# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : #!/usr/bin/env python import logging import time logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__) from PyQt4.QtGui import (QMainWindow, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QMessageBox, QSystemTrayIcon, QGroupBox, QLabel, QPixmap, QHBoxLayout, QIcon, QPushButton, QGridLayout, QAction, QMenu, QTextBrowser, qApp) from PyQt4.QtCore import (pyqtSlot, pyqtSignal, QTimer) from leap.baseapp.dialogs import ErrorDialog from leap.eip import exceptions as eip_exceptions from leap.eip.eipconnection import EIPConnection from leap.gui import mainwindow_rc class LeapWindow(QMainWindow): #XXX tbd: refactor into model / view / controller #and put in its own modules... newLogLine = pyqtSignal([str]) statusChange = pyqtSignal([object]) def __init__(self, opts): super(LeapWindow, self).__init__() self.debugmode = getattr(opts, 'debug', False) self.eip_service_started = False self.createWindowHeader() self.createIconGroupBox() self.createActions() self.createTrayIcon() if self.debugmode: self.createLogBrowser() # create timer self.timer = QTimer() # bind signals self.trayIcon.activated.connect(self.iconActivated) self.newLogLine.connect(self.onLoggerNewLine) self.statusChange.connect(self.onStatusChange) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.onTimerTick) widget = QWidget() self.setCentralWidget(widget) # add widgets to layout mainLayout = QVBoxLayout() mainLayout.addWidget(self.headerBox) mainLayout.addWidget(self.statusIconBox) if self.debugmode: mainLayout.addWidget(self.statusBox) mainLayout.addWidget(self.loggerBox) widget.setLayout(mainLayout) self.trayIcon.show() self.setWindowTitle("LEAP Client") self.resize(400, 300) self.set_statusbarMessage('ready') # # conductor is in charge of all # vpn-related configuration / monitoring. # we pass a tuple of signals that will be # triggered when status changes. # config_file = getattr(opts, 'config_file', None) self.conductor = EIPConnection( watcher_cb=self.newLogLine.emit, config_file=config_file, status_signals=(self.statusChange.emit, ), debug=self.debugmode) # XXX remove skip download when sample service is ready self.conductor.run_checks(skip_download=True) ####### error checking ################ # # bunch of self checks. # XXX move somewhere else alltogether. # if self.conductor.missing_definition is True: dialog = ErrorDialog() dialog.criticalMessage( 'The default ' 'definition.json file cannot be found', 'error') if self.conductor.missing_provider is True: dialog = ErrorDialog() dialog.criticalMessage( 'Missing provider. Add a remote_ip entry ' 'under section [provider] in eip.cfg', 'error') if self.conductor.missing_vpn_keyfile is True: dialog = ErrorDialog() dialog.criticalMessage( 'Could not find the vpn keys file', 'error') # ... btw, review pending. # os.kill of subprocess fails if we have # some of this errors. if self.conductor.bad_provider is True: dialog = ErrorDialog() dialog.criticalMessage( 'Bad provider entry. Check that remote_ip entry ' 'has an IP under section [provider] in eip.cfg', 'error') if self.conductor.bad_keyfile_perms is True: dialog = ErrorDialog() dialog.criticalMessage( 'The vpn keys file has bad permissions', 'error') if self.conductor.missing_auth_agent is True: dialog = ErrorDialog() dialog.warningMessage( 'We could not find any authentication ' 'agent in your system.<br/>' 'Make sure you have ' '<b>polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1</b> ' 'running and try again.', 'error') if self.conductor.missing_pkexec is True: dialog = ErrorDialog() dialog.warningMessage( 'We could not find <b>pkexec</b> in your ' 'system.<br/> Do you want to try ' '<b>setuid workaround</b>? ' '(<i>DOES NOTHING YET</i>)', 'error') ############ end error checking ################### if self.conductor.autostart: self.start_or_stopVPN() def closeEvent(self, event): """ redefines close event (persistent window behaviour) """ if self.trayIcon.isVisible() and not self.debugmode: QMessageBox.information(self, "Systray", "The program will keep running " "in the system tray. To " "terminate the program, choose " "<b>Quit</b> in the " "context menu of the system tray entry.") self.hide() event.ignore() if self.debugmode: self.cleanupAndQuit() def setIcon(self, name): icon = self.Icons.get(name) self.trayIcon.setIcon(icon) self.setWindowIcon(icon) def setToolTip(self): """ get readable status and place it on systray tooltip """ status = self.conductor.status.get_readable_status() self.trayIcon.setToolTip(status) def iconActivated(self, reason): """ handles left click, left double click showing the trayicon menu """ #XXX there's a bug here! #menu shows on (0,0) corner first time, #until double clicked at least once. if reason in (QSystemTrayIcon.Trigger, QSystemTrayIcon.DoubleClick): self.trayIconMenu.show() def createWindowHeader(self): """ description lines for main window """ #XXX good candidate to refactor out! :) self.headerBox = QGroupBox() self.headerLabel = QLabel("<font size=40><b>E</b>ncryption \ <b>I</b>nternet <b>P</b>roxy</font>") self.headerLabelSub = QLabel("<i>trust your \ technolust</i>") pixmap = QPixmap(':/images/leapfrog.jpg') frog_lbl = QLabel() frog_lbl.setPixmap(pixmap) headerLayout = QHBoxLayout() headerLayout.addWidget(frog_lbl) headerLayout.addWidget(self.headerLabel) headerLayout.addWidget(self.headerLabelSub) headerLayout.addStretch() self.headerBox.setLayout(headerLayout) def getIcon(self, icon_name): # XXX get from connection dict icons = {'disconnected': 0, 'connecting': 1, 'connected': 2} return icons.get(icon_name, None) def createIconGroupBox(self): """ dummy icongroupbox (to be removed from here -- reference only) """ icons = { 'disconnected': ':/images/conn_error.png', 'connecting': ':/images/conn_connecting.png', 'connected': ':/images/conn_connected.png' } con_widgets = { 'disconnected': QLabel(), 'connecting': QLabel(), 'connected': QLabel(), } con_widgets['disconnected'].setPixmap( QPixmap(icons['disconnected'])) con_widgets['connecting'].setPixmap( QPixmap(icons['connecting'])) con_widgets['connected'].setPixmap( QPixmap(icons['connected'])), self.ConnectionWidgets = con_widgets con_icons = { 'disconnected': QIcon(icons['disconnected']), 'connecting': QIcon(icons['connecting']), 'connected': QIcon(icons['connected']) } self.Icons = con_icons self.statusIconBox = QGroupBox("Connection Status") statusIconLayout = QHBoxLayout() statusIconLayout.addWidget(self.ConnectionWidgets['disconnected']) statusIconLayout.addWidget(self.ConnectionWidgets['connecting']) statusIconLayout.addWidget(self.ConnectionWidgets['connected']) statusIconLayout.itemAt(1).widget().hide() statusIconLayout.itemAt(2).widget().hide() self.statusIconBox.setLayout(statusIconLayout) def createActions(self): """ creates actions to be binded to tray icon """ self.connectVPNAction = QAction("Connect to &VPN", self, triggered=self.hide) # XXX change action name on (dis)connect self.dis_connectAction = QAction("&(Dis)connect", self, triggered=self.start_or_stopVPN) self.minimizeAction = QAction("Mi&nimize", self, triggered=self.hide) self.maximizeAction = QAction("Ma&ximize", self, triggered=self.showMaximized) self.restoreAction = QAction("&Restore", self, triggered=self.showNormal) self.quitAction = QAction("&Quit", self, triggered=self.cleanupAndQuit) def createTrayIcon(self): """ creates the tray icon """ self.trayIconMenu = QMenu(self) self.trayIconMenu.addAction(self.connectVPNAction) self.trayIconMenu.addAction(self.dis_connectAction) self.trayIconMenu.addSeparator() self.trayIconMenu.addAction(self.minimizeAction) self.trayIconMenu.addAction(self.maximizeAction) self.trayIconMenu.addAction(self.restoreAction) self.trayIconMenu.addSeparator() self.trayIconMenu.addAction(self.quitAction) self.trayIcon = QSystemTrayIcon(self) self.setIcon('disconnected') self.trayIcon.setContextMenu(self.trayIconMenu) def createLogBrowser(self): """ creates Browser widget for displaying logs (in debug mode only). """ self.loggerBox = QGroupBox() logging_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.logbrowser = QTextBrowser() startStopButton = QPushButton("&Connect") startStopButton.clicked.connect(self.start_or_stopVPN) self.startStopButton = startStopButton logging_layout.addWidget(self.logbrowser) logging_layout.addWidget(self.startStopButton) self.loggerBox.setLayout(logging_layout) # status box self.statusBox = QGroupBox() grid = QGridLayout() self.updateTS = QLabel('') self.status_label = QLabel('Disconnected') self.ip_label = QLabel('') self.remote_label = QLabel('') tun_read_label = QLabel("tun read") self.tun_read_bytes = QLabel("0") tun_write_label = QLabel("tun write") self.tun_write_bytes = QLabel("0") grid.addWidget(self.updateTS, 0, 0) grid.addWidget(self.status_label, 0, 1) grid.addWidget(self.ip_label, 1, 0) grid.addWidget(self.remote_label, 1, 1) grid.addWidget(tun_read_label, 2, 0) grid.addWidget(self.tun_read_bytes, 2, 1) grid.addWidget(tun_write_label, 3, 0) grid.addWidget(self.tun_write_bytes, 3, 1) self.statusBox.setLayout(grid) @pyqtSlot(str) def onLoggerNewLine(self, line): """ simple slot: writes new line to logger Pane. """ if self.debugmode: self.logbrowser.append(line[:-1]) def set_statusbarMessage(self, msg): self.statusBar().showMessage(msg) @pyqtSlot(object) def onStatusChange(self, status): """ slot for status changes. triggers new signals for updating icon, status bar, etc. """ #print('STATUS CHANGED! (on Qt-land)') #print('%s -> %s' % (status.previous, status.current)) icon_name = self.conductor.get_icon_name() self.setIcon(icon_name) #print 'icon = ', icon_name # change connection pixmap widget self.setConnWidget(icon_name) def setConnWidget(self, icon_name): #print 'changing icon to %s' % icon_name oldlayout = self.statusIconBox.layout() # XXX reuse with icons # XXX move states to StateWidget states = {"disconnected": 0, "connecting": 1, "connected": 2} for i in range(3): oldlayout.itemAt(i).widget().hide() new = states[icon_name] oldlayout.itemAt(new).widget().show() @pyqtSlot() def start_or_stopVPN(self): """ stub for running child process with vpn """ if self.eip_service_started is False: try: self.conductor.connect() # XXX move this to error queue except eip_exceptions.EIPNoCommandError: dialog = ErrorDialog() dialog.warningMessage( 'No suitable openvpn command found. ' '<br/>(Might be a permissions problem)', 'error') if self.debugmode: self.startStopButton.setText('&Disconnect') self.eip_service_started = True # XXX what is optimum polling interval? # too little is overkill, too much # will miss transition states.. self.timer.start(250.0) return if self.eip_service_started is True: self.conductor.disconnect() if self.debugmode: self.startStopButton.setText('&Connect') self.eip_service_started = False self.timer.stop() return @pyqtSlot() def onTimerTick(self): self.statusUpdate() @pyqtSlot() def statusUpdate(self): """ called on timer tick polls status and updates ui with real time info about transferred bytes / connection state. """ # XXX it's too expensive to poll # continously. move to signal events instead. if not self.eip_service_started: return # XXX remove all access to manager layer # from here. if self.conductor.with_errors: #XXX how to wait on pkexec??? #something better that this workaround, plz!! time.sleep(5) print('errors. disconnect.') self.start_or_stopVPN() # is stop state = self.conductor.poll_connection_state() if not state: return ts, con_status, ok, ip, remote = state self.set_statusbarMessage(con_status) self.setToolTip() ts = time.strftime("%a %b %d %X", ts) if self.debugmode: self.updateTS.setText(ts) self.status_label.setText(con_status) self.ip_label.setText(ip) self.remote_label.setText(remote) # status i/o status = self.conductor.get_status_io() if status and self.debugmode: #XXX move this to systray menu indicators ts, (tun_read, tun_write, tcp_read, tcp_write, auth_read) = status ts = time.strftime("%a %b %d %X", ts) self.updateTS.setText(ts) self.tun_read_bytes.setText(tun_read) self.tun_write_bytes.setText(tun_write) def cleanupAndQuit(self): """ cleans state before shutting down app. """ # TODO:make sure to shutdown all child process / threads # in conductor self.conductor.cleanup() qApp.quit()