# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # test_incoming_flow_integration.py # Copyright (C) 2017 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ Integration tests for the complete flow of IncomingBox feature """ import pytest from uuid import uuid4 from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.web.server import Site from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.web.resource import Resource from zope.interface import implementer from leap.soledad.client.incoming import IncomingBoxProcessingLoop from leap.soledad.client.incoming import IncomingBox from leap.soledad.server import _blobs as server_blobs from leap.soledad.client._db.blobs import BlobManager from leap.soledad.server._incoming import IncomingResource from leap.soledad.server._blobs import BlobsServerState from leap.soledad.client import interfaces @implementer(interfaces.IIncomingBoxConsumer) class GoodConsumer(object): def __init__(self): self.name = 'GoodConsumer' self.processed, self.saved = [], [] def process(self, item, item_id, encrypted=True): self.processed.append(item_id) return defer.succeed([item_id]) def save(self, parts, item_id): self.saved.append(item_id) return defer.succeed(None) class IncomingFlowIntegrationTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): root = Resource() state = BlobsServerState('filesystem', blobs_path=self.tempdir) incoming_resource = IncomingResource(state) blobs_resource = server_blobs.BlobsResource("filesystem", self.tempdir) root.putChild('blobs', blobs_resource) root.putChild('incoming', incoming_resource) site = Site(root) self.port = reactor.listenTCP(0, site, interface='') self.host = self.port.getHost() self.uri = 'http://%s:%s/' % (self.host.host, self.host.port) self.blobs_uri = self.uri + 'blobs/' self.incoming_uri = self.uri + 'incoming' self.user_id = 'user-' + uuid4().hex self.secret = 'A' * 96 self.blob_manager = BlobManager(self.tempdir, self.blobs_uri, self.secret, self.secret, self.user_id) self.box = IncomingBox(self.blob_manager, 'MX') self.loop = IncomingBoxProcessingLoop(self.box) # FIXME: We use blob_manager client only to avoid DelayedCalls # Somehow treq being used here keeps a connection pool open self.client = self.blob_manager._client def fill(self, messages): deferreds = [] for message_id, message in messages: uri = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.incoming_uri, self.user_id, message_id) deferreds.append(self.blob_manager._client.put(uri, data=message)) return defer.gatherResults(deferreds) def tearDown(self): self.port.stopListening() self.blob_manager.close() @defer.inlineCallbacks @pytest.mark.usefixtures("method_tmpdir") def test_consume_a_incoming_message(self): yield self.fill([('msg1', 'blob')]) consumer = GoodConsumer() self.loop.add_consumer(consumer) yield self.loop() self.assertIn('msg1', consumer.processed)