Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Closes #340.
so it can be more easily moved to base.checks and reused
when eip is a module.
ping the listed gateway.
Closes #390.
Run tox -v to run testsuite against 2.6 and 2.7.
Tests happily passing on 2.6 :)
of the unability to pip install PyQt4.
postmkvenv workaround for PyQt libs for manual use.
pip install breaks because they don't have a standard
installation process
Closes #405
Several fixes on
It now reads requirements from pkg/requirements.pip
Version is extracted from git describe.
Added trove_classifiers metadata.
Added bootstrap for setuptools.
also test_requires using parse_requirements
renamed setup-->pkg because name collision
Closes #505: make management socket to listen on temporal files,
different for each run
forgot to update eipconnection tests after #504 changes :(
Closes #504: design generic error handling solution.
* app-wide logging config.
* --logfile command line argument.
* created basic exception hierarchy
* conductor pushes exceptions to error queue
* in Qt, error dialogs are created from exception attributes
documentation of the Exception Hierarchy and attributes.
also a bit of general cleanup around error handling in conductor.
Hopefully to be polished an abstracted to leap.base with time.
not all errors are converted (and the old with_errors/ignoring
errors) are still there, but we should be using this style of handlers
from now on.
wrapping up with this pseudo-feature for now. as we work on individual
features we can mimick the exceptions that are working.
idea is that we define user messages in the exceptions,
and queue them during (conductor) checks.
user facing dialogs get constucted from exception attrs.
if critical, log as such and exit.
so we can get them to file / stdout even if
our log viewer is not launched.
| --debug --logfile /tmp/foo.log
closes #474: refactor Qt Code
closes #331
to their base classes.
plus a bit of juggling with order.
still a bit rough, but makes everything a bit more
war on spaguetti! :D
It is really dangerous to mess with expanduser paths in tests
without deriving testcases from LeapTestCase.
It'd be good to devise a way of checking for that :(
For #501: write base.checks.ProviderCertChecks
(in eip.checks, though.) Basic functionality is there, merging to
tip. Might have to reopen to implement actual cert ts check.
stubbing out the timestamp validity check (waiting for #507)
also some more deep tests are missing, wrote todo in tests.
implementing a https server with its own base testcase
for convenience. https is delicate, and I think it's better
checking against a real implementation than mocking everything
closes #447
deprecates the use of config files; all options are passed
to openvpn as command line arguments.