import re import sys def s_tag(s): """ >>> s_tag("a string") is None True >>> s_tag(["a-tagged", "list"]) 'a-tagged' >>> s_tag([["untagged"], "list"]) is None True """ if len(s) and not isinstance(s, str) and isinstance(s[0],str): return s[0] else: return None def s_child(s, tag): for child in s: if s_tag(child) == tag: return child return None def s_children(s, tag): return (ch for ch in s if s_tag(ch) == tag) def s_descendants(s, tags=()): stack = [ ] push = stack.append pop = stack.pop idx = 0 while 1: while idx == len(s): try: s, idx = pop() except IndexError: return if isinstance(s[idx], str): idx += 1 continue if s_tag(s[idx]) in tags: yield s[idx] class SExpr(list): def __init__(self, stuff=()): list.__init__(self, stuff) self._d = None def __getattr__(self, item): if self._d is None: self._buildDict() return self[self._d[item]] def __getitem__(self, idx): item = list.__getitem__(self, idx) if type(item) in (list, tuple): #exact match only. item = self[idx] = SExpr(item) return item def _buildDict(self): self._d = d = {} for idx in xrange(len(self)): item = list.__getitem__(self, idx) t = s_tag(item) if t is not None: d[t] = idx def _s_lookup_all(s, path, callback): # XXXX: Watch out; ** gets pretty heavy pretty fast. if isinstance(path, str): path = path.split(".") if len(path) == 0: callback(s) return for p_idx in xrange(len(path)): p_item = path[p_idx] if p_item == '*': for ch in s: if not isinstance(ch, str): _s_lookup_all(s, path[p_idx+1:], callback) return elif p_item == '**': for ch in s_descendants(s): if not isinstance(ch, str): _s_lookup_all(s, path[p_idx+1:], callback) return elif p_item.startswith('**'): for ch in s_descendants(s): if s_tag(ch) == p_item[2:]: _s_lookup_all(s, path[p_idx+1:], callback) else: s = s_child(s, p_item) if s is None: return callback(s) def s_lookup_all(s, path): result = [] _s_lookup_all(s, path, result.append) return result def s_lookup(s, path): r = s_lookup_all(s, path) if len(r): return r[0] return None class _Singleton: def isSingleton(self): return True def matches(self, item): raise NotImplemented() def clear(self): self._got = False def matchItem(self, item): if not self._got and self.matches(item): self._got = True return True else: return False def isSatisfied(self): return self._got class _Span: def isSingleton(self): return False def clear(self): pass def matchItem(self, item): raise NotImplemented() def isSatisfied(self): raise NotImplemented() class _AnyItem(_Singleton): def matches(self,item): return True def rep(self): return "?" class _AnyString(_Singleton): def matches(self,item): return isinstance(item, str) def rep(self): return "." class _ExactString(_Singleton): def __init__(self, s): self._s = s def matches(self, item): return item == self._s def rep(self): return "=%s"%self._s class _ReString(_Singleton): def __init__(self, s, regex=None): if regex is None: regex = re.compile(s) self._re = regex self._s = s def matches(self, item): if not isinstance(item, str): return False m = self._re.match(item) return m and m.end() == len(item) def rep(self): return "%s"%self._s class _List(_Singleton): def __init__(self, subpatterns): self._pats = subpatterns def clear(self): _Singleton.clear(self) for p in self._pats: p.clear() def matches(self, item): if isinstance(item, str): return False i_idx = 0 pat_idx = 0 while i_idx < len(item): try: subpat = self._pats[pat_idx] except: return False # Too many items. if subpat.isSingleton(): if not subpat.matches(item[i_idx]): return False i_idx += 1 pat_idx += 1 else: subpat.clear() while i_idx < len(item) and subpat.matchItem(item[i_idx]): i_idx += 1 if not subpat.isSatisfied(): return False pat_idx += 1 # Out of items, but we have more patterns. Make sure they all accept # 0 items. if pat_idx < len(self._pats): for subpat in self._pats[pat_idx:]: subpat.clear() if not subpat.isSatisfied(): return False return True def rep(self): return [ p.rep() for p in self._pats ] class _AnyItems(_Span): def matchItem(self, item): return True def isSatisfied(self): return True def rep(self): return "*" class _NMatches(_Span): def __init__(self, alternatives, lo, hi): self.lo = lo self.hi = hi self.count = 0 self.alternatives = alternatives for a in alternatives: if not a.isSingleton(): raise SchemaFormatError("Nexted span inside span") def clear(self): self.count = 0 for p in self.alternatives: p.clear() def matchItem(self, item): if self.count == self.hi: return False for p in self.alternatives: if p.matches(item): self.count += 1 return True return False def isSatisfied(self): return self.lo <= self.count <= self.hi def rep(self): name = { (1,1): ":oneof", (0,1): ":maybe", (0,sys.maxint): ":anyof", (1,sys.maxint): ":someof" }.get((self.lo, self.hi)) if name is None: name = ":%d-%d"%(self.lo, self.hi) result = [ name ] result.extend(p.rep() for p in self.alternatives) return result class _Unordered(_Span): def __init__(self, alternatives): self.alternatives = alternatives def clear(self): for p in self.alternatives: p.clear() def matchItem(self, item): for p in self.alternatives: if p.matchItem(item): return True return False def isSatisfied(self): for p in self.alternatives: if not p.isSatisfied(): return False return True def rep(self): result = [ ":unordered" ] result.extend(p.rep() for p in self.alternatives) return result class SchemaFormatError(Exception): pass _RE_PAT = re.compile(r'/((?:[\\.]|[^\\/]+)*)/([ilmstx]*)', re.I) def parseSchema(s, table): if isinstance(s, str): if not len(s): raise SchemaFormatError("Empty string encountered") if s == '*': return _AnyItems() elif s == '?': return _AnyItem() elif s == '.': return _AnyString() elif s.startswith('='): return _ExactString(s[1:]) elif s.startswith('.'): try: return table[s[1:]] except KeyError: raise SchemaFormatError("Unknown reference %s"%s) else: m = _RE_PAT.match(s) if m: flags = 0 for char in flags |= { "i":re.I, "l":re.L, "m":re.M, "s":re.S, "t":re.T, "x":re.X }[char.lower()] try: p = re.compile(, flags) except re.error, e: raise SchemaFormatError("Couldn't compile %s"%s) return _ReString(s, p) raise SchemaFormatError("Confusing entry %s"%s) elif len(s) and isinstance(s[0], str) and s[0].startswith(':'): tag = s[0] m = re.match(r'\:(\d*)(\-\d*)?$', tag) if m: g = m.groups() if g[0]: lo = int(g[0], 10) else: lo = 0 if g[1]: if len(g[1]) > 1: hi = int(g[1][1:], 10) else: hi = sys.maxint else: hi = lo else: try: lo,hi = { ":maybe": (0,1), ":oneof": (1,1), ":anyof": (0,sys.maxint), ":someof":(1,sys.maxint), ":unordered": (None, None) }[tag] except KeyError: raise SchemaFormatError("Unknown tag %s"%tag) subitems = [ parseSchema(i, table) for i in s[1:] ] if lo is not None: return _NMatches(subitems, lo, hi) else: return _Unordered(subitems) else: return _List([ parseSchema(i, table) for i in s ]) # Schema format: # "=string" matches a string itself. # "*" matches any number of items and can occur only at the end of a list. # "?" matches a single item. # "." matches any string. # "/re/" matches a regex. # ".name" matches a named schema # # (i1 i2 i3) matches a list of i1 followed by i2 followed by i3. # # (:maybe i1) matches zero or one of i1. # (:oneof i1 i2 i3) matches any one of the items i1, i2, i3. # (:anyof i1 i2 i3) matches zero or more of the items i1, i2, i3. # (:someof i1 i2 i3) matches one or more of i1, i2, and i3. # # (:unordered i1 i2 i3) matches all of i1, i2, and i3, in any order. # # The matching algorithm is a stupid greedy algorithm. If you need to # check stuff it can't handle, write a new thing.