srp.Calculate = function() { // Variables used in the SRP protocol var Nstr = "eeaf0ab9adb38dd69c33f80afa8fc5e86072618775ff3c0b9ea2314c9c256576d674df7496ea81d3383b4813d692c6e0e0d5d8e250b98be48e495c1d6089dad15dc7d7b46154d6b6ce8ef4ad69b15d4982559b297bcf1885c529f566660e57ec68edbc3c05726cc02fd4cbf4976eaa9afd5138fe8376435b9fc61d2fc0eb06e3"; var N = new BigInteger(Nstr, 16); var g = new BigInteger("2"); var k = new BigInteger("bf66c44a428916cad64aa7c679f3fd897ad4c375e9bbb4cbf2f5de241d618ef0", 16); var rng = new SecureRandom(); this.A = function(_a) { a = new BigInteger(_a, 16); return zeroPrefix(g.modPow(a, N).toString(16)); }; // Calculates the X value // x = H(s, H(I:p)) this.X = function(login, password, salt) { var salted = salt + this.hash(login + ":" + password) return this.hashHex(salted); }; this.V = this.A; // u = H(A,B) this.U = function(A, B) { return this.hashHex(A + B); }; //S = (B - kg^x) ^ (a + ux) this.S = function(_a, _A, _B, _x) { var a = new BigInteger(_a, 16); var x = new BigInteger(_x, 16); var u = new BigInteger(this.U(_A, _B), 16); var B = new BigInteger(_B, 16); var kgx = k.multiply(g.modPow(x, N)); var aux = a.add(u.multiply(x)); return zeroPrefix(B.subtract(kgx).modPow(aux, N).toString(16)); } this.K = function(_S) { return this.hashHex(_S); } this.nXorG = function() { var hashN = this.hashHex(Nstr); var hashG = this.hashHex(g.toString(16)); return hexXor(hashN, hashG); }; this.hashHex = function(hexString) { return this.hash(hex2a(hexString)); }; this.hash = function(string) { return SHA256(string); }; this.isInvalidEphemeral = function(a) { return (g.modPow(a, N) == 0); }; this.randomEphemeral = function() { var a = new BigInteger(32, rng); while(this.isInvalidEphemeral(a)) { a = new BigInteger(32, rng); } return zeroPrefix(a.toString(16)); }; // some 16 byte random number this.randomSalt = function() { var salt = new BigInteger(64, rng); return zeroPrefix(salt.toString(16)); } // expose zeroPrefix for received values. this.zeroPrefix = zeroPrefix; function hex2a(hex) { var str = ''; if(hex.length % 2) { hex = "0" + hex; } for (var i = 0; i < hex.length; i += 2) str += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16)); return str; } function zeroPrefix(hex) { if (hex.length % 2) { return "0" + hex; } else { return hex; } } function removeLeading0(hex) { if (hex[0] == "0") { return hex.substr(1); } else { return hex; } } function hexXor(a, b) { var str = ''; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i += 2) { var xor = parseInt(a.substr(i, 2), 16) ^ parseInt(b.substr(i, 2), 16) xor = xor.toString(16); str += (xor.length == 1) ? ("0" + xor) : xor } return str; } };