#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Tapicero Daemon # require 'pathname' BASE_DIR = Pathname.new(__FILE__).realpath + '../..' def error(msg) if Tapicero.respond_to?(:logger) && Tapicero.logger Tapicero.logger.error(msg) end puts(msg) end begin # # try without rubygems (might be already loaded or not present) # require 'tapicero/version' rescue LoadError # # try with rubygems # require "#{BASE_DIR}/lib/tapicero/version.rb" Tapicero::REQUIRE_PATHS.each do |path| path = BASE_DIR + path $LOAD_PATH.unshift path unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(path) end require 'rubygems' require 'tapicero/version' end # Graceful Ctrl-C Signal.trap("SIGINT") do error "Received SIGINT - stopping tapicero" exit(0) end # this changes later, so save the initial current directory CWD = Dir.pwd # handle --version ourselves if ARGV.grep(/--version/).any? puts "tapicero #{Tapicero::VERSION}, ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}" exit(0) end # --run-once create databases for new users and then exit # --rerun also act upon users that have already been processed # --overwrite-security overwrite existing couch security settings # TODO: not implemented yet: # --overwrite-designs overwrite existing design documents Tapicero::FLAGS.concat ARGV.grep(/--.*/) Tapicero::CONFIGS.concat ARGV.grep(/\.ya?ml$/) # if flags have been set but an action is missing we assume # tapicero should run in foreground. if ARGV.first && ARGV.first.start_with?('--') ARGV.unshift '--' ARGV.unshift 'run' end # # Start the daemon # require 'daemons' if Process::Sys.getuid == 0 options = {:app_name => 'tapicero', :dir_mode => :system} # this will put the pid file in /var/run else options = {:app_name => 'tapicero', :dir_mode => :normal, :dir => '/tmp'} # this will put the pid file in /tmp end begin Daemons.run("#{BASE_DIR}/lib/tapicero_daemon.rb", options) rescue SystemExit error "Bye" rescue StandardError => exc error exc.class.name + " " + exc.to_s error exc.backtrace.join("\n") end