# Copyright 2008 The Tor Project, Inc. See LICENSE for licensing information. import subprocess import logging import re import os import thandy.util import thandy.packagesys.PackageSystem as PS import thandy.packagesys.PackageDB as PDB class RegistryChecker(PS.Checker): def __init__(self, key, version): PS.Checker.__init__(self) self._key = key self._version = version def __repr__(self): return "RegistryChecker(%r, %r)"%(self._key, self._version) def getInstalledVersions(self): try: return [ thandy.util.getRegistryValue(self._key) ] except thandy.util.NoRegistry: raise thandy.CheckNotSupported("This OS has no registry.") def isInstalled(self): return self._version in self.getInstalledVersions() class CommandInstaller(PS.Installer): def __init__(self, relPath, installCommand, removeCommand=None): PS.Installer.__init__(self, relPath) self._installCommand = installCommand self._removeCommand = removeCommand def __repr__(self): parts = [ "CommandInstaller(%r, %r" %(self._relPath, self._installCommand) ] if self.removeCommand: parts.append(", %r"%self.removeCommand) parts.append(")") return "".join(parts) def install(self): self._runCommand(self._installCommand) def remove(self): if self._removeCommand: raise thandy.RemoveNotSupported() self._runCommand(self._removeCommand) def _runCommand(self, command): d = { "FILE": self.getFilename() } def replace(m): return d[m.group(1)] try: c = [ re.sub(r'\$\{([\w_]+)\}', replace, word) for word in command ] except KeyError: raise thandy.InstallFailed("Unrecognized option in command %s" %command) logging.info("Installing %s. Command is %s", self._relPath, c) return_code = self._execute(c) if return_code != 0: raise thandy.InstallFailed("Return code %s from calling %s"% (return_code, c)) def _execute(self, cmd): try: return subprocess.call(cmd) except OSError, e: logging.warn("Error from trying to call %s: %s", cmd, e) raise thandy.InstallFailed("Could not execute install command %s" %cmd)