# Copyright 2008 The Tor Project, Inc. See LICENSE for licensing information. import getopt import logging import os import re import sys import time import traceback import thandy.keys import thandy.formats import thandy.util from thandy.util import logCtrl import thandy.repository import thandy.download import thandy.master_keys import thandy.packagesys.PackageSystem import thandy.socksurls import thandy.encodeToXML json = thandy.util.importJSON() class ControlLogFormatter: def format(self, record): name = record.name if name == 'thandy-ctrl': return record.getMessage() else: m = record.getMessage() return "%s msg=%s"%(record.levelname, thandy.util.formatLogString(m)) def formatException(self, exc_info): return repr(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)) class RegularLogFilter: def filter(self, record): return record.name != "thandy-ctrl" def configureLogs(options): logLevel = logging.INFO cLogFormat = False for o,v in options: if o == '--debug': logLevel = logging.DEBUG elif o == '--info': logLevel = logging.INFO elif o == '--warn': logLevel = logging.WARN elif o == '--controller-log-format': cLogFormat = True console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logLevel) logger = logging.getLogger("") logger.addHandler(console) logger.setLevel(logLevel) if cLogFormat: #formatter = logging.Formatter("%(names)s %(levelname)s %(message)r") formatter = ControlLogFormatter() else: formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s:%(message)s") console.addFilter(RegularLogFilter()) console.setFormatter(formatter) def update(args): repoRoot = thandy.util.userFilename("cache") options, args = getopt.getopt(args, "", [ "repo=", "no-download", "loop", "no-packagesys", "install", "socks-port=", "debug", "info", "warn", "force-check", "controller-log-format" ]) download = True keep_looping = False use_packagesys = True install = False socksPort = None forceCheck = False for o, v in options: if o == '--repo': repoRoot = v elif o == "--no-download": download = False elif o == '--loop': keep_looping = True elif o == '--no-packagesys': use_packagesys = False elif o == '--install': install = True elif o == "--socks-port": socksPort = int(v) elif o == '--force-check': forceCheck = True configureLogs(options) if socksPort: thandy.socksurls.setSocksProxy("", socksPort) repo = thandy.repository.LocalRepository(repoRoot) downloader = thandy.download.DownloadManager() downloader.start() # XXXX We could make this loop way smarter. Right now, it doesn't # back off between failures, and it doesn't notice newly downloadable files # until all downloading files are finished. while True: hashes = {} lengths = {} installable = {} logging.info("Checking for files to update.") files = repo.getFilesToUpdate(trackingBundles=args, hashDict=hashes, lengthDict=lengths, usePackageSystem=use_packagesys, installableDict=installable) if forceCheck: files.add("/meta/timestamp.txt") forceCheck = False if installable and not files: for p, d in installable.items(): for n, i in d.items(): if i.canInstall(): logCtrl("CAN_INSTALL", PKG=p, ITEM=n) else: logCtrl("NO_INSTALL", PKG=p, ITEM=n) i.setCacheRoot(repoRoot) logging.info("Ready to install packages for files: %s", ", ".join(sorted(installable.keys()))) if install: # XXXX handle ordering for p in installable.values(): for h in p.values(): i = h.getInstaller() if i != None: i.install() return elif not files: logging.info("No files to download") if not keep_looping: return ts = repo.getTimestampFile().get() age = time.time() - thandy.formats.parseTime(ts['at']) delay = thandy.repository.MAX_TIMESTAMP_AGE - age if delay > 3600: delay = 3600 elif delay < 0: delay = 300 logging.info("Will check again in %s seconds", delay) time.sleep(delay) continue for f in files: logCtrl("WANTFILE", FILENAME=f) logging.info("Files to download are: %s", ", ".join(sorted(files))) if not download: return mirrorlist = repo.getMirrorlistFile().get() if not mirrorlist: mirrorlist = thandy.master_keys.DEFAULT_MIRRORLIST if files: waitTill = min(downloader.getRetryTime(mirrorlist, f) for f in files) now = time.time() if waitTill > now: delay = int(waitTill - now) + 1 logging.info("Waiting another %s seconds before we are willing " "to retry any mirror.", delay) time.sleep(delay) continue logging.debug("Launching downloads") now = time.time() for f in files: if downloader.getRetryTime(mirrorlist, f) > now: logging.info("Waiting a while before we fetch %s", f) continue dj = thandy.download.ThandyDownloadJob( f, repo.getFilename(f), mirrorlist, wantHash=hashes.get(f), wantLength=lengths.get(f), repoFile=repo.getRequestedFile(f), useTor=(socksPort!=None)) def successCb(rp=f): rf = repo.getRequestedFile(rp) if rf != None: rf.clear() rf.load() def failCb(): pass dj.setCallbacks(successCb, failCb) downloader.addDownloadJob(dj) logging.debug("Waiting for downloads to finish.") downloader.wait() logging.info("All downloads finished.") def json2xml(args): if len(args) != 1: usage() f = open(args[0], 'r') obj = json.load(f) f.close() thandy.encodeToXML.encodeToXML(obj, sys.stdout.write) def usage(): print "Known commands:" print " update [--repo=repository] [--no-download] [--loop]" print " [--no-packagesys] [--install] [--socks-port=port]" print " [--debug|--info|--warn] [--force-check]" print " [--controller-log-format]" print " json2xml file" sys.exit(1) def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage() cmd = sys.argv[1] args = sys.argv[2:] if cmd in [ "update", "json2xml" ]: globals()[cmd](args) else: usage() if __name__ == '__main__': main()