this item that are installed. Version types are item-dependent: a tuple or a string is most common. """ raise NotImplemented() def isInstalled(self): """Return true iff this particular version of this item is installed. """ raise NotImplemented() class Installer: """Abstract base class. An Installer knows how to install or remove an installable item. """ def __init__(self, relativePath): self._transaction = None self._cacheRoot = None self._relPath = relativePath def setTransaction(self, transaction): """Associate this Installer with a given transaction. Future actions will take place in the given transaction context, if this Checker supports transactions. """ self._transaction = transaction def setCacheRoot(self, cacheRoot): """Associate this Installer with a given cache root directory. It looks for downloaded files under this directory. """ self._cacheRoot = cacheRoot def getFilename(self): """Return the absolute pathname for this installable item as cached on disk. """ rp = self._relPath if rp.startswith('/'): rp = rp[1:] return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self._cacheRoot, rp)) def install(self): """Install the item from the cache. May raise InstallFailed if we the installation failed. """ raise NotImplemented() def remove(self): """Remove the installed item. May raise RemoveNotSupported""" raise NotImplemented() def getInstallResult(self): "DOCDOC params, manifest" return None, None