Getting started with Thandy: the Hacker's version. INSTALLATION ------------ 1) Make sure you have Python installed. Thandy has been tested with Python 2.5, and Roger seems to have gotten it working with 2.4. It may need tweaks to work with other versions. 2) Install the simplejson python module. (on Debian, apt-get install python-simplejson. If you're using etch, you'll want apt-get -t etch-backports install python-simplejson) 3) Install the pycrypto python module. (on Debian, apt-get install python-crypto) 4) make test 5) make install [If you don't have root, or don't want to put it in the usual places, python install --prefix={WHATEVER} to put the files into whatever/bin and whatever/lib instead of the defaults.] PRELIMINARIES ------------- Read enough of thandy-spec.txt to understand the model of packages and bundles and keys and repositories. Here's a quick synopsis: A 'Package' is a file that the client actually installs. It's the smallest unit of downloadable thing. It's versioned. It's signed by a "package signer". A 'Bundle' is a set of files that get installed and upgraded together. Users "subscribe" to bundles. [XXXX write more] WORKING WITH KEYS ----------------- The "thandy-pk" script can generate, manipulate, and use public keys. If you're a packager, bundler, or whatever, this is the script you use. To make a key, run: thandy-pk keygen The first time you run it, it will ask you for a password to encrypt the keys in ~/.thandy/secret_keys. If you don't like the password on your ~/.thandy/secret_keys file, run: thandy-pk chpass You can have more than one key. Keys are identified by their base-64 keyids. To see all the keys you have, run: thandy-pk listkeys To make a key useful, you need to assign it one or more roles. A role is a permission for a key to sign a certain kind of file at a certain set of paths in the repository. Example roles are: # Give a key permission to sign the list of keys. thandy-pk addrole {KEYID} master /meta/keys.txt # Give a key permission to sign the mirror list thandy-pk addrole {KEYID} mirrors /meta/mirrors.txt # Give a key permission to sign the online timestamp file thandy-pk addrole {KEYID} timestamp /meta/timestamp.txt # Give a key permission to sign all packages in /pkginfo/tor/win32/*.txt thandy-pk addrole {KEYID} package '/pkginfo/tor/win32/*.txt' # Give a key permission to sign all bundles anywhere under /bundleinfo/ thandy-pk addrole {KEYID} bundle '/bundleinfo/**' In these path patterns, "*" matches any sequence of characters in a filename, and "**" matches any directory sequence of characters in a path. For example, /a/**.txt matches /a/nested/file.txt, but a/*.txt does not. You can refer to a key by any unique prefix of its keyid. For example, the key "iCMQHVDpetbB3DLWVOd0k5RBOVKF92rD4F8YpuYWEpA" could be called "iC", so long as there is no other key in ~/.thandy/secret_keys that starts with iC. To remove a role from a key, run: thandy-pk delrole {KEYID} {filetype} {path} To export the public parts of a key and its roles, run: thandy-pk dumpkey {KEYID} To include the private portions of a key (so you can print it for a backup or something), run: thandy-pk dumpkey --include-secret {KEYID} Generally speaking, you want to figure out what keys get what roles _before_ you start making the first keylist; otherwise you'll probably need to re-export them. MAKING SIGNED DOCUMENTS ----------------------- .KEYLISTS. Let's start with a key list. To make one of these, have everybody with a valid key dump it for you (using thandy-pk dumpkey) and put all their keys into a file. Then run: thandy-pk makekeylist {FILENAME} This will create a new keylist in a file called "keys.txt". To sign any document, you need to have a key with an appropriate role set, so if you don't have a key with a role like "master /meta/keys.txt", this command might fail. If there's more than one matching key, you need to specify which one you wanted by adding a --keyid argument, like: thandy-pk makekeylist --keyid={KEYID} {FILENAME} Keylists can be multiply-signed. To add your own signature to an existing keylist, run: thandy-pk signkeylist {FILENAME} This will make a new keylist in "keys.txt". .MIRROR LISTS. Make a file like the one in sample/example-mirrors.txt, listing all the mirrors. The main repository counts as a mirror, so be sure to add it. Make sure you have a key with a role like "mirrors /meta/mirrors.txt". Run thandy-pk makemirrorlist {FILENAME} This will create a new signed mirrors.txt file. .PACKAGES. Make a file like the one in sample/example-package.cfg to go along with some RPM or EXE or whatever that you want to sign. Make sure that the "location" field for the pkginfo describes where you want to put it. Make sure you have some key with the role "package {PATH}", where {PATH} matches the location of the pkginfo. Then run: thandy-pk makepackage {PACKAGE.CFG} {UNDERLYING_FILE} This makes a new signed package info file. .BUNDLES. Make sure you have all the package files for the right versions of the packages that go in your bundle. Make a file like the one in sample/example-bundle.cfg. Then run: thandy-pk makebundle {BUNDLE.CFG} {PACKAGE_INFO} {PACKAGE_INFO}.... This makes a new signed bundle. MANAGING A SERVER REPOSITORY ---------------------------- First, decide where the repository goes. It should probably be somewhere that your httpd will notice it and serve it to people. You'll use the thandy-server command to manipulate the repository. To tell it where it is, you can either use the command-line option --repo={REPOSITORY}, or set the environment variable THANDY_MASTER_REPO. I'll assume you've done the latter, since it makes my examples shorter. .ADDING FILES TO THE REPOSITORY. First, make sure that Thandy knows about your master keys. For clients, we'll want to ship a special binary that's preconfigured to know about the master keys, but for the server admin, just put those public master keys (in dumped format) into the file "~/.thandy/preload_keys". Then, you can just add files by running: thandy-server insert {FILENAME} This works for keylists, packages, mirrorlists, and bundles. A few caveats and notes: * When you add a new package, you'll need to put its underlying files in the right places too. * By default, thandy-server will refuse to insert any file that isn't properly signed. This means that you need to insert the keys.txt file before you insert anything else. To override this, use the --no-check option. * All files that you replace are actually moved to ~/.thandy/old_files, * You should probably rebuild the timestamp immediately after replacing the keys or mirrors files, since it will no longer match them. (You can't make the timestamp until both the keys.txt and the mirrors.txt are inserted.) * For the actual data files (i.e. the packages themselves), for now you just copy them into the repository manually. Later there will be some version of thandy-server insert that handles them too. .GENERATING TIMESTAMPS. This is the only part of Thandy that needs to be run periodically, and the only part that needs automated access to a secret key. Export a key with a role like "timestamp /meta/timestamp.txt". Since this key will get used to sign the timestamp, you need to dump the secret part of the key too. Put the exported key in "~/.thandy/timestamp_key". To generate a timestamp, run thandy-server timestamp If you're running a repository, you should have this in a crontab file, set to run periodically. Every 10-60 minutes would be fine, depending on your clients' settings. For example, 23,53 * * * * PYTHONPATH=/home/thandy/updater-live/lib/ THANDY_MASTER_REPO=/home/thandy/public_html/thandy/ /home/thandy/updater-live/bin/thandy-server timestamp Note that the only bundles listed in a timestamp file are the ones under /bundleinfo/ in the repository. FROM THE CLIENT SIDE -------------------- svn checkout updater cd updater make make test python install --prefix=/home/thandy/install export PYTHONPATH=/home/thandy/install/lib/ export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/install/bin/ thandy-client update /bundleinfo/tor/source/