import pytest

from twisted.internet.defer import gatherResults

def load_up(client, amount, size):
    content = 'x'*size
    deferreds = []
    # create a bunch of local documents
    for i in xrange(amount):
        d = client.create_doc({'content': content})
    d = gatherResults(deferreds)
    d.addCallback(lambda _: None)
    return d

def create_upload(uploads, size):
    def test(soledad_client, txbenchmark_with_setup):
        client = soledad_client()

        def setup():
            return load_up(client, uploads, size)

        yield txbenchmark_with_setup(setup, client.sync)
    return test

test_upload_20_500k = create_upload(20, 500*1000)
test_upload_100_100k = create_upload(100, 100*1000)
test_upload_1000_10k = create_upload(1000, 10*1000)

def create_download(downloads, size):
    def test(soledad_client, txbenchmark_with_setup):
        client = soledad_client()

        yield load_up(client, downloads, size)
        yield client.sync()
        # We could create them directly on couch, but sending them
        # ensures we are dealing with properly encrypted docs

        def setup():
            clean_client = soledad_client()
            return (clean_client,), {}

        def sync(clean_client):
            return clean_client.sync()
        yield txbenchmark_with_setup(setup, sync)
    return test

test_download_20_500k = create_download(20, 500*1000)
test_download_100_100k = create_download(100, 100*1000)
test_download_1000_10k = create_download(1000, 10*1000)