path: root/lib/thandy
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/thandy')
2 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/thandy/ b/lib/thandy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a89039e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/thandy/
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+from string import Template
+import sys
+import getopt
+package_template = Template("""name = "$app_name"
+version = [$version_list]
+location = "$location"
+relpath = "$data"
+ShortDesc('en', "$short_desc")
+format = "$format"
+thp_name = "$app_name"
+thp_version = "$version"
+thp_dest = "$dest" """)
+bundle_template = Template("""name = "$bundle_name"
+version = [$version_list]
+location = "$bundle_location"
+os = "$os"
+arch = "$arch"
+ShortGloss("en", "$short_gloss")
+LongGloss("en", "$long_gloss") """)
+package_list_template = Template("""Package(name="$app_name",
+ order=(10,10,10),
+ optional=False)""")
+def packageconfig(args):
+ optlist, args = getopt.getopt(args, '', ["app_name=",
+ "version_list=",
+ "location=",
+ "short_desc=",
+ "long_desc=",
+ "dest="])
+ mapping = {}
+ for key, val in optlist:
+ mapping[key[2:]] = val
+ mapping["version"] = ".".join(mapping["version_list"].split(","))
+ mapping["data"] = "/data/%s-%s.thp" % (mapping["app_name"],
+ mapping["version"])
+ mapping["format"] = "thp"
+ out = open("%s-%s_package.cfg" % (mapping["app_name"], mapping["version"]), "w")
+ try:
+ out.write(package_template.substitute(mapping))
+ except KeyError, e:
+ print "You are missing the following parameter:", e
+ sys.exit(1)
+ out.close()
+def bundleconfig(args):
+ optlist, args = getopt.getopt(args, '', ["bundle_name=",
+ "version_list=",
+ "bundle_location=",
+ "os=",
+ "arch=",
+ "pkg_names=",
+ "short_gloss=",
+ "long_gloss="])
+ mapping = {}
+ pkg_names = []
+ for key, val in optlist:
+ if key == "--pkg_names":
+ pkg_names = val.split(",")
+ continue
+ mapping[key[2:]] = val
+ packages = ""
+ for pkg in pkg_names:
+ packages += "%s\n" % package_list_template.substitute({'app_name': pkg})
+ mapping["packages"] = packages
+ out = open("%s-%s_bundle.cfg" % (mapping["bundle_name"], ".".join(mapping["version_list"].split(","))), "w")
+ try:
+ out.write(bundle_template.substitute(mapping))
+ except KeyError, e:
+ print "You are missing the following parameter:", e
+ sys.exit(1)
+ out.close()
+def usage():
+ print "Known commands:"
+ print " packageconfig --app_name=AppName"
+ print " --version_list=1,2,3"
+ print " --location=/path/to/package.txt"
+ print " --short_desc=\"Short description\""
+ print " --long_desc=\"Long description\""
+ print " --dest=\"/relative/path/to/install/\""
+ print " bundleconfig --bundle_name=BundleName"
+ print " --version_list=1,2,3"
+ print " --bundle_location=/path/to/bundle.txt"
+ print " --os=lin"
+ print " --arch=x86"
+ print " --pkg_names=\"package1,package2\""
+ print " --short_gloss=\"This is the short gloss\""
+ print " --long_gloss=\"This is the large glossary\""
+ sys.exit(1)
+def main():
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ usage()
+ cmd = sys.argv[1]
+ args = sys.argv[2:]
+ if cmd in [ "packageconfig", "bundleconfig" ]:
+ globals()[cmd](args)
+ else:
+ usage()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/lib/thandy/ b/lib/thandy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44ccb23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/thandy/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import getopt
+from difflib import unified_diff
+from string import Template
+thp_template = Template("""format_version = 1
+package_name = "$thp_name"
+package_version = "$version"
+package_version_tuple = [$version_list]
+files = [
+additional_files = [ ]
+install_order = 50
+options = { "cycle-install" : False }
+platform = { "os" : "$os",
+ "arch" : "$arch" }
+require_features = [ "pythonscripts" ]
+require_packages = []
+scripts = { "python2" :
+ [ $scripts ]
+ }
+def usage():
+ print "Known commands:"
+ print " thpconfig --thp_name=AppName"
+ print " --version_list=1,2,3"
+ print " --scan=path/to/folder/"
+ print " --os=linux"
+ print " --arch=x86"
+ print " --scripts=\"['', ['preinst', 'postinst']],['', ['postinst']]\""
+ print " --old_file_list=path/to/oldfiles"
+ print " --generate_file_list=0|1"
+ print " --config_file_list=path/to/configfiles"
+ sys.exit(1)
+def get_files(top, configs):
+ ready = []
+ raw = []
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top):
+ for f in files:
+ is_config = "False"
+ f_value = "/".join([root, f]).replace(top, "")
+ if f_value in configs:
+ is_config = "True"
+ ready.append("(\"%s\", %s)," % (f_value, is_config))
+ raw.append("/".join([root, f]).replace(top, ""))
+ return ready, raw
+def thpconfig(args):
+ optlist, args = getopt.getopt(args, '', ["thp_name=",
+ "version_list=",
+ "scan=",
+ "os=",
+ "arch=",
+ "scripts=",
+ "old_file_list=",
+ "generate_file_list=",
+ "config_file_list="])
+ mapping = {}
+ scan_dir = ""
+ old_file_list = ""
+ config_file_list = ""
+ generate_file_list = True
+ for key, val in optlist:
+ if key == "--scan":
+ scan_dir = val
+ continue
+ if key == "--generate_file_list":
+ generate_file_list = (val == "1")
+ continue
+ if key == "--old_file_list":
+ old_file_list = val
+ continue
+ if key == "--config_file_list":
+ config_file_list = val
+ continue
+ mapping[key[2:]] = val
+ mapping["version"] = ".".join(mapping["version_list"].split(","))
+ configs = []
+ if len(config_file_list) != 0:
+ configs = open(config_file_list, "r").read().split("\n")
+ files, raw = get_files(scan_dir, configs)
+ mapping["files"] = "\n".join(files)
+ out = open("%s-%s_thp.cfg" % (mapping["thp_name"], mapping["version"]), "w")
+ try:
+ out.write(thp_template.substitute(mapping))
+ except KeyError, e:
+ print "You are missing the following parameter:", e
+ sys.exit(1)
+ out.close()
+ if generate_file_list:
+ file_list = open("%s-%s_thp.filelist" % (mapping["thp_name"], mapping["version"]), "w")
+ file_list.write("\n".join(raw))
+ file_list.close()
+ if len(old_file_list) != 0:
+ old = open(old_file_list, "r").read().split("\n")
+ new = raw
+ for line in unified_diff(old, new):
+ print line
+def main():
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ usage()
+ cmd = sys.argv[1]
+ args = sys.argv[2:]
+ if cmd in [ "thpconfig" ]:
+ globals()[cmd](args)
+ else:
+ usage()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()