jqueryRest = function() { // Perform ajax requests at the specified path, with the specified parameters // Calling back the specified function. function ajaxRequest(relative_path, params, callback) { $.post(relative_path, params, callback) } function parseResponse() { if (responseIsXML()) { return parseXML(xhr.responseXML); } else if (responseIsJSON()) { return JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); } } function responseIsXML() { return (xhr.responseType == 'document') || (xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type").indexOf('application/xml') >= 0); } function responseIsJSON() { return (xhr.responseType == 'json') || (xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type").indexOf('application/json') >= 0); } function parseXML(xml) { if (xml.getElementsByTagName("r").length > 0) { return parseAttributesOfElement(xml.getElementsByTagName("r")[0]); } else { return parseNodes(xml.childNodes); } } function parseAttributesOfElement(elem) { var response = {}; for (var i = 0; i < elem.attributes.length; i++) { var attrib = elem.attributes[i]; if (attrib.specified) { response[attrib.name] = attrib.value; } } return response; } function parseNodes(nodes) { var response = {}; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; response[node.tagName] = node.textContent || true; } return response; } // we do not fetch the salt from the server function register(session, callback) { sendVerifier(session, callback); } function sendVerifier(session, callback) { var salt = session.getSalt(); ajaxRequest("users", { user: { login: session.getI(), password_salt: salt, password_verifier: session.getV(salt).toString(16)} }, callback); } function handshake(session, callback) { ajaxRequest("sessions", { login: session.getI(), A: session.getAstr()}, callback); } function authenticate(session, callback) { ajaxRequest("sessions/" + session.getI(), {client_auth: session.getM()}, callback); } return { ajaxRequest: ajaxRequest, register: register, register_send_verifier: sendVerifier, handshake: handshake, authenticate: authenticate }; };