[tox] envlist = py27 skipsdist=True [testenv] basepython = python2.7 commands = py.test -x \ --cov-report=html \ --cov-report=term \ --cov=leap.soledad \ {posargs} usedevelop = True deps = coverage pytest pytest-cov pytest-twisted mock testscenarios setuptools-trial pdbpp couchdb requests service_identity leap.common # used by benchmarks psutil numpy pytest-benchmark elasticsearch certifi # install soledad from current tree -e.[client] -e.[server] setenv = HOME=/tmp TERM=xterm XDG_CACHE_HOME=./.cache/ install_command = pip install {opts} {packages} [testenv:py34] basepython = python3.4 commands = py.test \ --cov-report=html \ --cov-report=term \ --cov=leap.soledad \ {posargs} usedevelop = True deps = coverage pytest pytest-cov pytest-twisted mock testscenarios setuptools-trial couchdb requests service_identity # used by benchmarks psutil numpy pytest-benchmark elasticsearch certifi # install soledad local packages -e.[client] -e.[server] setenv = HOME=/tmp TERM=xterm install_command = pip3 install {opts} {packages} [testenv:benchmark] usedevelop = True deps = {[testenv]deps} commands = # run benchmarks twice: once for time and cpu and a second time for memory py.test --subdir=benchmarks {posargs} py.test --subdir=benchmarks --watch-memory {posargs} passenv = HOST_HOSTNAME [testenv:responsiveness] usedevelop = True deps = {[testenv:benchmark]deps} commands = py.test --subdir=responsiveness {posargs} [testenv:code-check] deps = pep8 flake8 commands = pep8 flake8 [testenv:parallel] deps = {[testenv]deps} pytest-xdist install_command = pip install {opts} {packages} commands = py.test {posargs} -n 4