# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # sync.py # Copyright (C) 2017 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Synchronization between blobs client/server """ from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.logger import Logger from twisted.internet import error from .sql import SyncStatus from .errors import RetriableTransferError logger = Logger() def sleep(seconds): d = defer.Deferred() reactor.callLater(seconds, d.callback, None) return d MAX_WAIT = 60 # In seconds. Max time between retries @defer.inlineCallbacks def with_retry(func, *args, **kwargs): """ Run func repeatedly until success, as long as the exception raised is a "retriable error". If an exception of another kind is raised by func, the retrying stops and that exception is propagated up the stack. """ retry_wait = 1 retriable_errors = (error.ConnectError, error.ConnectionClosed, RetriableTransferError,) while True: try: yield func(*args, **kwargs) break except retriable_errors: yield sleep(retry_wait) retry_wait = min(retry_wait + 10, MAX_WAIT) class BlobsSynchronizer(object): @defer.inlineCallbacks def refresh_sync_status_from_server(self, namespace=''): d1 = self.remote_list(namespace=namespace) d2 = self.local_list(namespace=namespace) remote_list, local_list = yield defer.gatherResults([d1, d2]) pending_download_ids = tuple(set(remote_list) - set(local_list)) pending_upload_ids = tuple(set(local_list) - set(remote_list)) yield self.local.update_batch_sync_status( pending_download_ids, SyncStatus.PENDING_DOWNLOAD, namespace=namespace) yield self.local.update_batch_sync_status( pending_upload_ids, SyncStatus.PENDING_UPLOAD, namespace=namespace) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _apply_deletions_from_server(self, namespace=''): remote_deletions = self.remote_list(namespace=namespace, deleted=True) remote_deletions = yield remote_deletions yield self.local.batch_delete(remote_deletions) yield self.local.update_batch_sync_status( remote_deletions, SyncStatus.SYNCED, namespace=namespace) @defer.inlineCallbacks def send_missing(self, namespace=''): """ Compare local and remote blobs and send what's missing in server. :param namespace: Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace. :type namespace: str """ missing = yield self.local.list_status( SyncStatus.PENDING_UPLOAD, namespace) total = len(missing) logger.info("Will send %d blobs to server." % total) deferreds = [] semaphore = defer.DeferredSemaphore(self.concurrent_transfers_limit) for i in xrange(total): blob_id = missing.pop() d = semaphore.run( with_retry, self.__send_one, blob_id, namespace, i, total) deferreds.append(d) yield defer.gatherResults(deferreds, consumeErrors=True) @defer.inlineCallbacks def __send_one(self, blob_id, namespace, i, total): logger.info("Sending blob to server (%d/%d): %s" % (i, total, blob_id)) fd = yield self.local.get(blob_id, namespace=namespace) yield self._encrypt_and_upload(blob_id, fd) yield self.local.update_sync_status(blob_id, SyncStatus.SYNCED) @defer.inlineCallbacks def fetch_missing(self, namespace=''): """ Compare local and remote blobs and fetch what's missing in local storage. :param namespace: Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace. :type namespace: str """ # TODO: Use something to prioritize user requests over general new docs d = self.local_list_status(SyncStatus.PENDING_DOWNLOAD, namespace) docs_we_want = yield d total = len(docs_we_want) logger.info("Will fetch %d blobs from server." % total) deferreds = [] semaphore = defer.DeferredSemaphore(self.concurrent_transfers_limit) for i in xrange(len(docs_we_want)): blob_id = docs_we_want.pop() logger.info("Fetching blob (%d/%d): %s" % (i, total, blob_id)) d = semaphore.run(with_retry, self.get, blob_id, namespace) deferreds.append(d) yield defer.gatherResults(deferreds, consumeErrors=True) @defer.inlineCallbacks def sync(self, namespace=''): try: yield self._apply_deletions_from_server(namespace) yield self.refresh_sync_status_from_server(namespace) yield self.fetch_missing(namespace) yield self.send_missing(namespace) except defer.FirstError as e: e.subFailure.raiseException() @property def sync_progress(self): return self.local.get_sync_progress()