path: root/lib/thandy/
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authorNick Mathewson <>2008-10-14 05:10:30 +0000
committerNick Mathewson <>2008-10-14 05:10:30 +0000
commitd90990ee3ecd09a2725b8051759a900ebd488b8c (patch)
treefbe68d0c4b698d45bfdcb6c91a43ea2e60c21329 /lib/thandy/
parentfb5a6115a6f3ea0216e3ca0645ba1eb31fb02876 (diff)
Rename glider to thandy, based on discussions on #nottor. Please let me know ASAP if there is another program Thandy, or if it means something rude, or whatever.
git-svn-id: file:///home/or/svnrepo/updater/trunk@17085 55e972cd-5a19-0410-ae62-a4d7a52db4cd
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/thandy/')
1 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/thandy/ b/lib/thandy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b4e072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/thandy/
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+# These require PyCrypto.
+import Crypto.PublicKey.RSA
+import Crypto.Hash.SHA256
+import Crypto.Cipher.AES
+import cPickle as pickle
+import binascii
+import logging
+import os
+import struct
+import sys
+import simplejson
+import getpass
+import thandy.formats
+import thandy.util
+class PublicKey:
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Confusingly, these roles are the ones used for a private key to
+ # remember what we're willing to do with it.
+ self._roles = []
+ def format(self):
+ raise NotImplemented()
+ def sign(self, data):
+ # returns a list of method,signature tuples.
+ raise NotImplemented()
+ def checkSignature(self, method, data, signature):
+ # returns True, False, or raises UnknownMethod.
+ raise NotImplemented()
+ def getKeyID(self):
+ raise NotImplemented()
+ def getRoles(self):
+ return self._roles
+ def addRole(self, role, path):
+ assert role in thandy.formats.ALL_ROLES
+ self._roles.append((role, path))
+ def clearRoles(self):
+ del self._roles[:]
+ def hasRole(self, role, path):
+ for r, p in self._roles:
+ if r == role and thandy.formats.rolePathMatches(p, path):
+ return True
+ return False
+if hex(1L).upper() == "0X1L":
+ def intToBinary(number):
+ """Convert an int or long into a big-endian series of bytes.
+ """
+ # This "convert-to-hex, then use binascii" approach may look silly,
+ # but it's over 10x faster than the Crypto.Util.number approach.
+ h = hex(long(number))
+ h = h[2:-1]
+ if len(h)%2:
+ h = "0"+h
+ return binascii.a2b_hex(h)
+elif hex(1L).upper() == "0X1":
+ def intToBinary(number):
+ h = hex(long(number))
+ h = h[2:]
+ if len(h)%2:
+ h = "0"+h
+ return binascii.a2b_hex(h)
+ import Crypto.Util.number
+ intToBinary = Crypto.Util.number.long_to_bytes
+ assert None
+def binaryToInt(binary):
+ """Convert a big-endian series of bytes into a long.
+ """
+ return long(binascii.b2a_hex(binary), 16)
+def intToBase64(number):
+ return thandy.formats.formatBase64(intToBinary(number))
+def base64ToInt(number):
+ return binaryToInt(thandy.formats.parseBase64(number))
+def _pkcs1_padding(m, size):
+ # I'd rather use OAEP+, but apparently PyCrypto barely supports
+ # signature verification, and doesn't seem to support signature
+ # verification with nondeterministic padding. "argh."
+ s = [ "\x00\x01", "\xff"* (size-3-len(m)), "\x00", m ]
+ r = "".join(s)
+ return r
+def _xor(a,b):
+ if a:
+ return not b
+ else:
+ return b
+class RSAKey(PublicKey):
+ """
+ >>> k = RSAKey.generate(bits=512)
+ >>> obj = k.format()
+ >>> obj['_keytype']
+ 'rsa'
+ >>> base64ToInt(obj['e'])
+ 65537L
+ >>> k1 = RSAKey.fromJSon(obj)
+ >>> k1.key.e == k.key.e
+ True
+ >>> k1.key.n == k.key.n
+ True
+ >>> k.getKeyID() == k1.getKeyID()
+ True
+ >>> s = { 'A B C' : "D", "E" : [ "F", "g", 99] }
+ >>> method, sig = k.sign(obj=s)
+ >>> k.checkSignature(method, sig, obj=s)
+ True
+ >>> s2 = [ s ]
+ >>> k.checkSignature(method, sig, obj=s2)
+ False
+ """
+ def __init__(self, key):
+ PublicKey.__init__(self)
+ self.key = key
+ self.keyid = None
+ @staticmethod
+ def generate(bits=2048):
+ key = Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.generate(bits=bits, randfunc=os.urandom)
+ return RSAKey(key)
+ @staticmethod
+ def fromJSon(obj):
+ # obj must match RSAKEY_SCHEMA
+ thandy.formats.RSAKEY_SCHEMA.checkMatch(obj)
+ n = base64ToInt(obj['n'])
+ e = base64ToInt(obj['e'])
+ if obj.has_key('d'):
+ d = base64ToInt(obj['d'])
+ p = base64ToInt(obj['p'])
+ q = base64ToInt(obj['q'])
+ u = base64ToInt(obj['u'])
+ key = Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.construct((n, e, d, p, q, u))
+ else:
+ key = Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.construct((n, e))
+ result = RSAKey(key)
+ if obj.has_key('roles'):
+ for r, p in obj['roles']:
+ result.addRole(r,p)
+ return result
+ def isPrivateKey(self):
+ return hasattr(self.key, 'd')
+ def format(self, private=False, includeRoles=False):
+ n = intToBase64(self.key.n)
+ e = intToBase64(self.key.e)
+ result = { '_keytype' : 'rsa',
+ 'e' : e,
+ 'n' : n }
+ if private:
+ result['d'] = intToBase64(self.key.d)
+ result['p'] = intToBase64(self.key.p)
+ result['q'] = intToBase64(self.key.q)
+ result['u'] = intToBase64(self.key.u)
+ if includeRoles:
+ result['roles'] = self.getRoles()
+ return result
+ def getKeyID(self):
+ if self.keyid == None:
+ d_obj =
+ thandy.formats.getDigest(self.format(), d_obj)
+ self.keyid = thandy.formats.formatHash(d_obj.digest())
+ return self.keyid
+ def _digest(self, obj, method=None):
+ if method in (None, "sha256-pkcs1"):
+ d_obj =
+ thandy.formats.getDigest(obj, d_obj)
+ digest = d_obj.digest()
+ return ("sha256-pkcs1", digest)
+ raise UnknownMethod(method)
+ def sign(self, obj=None, digest=None):
+ assert _xor(obj == None, digest == None)
+ if digest == None:
+ method, digest = self._digest(obj)
+ m = _pkcs1_padding(digest, (self.key.size()+1) // 8)
+ sig = intToBase64(self.key.sign(m, "")[0])
+ return (method, sig)
+ def checkSignature(self, method, sig, obj=None, digest=None):
+ assert _xor(obj == None, digest == None)
+ if method != "sha256-pkcs1":
+ raise UnknownMethod("method")
+ if digest == None:
+ method, digest = self._digest(obj, method)
+ sig = base64ToInt(sig)
+ m = _pkcs1_padding(digest, (self.key.size()+1) // 8)
+ return bool(self.key.verify(m, (sig,)))
+def secretToKey(salt, secret):
+ """Convert 'secret' to a 32-byte key, using a version of the algorithm
+ from RFC2440. The salt must be SALTLEN+1 bytes long, and should
+ be random, except for the last byte, which encodes how time-
+ consuming the computation should be.
+ (The goal is to make offline password-guessing attacks harder by
+ increasing the time required to convert a password to a key, and to
+ make precomputed password tables impossible to generate by )
+ """
+ assert len(salt) == SALTLEN+1
+ # The algorithm is basically, 'call the last byte of the salt the
+ # "difficulty", and all other bytes of the salt S. Now make
+ # an infinite stream of S|secret|S|secret|..., and hash the
+ # first N bytes of that, where N is determined by the difficulty.
+ #
+ # Obviously, this wants a hash algorithm that's tricky to
+ # parallelize.
+ #
+ # Unlike RFC2440, we use a 16-byte salt. Because CPU times
+ # have improved, we start at 16 times the previous minimum.
+ difficulty = ord(salt[-1])
+ count = (16L+(difficulty & 15)) << ((difficulty >> 4) + 10)
+ # Make 'data' nice and long, so that we don't need to call update()
+ # a zillion times.
+ data = salt[:-1]+secret
+ if len(data)<1024:
+ data *= (1024 // len(data))+1
+ d =
+ iters, leftover = divmod(count, len(data))
+ for _ in xrange(iters):
+ d.update(data)
+ #count -= len(data)
+ if leftover:
+ d.update(data[:leftover])
+ #count -= leftover
+ #assert count == 0
+ return d.digest()
+def encryptSecret(secret, password, difficulty=0x80):
+ """Encrypt the secret 'secret' using the password 'password',
+ and return the encrypted result."""
+ # The encrypted format is:
+ # "GKEY1" -- 5 octets, fixed, denotes data format.
+ # SALT -- 17 bytes, used to hash password
+ # IV -- 16 bytes; salt for encryption
+ # ENCRYPTED IN AES256-OFB, using a key=s2k(password, salt) and IV=IV:
+ # SLEN -- 4 bytes; length of secret, big-endian.
+ # SECRET -- len(secret) bytes
+ # D -- 32 bytes; SHA256 hash of (salt|secret|salt).
+ #
+ # This format leaks the secret length, obviously.
+ assert 0 <= difficulty < 256
+ salt = os.urandom(SALTLEN)+chr(difficulty)
+ key = secretToKey(salt, password)
+ d_obj =
+ d_obj.update(salt)
+ d_obj.update(secret)
+ d_obj.update(salt)
+ d = d_obj.digest()
+ iv = os.urandom(16)
+ e =, Crypto.Cipher.AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
+ # Stupidly, pycrypto doesn't accept that stream ciphers don't need to
+ # take their input in blocks. So pad it, then ignore the padded output.
+ padlen = 16-((len(secret)+len(d)+4) % 16)
+ if padlen == 16: padlen = 0
+ pad = '\x00' * padlen
+ slen = struct.pack("!L",len(secret))
+ encrypted = e.encrypt("%s%s%s%s" % (slen, secret, d, pad))
+ if padlen:
+ encrypted = encrypted[:-padlen]
+ return "GKEY1%s%s%s"%(salt, iv, encrypted)
+def decryptSecret(encrypted, password):
+ """Decrypt a value encrypted with encryptSecret. Raises UnknownFormat
+ or FormatError if 'encrypted' was not generated with encryptSecret.
+ Raises BadPassword if the password was not correct.
+ """
+ if encrypted[:5] != "GKEY1":
+ raise thandy.UnknownFormat()
+ encrypted = encrypted[5:]
+ if len(encrypted) < SALTLEN+1+16:
+ raise thandy.FormatException()
+ salt = encrypted[:SALTLEN+1]
+ iv = encrypted[SALTLEN+1:SALTLEN+1+16]
+ encrypted = encrypted[SALTLEN+1+16:]
+ key = secretToKey(salt, password)
+ e =, Crypto.Cipher.AES.MODE_OFB, iv)
+ padlen = 16-(len(encrypted) % 16)
+ if padlen == 16: padlen = 0
+ pad = '\x00' * padlen
+ decrypted = e.decrypt("%s%s"%(encrypted,pad))
+ slen = struct.unpack("!L", decrypted[:4])[0]
+ secret = decrypted[4:4+slen]
+ hash = decrypted[4+slen:4+slen+Crypto.Hash.SHA256.digest_size]
+ d =
+ d.update(salt)
+ d.update(secret)
+ d.update(salt)
+ if d.digest() != hash:
+ raise thandy.BadPassword()
+ return secret
+class KeyStore(thandy.formats.KeyDB):
+ def __init__(self, fname, encrypted=True):
+ thandy.formats.KeyDB.__init__(self)
+ self._loaded = None
+ self._fname = fname
+ self._passwd = None
+ self._encrypted = encrypted
+ def getpass(self, reprompt=False):
+ if self._passwd != None:
+ return self._passwd
+ while 1:
+ pwd = getpass.getpass("Password: ", sys.stderr)
+ if not reprompt:
+ return pwd
+ pwd2 = getpass.getpass("Confirm: ", sys.stderr)
+ if pwd == pwd2:
+ return pwd
+ else:
+ print "Mismatch; try again."
+ def load(self, password=None):
+"Loading private keys from %r...", self._fname)
+ if not os.path.exists(self._fname):
+" such file.")
+ self._loaded = True
+ return
+ if password is None and self._encrypted:
+ password = self.getpass()
+ contents = open(self._fname, 'rb').read()
+ if self._encrypted:
+ contents = decryptSecret(contents, password)
+ listOfKeys = simplejson.loads(contents)
+ self._passwd = password # It worked.
+ if not listOfKeys.has_key('keys'):
+ listOfKeys['keys'] = []
+ for obj in listOfKeys['keys']:
+ key = RSAKey.fromJSon(obj)
+ self.addKey(key)
+"Loaded key %s", key.getKeyID())
+ self._loaded = True
+ def setPassword(self, passwd):
+ self._passwd = passwd
+ def clearPassword(self):
+ self._passwd = None
+ def save(self, password=None):
+ if not self._loaded and self._encrypted:
+ self.load(password)
+ if password is None:
+ password = self.getpass(True)
+"Saving private keys into %r...", self._fname)
+ listOfKeys = { 'keys' :
+ [ key.format(private=True, includeRoles=True) for key in
+ self._keys.values() ]
+ }
+ contents = simplejson.dumps(listOfKeys)
+ if self._encrypted:
+ contents = encryptSecret(contents, password)
+ thandy.util.replaceFile(self._fname, contents)
+ self._passwd = password # It worked.