import base64 import pytest import random import sys import uuid from io import BytesIO from twisted.internet.defer import gatherResults from twisted.internet.defer import returnValue from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredSemaphore from leap.soledad.common.blobs import Flags from leap.soledad.client._db.blobs import BlobDoc def payload(size): random.seed(1337) # same seed to avoid different bench results payload_bytes = bytearray(random.getrandbits(8) for _ in xrange(size)) # encode as base64 to avoid ascii encode/decode errors return base64.b64encode(payload_bytes)[:size] # remove b64 overhead # used to limit the amount of concurrent accesses to the blob manager semaphore = DeferredSemaphore(2) def reclaim_free_space(client): return client.blobmanager.local.dbpool.runQuery("VACUUM") # # Download tests # @pytest.inlineCallbacks def load_up_downloads(client, amount, data): # delete blobs from server ids = yield client.blobmanager.remote_list(namespace='payload') deferreds = [] for blob_id in ids: d = client.blobmanager.delete, blob_id, namespace='payload') deferreds.append(d) yield gatherResults(deferreds) # deliver some incoming blobs deferreds = [] for i in xrange(amount): fd = BytesIO(data) doc = BlobDoc(fd, blob_id=uuid.uuid4().hex) size = sys.getsizeof(fd) d = client.blobmanager.put, doc, size, namespace='payload') deferreds.append(d) yield gatherResults(deferreds) @pytest.inlineCallbacks def download_blobs(client, pending): deferreds = [] for item in pending: d = client.blobmanager.get, item, namespace='payload') deferreds.append(d) yield gatherResults(deferreds) def create_blobs_download(amount, size): group = 'test_blobs_download_%d_%dk' % (amount, (size / 1000)) @pytest.inlineCallbacks @pytest.mark.benchmark(group=group) def test(soledad_client, txbenchmark_with_setup): client = soledad_client() blob_payload = payload(size) yield load_up_downloads(client, amount, blob_payload) @pytest.inlineCallbacks def setup(): yield client.blobmanager.local.dbpool.runQuery( "DELETE FROM blobs WHERE 1;") yield reclaim_free_space(client) returnValue(soledad_client(force_fresh_db=True)) @pytest.inlineCallbacks def download(client): pending = yield client.blobmanager.remote_list( namespace='payload', filter_flag=Flags.PENDING) yield download_blobs(client, pending) yield client.sync() yield txbenchmark_with_setup(setup, download) return test # ATTENTION: update the documentation in ../docs/benchmarks.rst if you change # the number of docs or the doc sizes for the tests below. test_blobs_download_10_1000k = create_blobs_download(10, 1000 * 1000) test_blobs_download_100_100k = create_blobs_download(100, 100 * 1000) test_blobs_download_1000_10k = create_blobs_download(1000, 10 * 1000) # # Upload tests # @pytest.inlineCallbacks def load_up_uploads(client, amount, data): # delete blobs from server ids = yield client.blobmanager.remote_list(namespace='payload') deferreds = [] for blob_id in ids: d = client.blobmanager.delete, blob_id, namespace='payload') deferreds.append(d) yield gatherResults(deferreds) @pytest.inlineCallbacks def upload_blobs(client, amount, data): deferreds = [] for i in xrange(amount): fd = BytesIO(data) doc = BlobDoc(fd, blob_id=uuid.uuid4().hex) size = sys.getsizeof(fd) d = client.blobmanager.put, doc, size, namespace='payload') deferreds.append(d) yield gatherResults(deferreds) def create_blobs_upload(amount, size): group = 'test_blobs_upload_%d_%dk' % (amount, (size / 1000)) @pytest.inlineCallbacks @pytest.mark.benchmark(group=group) def test(soledad_client, txbenchmark_with_setup): client = soledad_client() blob_payload = payload(size) @pytest.inlineCallbacks def setup(): yield load_up_uploads(client, amount, blob_payload) returnValue(soledad_client(force_fresh_db=True)) @pytest.inlineCallbacks def upload(client): yield upload_blobs(client, amount, blob_payload) yield client.sync() yield txbenchmark_with_setup(setup, upload) return test # ATTENTION: update the documentation in ../docs/benchmarks.rst if you change # the number of docs or the doc sizes for the tests below. test_blobs_upload_10_1000k = create_blobs_upload(10, 1000 * 1000) test_blobs_upload_100_100k = create_blobs_upload(100, 100 * 1000) test_blobs_upload_1000_10k = create_blobs_upload(1000, 10 * 1000)