var srp = (function(){ function signup() { this.remote.signup(); }; function login() { this.remote.login(); }; return { signup: signup, login: login } }()); function SRP(remote, session) { var srp = this; session = session || new this.Session(); session.onError = session.onError || this.error; this.remote = remote; this.session = session; // Start the login process by identifying the user this.identify = function(success, error) { store_callbacks(success, error); remote.handshake(session) .success(receive_salts) .error(srp.error); // Receive login salts from the server, start calculations function receive_salts(response) { // B = 0 will make the algorithm always succeed // -> refuse such a server answer if(response.B === 0) { srp.error("Server send random number 0 - could not login."); } else if(! response.salt || response.salt === 0) { srp.error("Server failed to send salt - could not login."); } else { session.calculations(response.salt, response.B); remote.authenticate(session) .success(confirm_authentication) .error(srp.error); } } // Receive M2 from the server and verify it // If an error occurs, raise it as an alert. function confirm_authentication(response) { if (session.validate(response.M2)) srp.success(); else srp.error("Server key does not match"); }; }; // Initiate the registration process this.register = function(success, error) { store_callbacks(success, error); remote.register(session) .success(srp.registered_user) .error(srp.error); }; // The user has been registered successfully, now login this.registered_user = function(response) { // TODO: This can go if response has an error code if(response.errors) { srp.error(response.errors) } else { srp.identify(); } }; // This function is called when authentication is successful. // It's a dummy. Please hand the real thing to the call to identify. this.success = function() { alert("Login successful."); }; // Minimal error handling - set remote.onError to sth better to overwrite. this.error = function(text) { alert(text); }; function store_callbacks(success, error) { if (typeof success == "function") { srp.success = success; } if (typeof error == "function") { srp.error = error; } } };