from twisted.internet import defer, reactor from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread class Watchdog(object): DEBUG = False def __init__(self, delay=0.01): self.delay = delay self.loop_call = LoopingCall.withCount( self.blocked = 0 self.checks = [] self.d = None def start(self): self.debug("\n[watchdog] starting") self.loop_call.start(self.delay) self.d = defer.Deferred() return self.d def watch(self, count): self.debug("[watchdog] watching (%d)" % count) if (self.loop_call.running): self.checks.append(deferToThread(self._check, count)) def _check(self, count): # self.debug("[watchdog] _checking (%d)" % count) if count > 1: self.blocked += count def stop(self): # delay the actual stop so we make sure at least one check watch will # run in the reactor. reactor.callLater(2 * self.delay, self._stop) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _stop(self): if not self.loop_call.running: return self.loop_call.stop() yield defer.gatherResults(self.checks) self.d.callback(None) @property def seconds_blocked(self): return self.blocked * self.delay def debug(self, s): if self.DEBUG: print(s)