@ECHO OFF :: :: build-all-msvc.bat -- :: :: Multi-Platform Build Tool for MSVC :: SETLOCAL REM SET __ECHO=ECHO REM SET __ECHO2=ECHO IF NOT DEFINED _AECHO (SET _AECHO=REM) IF NOT DEFINED _CECHO (SET _CECHO=REM) IF NOT DEFINED _VECHO (SET _VECHO=REM) %_AECHO% Running %0 %* REM SET DFLAGS=/L %_VECHO% DFlags = '%DFLAGS%' SET FFLAGS=/V /F /G /H /I /R /Y /Z %_VECHO% FFlags = '%FFLAGS%' SET ROOT=%~dp0\.. SET ROOT=%ROOT:\\=\% %_VECHO% Root = '%ROOT%' REM REM NOTE: The first and only argument to this batch file should be the output REM directory where the platform-specific binary directories should be REM created. REM SET BINARYDIRECTORY=%1 IF NOT DEFINED BINARYDIRECTORY ( GOTO usage ) %_VECHO% BinaryDirectory = '%BINARYDIRECTORY%' SET DUMMY=%2 IF DEFINED DUMMY ( GOTO usage ) REM REM NOTE: From this point, we need a clean error level. Reset it now. REM CALL :fn_ResetErrorLevel REM REM NOTE: Change the current directory to the root of the source tree, saving REM the current directory on the directory stack. REM %__ECHO2% PUSHD "%ROOT%" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Could not change directory to "%ROOT%". GOTO errors ) REM REM NOTE: This batch file requires the ComSpec environment variable to be set, REM typically to something like "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe". REM IF NOT DEFINED ComSpec ( ECHO The ComSpec environment variable must be defined. GOTO errors ) REM REM NOTE: This batch file requires the VcInstallDir environment variable to be REM set. Tyipcally, this means this batch file needs to be run from an REM MSVC command prompt. REM IF NOT DEFINED VCINSTALLDIR ( ECHO The VCINSTALLDIR environment variable must be defined. GOTO errors ) REM REM NOTE: If the list of platforms is not already set, use the default list. REM IF NOT DEFINED PLATFORMS ( SET PLATFORMS=x86 x86_amd64 x86_arm ) %_VECHO% Platforms = '%PLATFORMS%' REM REM NOTE: Setup environment variables to translate between the MSVC platform REM names and the names to be used for the platform-specific binary REM directories. REM SET x86_NAME=x86 SET x86_amd64_NAME=x64 SET x86_arm_NAME=ARM %_VECHO% x86_Name = '%x86_NAME%' %_VECHO% x86_amd64_Name = '%x86_amd64_NAME%' %_VECHO% x86_arm_Name = '%x86_arm_NAME%' REM REM NOTE: Check for the external tools needed during the build process ^(i.e. REM those that do not get compiled as part of the build process itself^) REM along the PATH. REM FOR %%T IN (gawk.exe tclsh85.exe) DO ( SET %%T_PATH=%%~dp$PATH:T ) REM REM NOTE: Set the TOOLPATH variable to contain all the directories where the REM external tools were found in the search above. REM SET TOOLPATH=%gawk.exe_PATH%;%tclsh85.exe_PATH% %_VECHO% ToolPath = '%TOOLPATH%' REM REM NOTE: Check for MSVC 2012 because the Windows SDK directory handling is REM slightly different for that version. REM IF "%VisualStudioVersion%" == "11.0" ( SET SET_NSDKLIBPATH=1 ) ELSE ( CALL :fn_UnsetVariable SET_NSDKLIBPATH ) REM REM NOTE: This is the outer loop. There should be exactly one iteration per REM platform. REM FOR %%P IN (%PLATFORMS%) DO ( REM REM NOTE: Using the MSVC platform name, lookup the simpler platform name to REM be used for the name of the platform-specific binary directory via REM the environment variables setup earlier. REM CALL :fn_SetVariable %%P_NAME PLATFORMNAME REM REM NOTE: This is the inner loop. There should be exactly one iteration. REM This loop is necessary because the PlatformName environment REM variable was set above and that value is needed by some of the REM commands contained in the inner loop. If these commands were REM directly contained in the outer loop, the PlatformName environment REM variable would be stuck with its initial empty value instead. REM FOR /F "tokens=2* delims==" %%D IN ('SET PLATFORMNAME') DO ( REM REM NOTE: Attempt to clean the environment of all variables used by MSVC REM and/or Visual Studio. This block may need to be updated in the REM future to account for additional environment variables. REM CALL :fn_UnsetVariable DevEnvDir CALL :fn_UnsetVariable ExtensionSdkDir CALL :fn_UnsetVariable Framework35Version CALL :fn_UnsetVariable FrameworkDir CALL :fn_UnsetVariable FrameworkDir32 CALL :fn_UnsetVariable FrameworkVersion CALL :fn_UnsetVariable FrameworkVersion32 CALL :fn_UnsetVariable FSHARPINSTALLDIR CALL :fn_UnsetVariable INCLUDE CALL :fn_UnsetVariable LIB CALL :fn_UnsetVariable LIBPATH CALL :fn_UnsetVariable Platform REM CALL :fn_UnsetVariable VCINSTALLDIR CALL :fn_UnsetVariable VSINSTALLDIR CALL :fn_UnsetVariable WindowsSdkDir CALL :fn_UnsetVariable WindowsSdkDir_35 CALL :fn_UnsetVariable WindowsSdkDir_old REM REM NOTE: Reset the PATH here to the absolute bare minimum required. REM SET PATH=%TOOLPATH%;%SystemRoot%\System32;%SystemRoot% REM REM NOTE: Launch a nested command shell to perform the following steps: REM REM 1. Setup the MSVC environment for this platform using the REM official batch file. REM REM 2. Make sure that no stale build output files are present. REM REM 3. Build the "sqlite3.dll" and "sqlite3.lib" binaries for this REM platform. REM REM 4. Copy the "sqlite3.dll" and "sqlite3.lib" binaries for this REM platform to the platform-specific directory beneath the REM binary directory. REM "%ComSpec%" /C ( REM REM NOTE: Attempt to setup the MSVC environment for this platform. REM %__ECHO% CALL "%VCINSTALLDIR%\vcvarsall.bat" %%P IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Failed to call "%VCINSTALLDIR%\vcvarsall.bat" for platform %%P. GOTO errors ) REM REM NOTE: If this batch file is not running in "what-if" mode, check to REM be sure we were actually able to setup the MSVC environment as REM current versions of their official batch file do not set the REM exit code upon failure. REM IF NOT DEFINED __ECHO ( IF NOT DEFINED WindowsSdkDir ( ECHO Cannot build, Windows SDK not found for platform %%P. GOTO errors ) ) REM REM NOTE: When using MSVC 2012, the native SDK path cannot simply use REM the "lib" sub-directory beneath the location specified in the REM WindowsSdkDir environment variable because that location does REM not actually contain the necessary library files for x86. REM This must be done for each iteration because it relies upon REM the WindowsSdkDir environment variable being set by the batch REM file used to setup the MSVC environment. REM IF DEFINED SET_NSDKLIBPATH ( CALL :fn_SetVariable WindowsSdkDir NSDKLIBPATH CALL :fn_AppendVariable NSDKLIBPATH \lib\win8\um\x86 ) REM REM NOTE: Unless prevented from doing so, invoke NMAKE with the MSVC REM makefile to clean any stale build output from previous REM iterations of this loop and/or previous runs of this batch REM file, etc. REM IF NOT DEFINED NOCLEAN ( %__ECHO% nmake -f Makefile.msc clean IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Failed to clean for platform %%P. GOTO errors ) ) ELSE ( REM REM NOTE: Even when the cleaning step has been disabled, we still need REM to remove the build output for the files we are specifically REM wanting to build for each platform. REM %__ECHO% DEL /Q sqlite3.dll sqlite3.lib sqlite3.pdb ) REM REM NOTE: Invoke NMAKE with the MSVC makefile to build the "sqlite3.dll" REM binary. The x86 compiler will be used to compile the native REM command line tools needed during the build process itself. REM Also, disable looking for and/or linking to the native Tcl REM runtime library. REM %__ECHO% nmake -f Makefile.msc sqlite3.dll "NCC=""%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin\cl.exe""" USE_NATIVE_LIBPATHS=1 NO_TCL=1 %NMAKE_ARGS% IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Failed to build "sqlite3.dll" for platform %%P. GOTO errors ) REM REM NOTE: Copy the "sqlite3.dll" file to the platform-specific directory REM beneath the binary directory. REM %__ECHO% XCOPY sqlite3.dll "%BINARYDIRECTORY%\%%D\" %FFLAGS% %DFLAGS% IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Failed to copy "sqlite3.dll" to "%BINARYDIRECTORY%\%%D\". GOTO errors ) REM REM NOTE: Copy the "sqlite3.lib" file to the platform-specific directory REM beneath the binary directory. REM %__ECHO% XCOPY sqlite3.lib "%BINARYDIRECTORY%\%%D\" %FFLAGS% %DFLAGS% IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Failed to copy "sqlite3.lib" to "%BINARYDIRECTORY%\%%D\". GOTO errors ) REM REM NOTE: Copy the "sqlite3.pdb" file to the platform-specific directory REM beneath the binary directory unless we are prevented from doing REM so. REM IF NOT DEFINED NOSYMBOLS ( %__ECHO% XCOPY sqlite3.pdb "%BINARYDIRECTORY%\%%D\" %FFLAGS% %DFLAGS% IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Failed to copy "sqlite3.pdb" to "%BINARYDIRECTORY%\%%D\". GOTO errors ) ) ) ) REM REM NOTE: Handle any errors generated during the nested command shell. REM IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( GOTO errors ) ) REM REM NOTE: Restore the saved current directory from the directory stack. REM %__ECHO2% POPD IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( ECHO Could not restore directory. GOTO errors ) REM REM NOTE: If we get to this point, we have succeeded. REM GOTO no_errors :fn_ResetErrorLevel VERIFY > NUL GOTO :EOF :fn_SetErrorLevel VERIFY MAYBE 2> NUL GOTO :EOF :fn_SetVariable SETLOCAL IF NOT DEFINED %1 GOTO :EOF IF "%2" == "" GOTO :EOF SET __ECHO_CMD=ECHO %%%1%% FOR /F "delims=" %%V IN ('%__ECHO_CMD%') DO ( SET VALUE=%%V ) ENDLOCAL && SET %2=%VALUE% GOTO :EOF :fn_UnsetVariable IF NOT "%1" == "" ( SET %1= CALL :fn_ResetErrorLevel ) GOTO :EOF :fn_AppendVariable SET __ECHO_CMD=ECHO %%%1%% IF DEFINED %1 ( FOR /F "delims=" %%V IN ('%__ECHO_CMD%') DO ( SET %1=%%V%~2 ) ) ELSE ( SET %1=%~2 ) SET __ECHO_CMD= CALL :fn_ResetErrorLevel GOTO :EOF :usage ECHO. ECHO Usage: %~nx0 ^ ECHO. GOTO errors :errors CALL :fn_SetErrorLevel ENDLOCAL ECHO. ECHO Failure, errors were encountered. GOTO end_of_file :no_errors CALL :fn_ResetErrorLevel ENDLOCAL ECHO. ECHO Success, no errors were encountered. GOTO end_of_file :end_of_file %__ECHO% EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL%