# Copyright 2008 The Tor Project, Inc. See LICENSE for licensing information. import getopt import logging import os import re import sys import time import traceback try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json import thandy.formats import thandy.util from thandy.util import logCtrl import thandy.repository import thandy.download import thandy.master_keys import thandy.packagesys.PackageSystem import thandy.socksurls import thandy.encodeToXML class ControlLogFormatter: def _formatStr(self, s): s = '"%s"' % re.sub(r'(["\\])', r'\\\1', s) s = s.replace("\n", "\\n") return s def format(self, record): name = record.name if name == 'thandy-ctrl': parts = [ record.msg ] parts.extend( "%s=%s"%(k, self._formatStr(v)) for k,v in sorted(getattr(record, 'cmd_args', {}).iteritems())) return " ".join(parts) else: m = record.getMessage() return "%s msg=%s"%(record.levelname, self._formatStr(m)) def formatException(self, exc_info): return repr(traceback.print_exception()) class RegularLogFilter: def filter(self, record): return record.name != "thandy-ctrl" def configureLogs(options): logLevel = logging.INFO cLogFormat = False for o,v in options: if o == '--debug': logLevel = logging.DEBUG elif o == '--info': logLevel = logging.INFO elif o == '--warn': logLevel = logging.WARN elif o == '--controller-log-format': cLogFormat = True console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logLevel) logger = logging.getLogger("") logger.addHandler(console) logger.setLevel(logLevel) if cLogFormat: #formatter = logging.Formatter("%(names)s %(levelname)s %(message)r") formatter = ControlLogFormatter() else: formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s:%(message)s") console.addFilter(RegularLogFilter()) console.setFormatter(formatter) def update(args): repoRoot = thandy.util.userFilename("cache") options, args = getopt.getopt(args, "", [ "repo=", "no-download", "loop", "no-packagesys", "install", "socks-port=", "debug", "info", "warn", "force-check", "controller-log-format" ]) download = True keep_looping = False use_packagesys = True install = False socksPort = None logLevel = logging.INFO forceCheck = False for o, v in options: if o == '--repo': repoRoot = v elif o == "--no-download": download = False elif o == '--loop': keep_looping = True elif o == '--no-packagesys': use_packagesys = False elif o == '--install': install = True elif o == "--socks-port": socksPort = int(v) elif o == '--force-check': forceCheck = True configureLogs(options) if socksPort: thandy.socksurls.setSocksProxy("", socksPort) repo = thandy.repository.LocalRepository(repoRoot) downloader = thandy.download.DownloadManager() downloader.start() # XXXX We could make this loop way smarter. Right now, it doesn't # back off between failures, and it doesn't notice newly downloadable files # until all downloading files are finished. while True: hashes = {} installable = {} logging.info("Checking for files to update.") files = repo.getFilesToUpdate(trackingBundles=args, hashDict=hashes, usePackageSystem=use_packagesys, installableDict=installable) if forceCheck: files.add("/meta/timestamp.txt") forceCheck = False if installable and not files: for p, d in installable.items(): for n, i in d.items(): if i.canInstall(): logCtrl("CAN_INSTALL", PKG=p, ITEM=n) else: logCtrl("NO_INSTALL", PKG=p, ITEM=n) i.setCacheRoot(repoRoot) logging.info("Ready to install packages for files: %s", ", ".join(sorted(installable.keys()))) if install: # XXXX handle ordering for p in installable.values(): for h in p.values(): i = h.getInstaller() if i != None: i.install() return elif not files: logging.info("No files to download") if not keep_looping: return ts = repo.getTimestampFile().get() age = time.time() - thandy.formats.parseTime(ts['at']) delay = thandy.repository.MAX_TIMESTAMP_AGE - age if delay > 3600: delay = 3600 elif delay < 0: delay = 300 logging.info("Will check again in %s seconds", delay) time.sleep(delay) continue for f in files: logCtrl("WANTFILE", FILENAME=f) logging.info("Files to download are: %s", ", ".join(sorted(files))) if not download: return mirrorlist = repo.getMirrorlistFile().get() if not mirrorlist: mirrorlist = thandy.master_keys.DEFAULT_MIRRORLIST if files: waitTill = min(downloader.getRetryTime(mirrorlist, f) for f in files) now = time.time() if waitTill > now: delay = int(waitTill - now) + 1 logging.info("Waiting another %s seconds before we are willing " "to retry any mirror.", delay) time.sleep(delay) continue logging.debug("Launching downloads") now = time.time() for f in files: if downloader.getRetryTime(mirrorlist, f) > now: logging.info("Waiting a while before we fetch %s", f) continue dj = thandy.download.ThandyDownloadJob( f, repo.getFilename(f), mirrorlist, wantHash=hashes.get(f), repoFile=repo.getRequestedFile(f), useTor=(socksPort!=None)) def successCb(rp=f): rf = repo.getRequestedFile(rp) if rf != None: rf.clear() rf.load() def failCb(): pass dj.setCallbacks(successCb, failCb) downloader.addDownloadJob(dj) logging.debug("Waiting for downloads to finish.") downloader.wait() logging.info("All downloads finished.") def json2xml(args): if len(args) != 1: usage() f = open(args[0], 'r') obj = json.load(f) f.close() thandy.encodeToXML.encodeToXML(obj, sys.stdout.write) def usage(): print "Known commands:" print " update [--repo=repository] [--no-download] [--loop]" print " [--no-packagesys] [--install] [--socks-port=port]" print " [--debug|--info|--warn] [--force-check]" print " [--controller-log-format]" print " json2xml file" sys.exit(1) def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage() cmd = sys.argv[1] args = sys.argv[2:] if cmd in [ "update", "json2xml" ]: globals()[cmd](args) else: usage() if __name__ == '__main__': main()