# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # _blobs.py # Copyright (C) 2017 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ Clientside BlobBackend Storage. """ from urlparse import urljoin import binascii import os import json import base64 from io import BytesIO from functools import partial from twisted.logger import Logger from twisted.enterprise import adbapi from twisted.internet import defer import treq from leap.soledad.common.errors import SoledadError from leap.common.files import mkdir_p from .._document import BlobDoc from .._crypto import DocInfo from .._crypto import BlobEncryptor from .._crypto import BlobDecryptor from .._crypto import EncryptionSchemeNotImplementedException from .._http import HTTPClient from .._pipes import TruncatedTailPipe from .._pipes import PreamblePipe from . import pragmas from . import sqlcipher logger = Logger() FIXED_REV = 'ImmutableRevision' # Blob content is immutable class BlobAlreadyExistsError(SoledadError): pass class InvalidFlagsError(SoledadError): pass class SyncStatus: SYNCED = 1 PENDING_UPLOAD = 2 PENDING_DOWNLOAD = 3 FAILED_UPLOAD = 4 FAILED_DOWNLOAD = 5 class ConnectionPool(adbapi.ConnectionPool): def blocking_create_schema(self, create_schema_function): """ Grabs a connection and executes schema creation from current thread, disconnecting right after it. This ensures that schema creation blocks everything and doesn't run concurrently. :param create_schema_function: A function that receives a connection and executes schema criation and/or migrations. :type create_schema_function: function """ conn = self.connect() create_schema_function(conn) self.disconnect(conn) def insertAndGetLastRowid(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Execute an SQL query and return the last rowid. See: https://sqlite.org/c3ref/last_insert_rowid.html """ return self.runInteraction( self._insertAndGetLastRowid, *args, **kwargs) def _insertAndGetLastRowid(self, trans, *args, **kw): trans.execute(*args, **kw) return trans.lastrowid def blob(self, table, column, irow, flags): """ Open a BLOB for incremental I/O. Return a handle to the BLOB that would be selected by: SELECT column FROM table WHERE rowid = irow; See: https://sqlite.org/c3ref/blob_open.html :param table: The table in which to lookup the blob. :type table: str :param column: The column where the BLOB is located. :type column: str :param rowid: The rowid of the BLOB. :type rowid: int :param flags: If zero, BLOB is opened for read-only. If non-zero, BLOB is opened for RW. :type flags: int :return: A BLOB handle. :rtype: pysqlcipher.dbapi.Blob """ return self.runInteraction(self._blob, table, column, irow, flags) def write(self, table, column, irow, blob_fd): return self.runInteraction(self._write_blob, table, column, irow, blob_fd) def _write_blob(self, trans, table, column, irow, blob_fd): blob_fd.seek(0) # XXX I have to copy the buffer here so that I'm able to # return a non-closed file to the caller (blobmanager.get) # FIXME should remove this duplication! # have a look at how treq does cope with closing the handle # for uploading a file with trans._connection.blob(table, column, irow, 1) as handle: data = blob_fd.read(2**12) while data: handle.write(data) data = blob_fd.read(2**12) def _blob(self, trans, table, column, irow, flags): # TODO: should not use transaction private variable here handle = trans._connection.blob(table, column, irow, flags) return handle def check_http_status(code): if code == 409: raise BlobAlreadyExistsError() elif code == 406: raise InvalidFlagsError() elif code != 200: raise SoledadError("Server Error: %s" % code) class DecrypterBuffer(object): def __init__(self, blob_id, secret, tag): self.doc_info = DocInfo(blob_id, FIXED_REV) self.secret = secret self.tag = tag self.preamble_pipe = PreamblePipe(self._make_decryptor) self.decrypter = None def _make_decryptor(self, preamble): try: self.decrypter = BlobDecryptor( self.doc_info, preamble, secret=self.secret, armor=False, start_stream=False, tag=self.tag) return TruncatedTailPipe(self.decrypter, tail_size=len(self.tag)) except EncryptionSchemeNotImplementedException: # If we do not support the provided encryption scheme, than that's # something for the application using soledad to handle. This is # the case on asymmetrically encrypted documents on IncomingBox. self.raw_data = BytesIO() return self.raw_data def write(self, data): self.preamble_pipe.write(data) def close(self): if self.decrypter: real_size = self.decrypter.decrypted_content_size return self.decrypter.endStream(), real_size else: return self.raw_data, self.raw_data.tell() class BlobManager(object): """ Ideally, the decrypting flow goes like this: - GET a blob from remote server. - Decrypt the preamble - Allocate a zeroblob in the sqlcipher sink - Mark the blob as unusable (ie, not verified) - Decrypt the payload incrementally, and write chunks to sqlcipher ** Is it possible to use a small buffer for the aes writer w/o ** allocating all the memory in openssl? - Finalize the AES decryption - If preamble + payload verifies correctly, mark the blob as usable """ max_retries = 3 def __init__( self, local_path, remote, key, secret, user, token=None, cert_file=None): if local_path: mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(local_path)) self.local = SQLiteBlobBackend(local_path, key=key, user=user) self.remote = remote self.secret = secret self.user = user self._client = HTTPClient(user, token, cert_file) def close(self): if hasattr(self, 'local') and self.local: return self.local.close() def count(self, **params): """ Counts the number of blobs. :param namespace: Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace. :type namespace: str :return: A deferred that fires with a dict parsed from the JSON response, which `count` key has the number of blobs as value. Eg.: {"count": 42} :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred """ params['only_count'] = True return self.remote_list(**params) @defer.inlineCallbacks def remote_list(self, **params): """ List blobs from server, with filtering and ordering capabilities. :param namespace: Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace. :type namespace: str :param order_by: Optional parameter to order results. Possible values are: date or +date - Ascending order (older first) -date - Descending order (newer first) :type order_by: str :param filter_flag: Optional parameter to filter listing to results containing the specified tag. :type filter_flag: leap.soledad.common.blobs.Flags :return: A deferred that fires with a list parsed from the JSON response, holding the requested list of blobs. Eg.: ['blob_id1', 'blob_id2'] :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred """ uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + '/') data = yield self._client.get(uri, params=params) defer.returnValue((yield data.json())) def local_list(self, namespace='', sync_status=None): return self.local.list(namespace, sync_status) @defer.inlineCallbacks def send_missing(self, namespace=''): our_blobs = yield self.local_list(namespace) server_blobs = yield self.remote_list(namespace=namespace) missing = [b_id for b_id in our_blobs if b_id not in server_blobs] logger.info("Amount of documents missing on server: %s" % len(missing)) # TODO: Send concurrently when we are able to stream directly from db for blob_id in missing: fd = yield self.local.get(blob_id, namespace) logger.info("Upload local blob: %s" % blob_id) try: yield self._encrypt_and_upload(blob_id, fd) yield self.local.update_sync_status(blob_id, SyncStatus.SYNCED) except Exception, e: yield self.local.increment_retries(blob_id) _, retries = yield self.local.get_sync_status(blob_id) if retries > self.max_retries: failed_upload = SyncStatus.FAILED_UPLOAD yield self.local.update_sync_status(blob_id, failed_upload) raise e @defer.inlineCallbacks def fetch_missing(self, namespace=''): # TODO: Use something to prioritize user requests over general new docs our_blobs = yield self.local_list(namespace) server_blobs = yield self.remote_list(namespace=namespace) docs_we_want = [b_id for b_id in server_blobs if b_id not in our_blobs] logger.info("Fetching new docs from server: %s" % len(docs_we_want)) # TODO: Fetch concurrently when we are able to stream directly into db for blob_id in docs_we_want: logger.info("Fetching new doc: %s" % blob_id) yield self.get(blob_id, namespace) @defer.inlineCallbacks def put(self, doc, size, namespace=''): if (yield self.local.exists(doc.blob_id, namespace)): error_message = "Blob already exists: %s" % doc.blob_id raise BlobAlreadyExistsError(error_message) fd = doc.blob_fd # TODO this is a tee really, but ok... could do db and upload # concurrently. not sure if we'd gain something. yield self.local.put(doc.blob_id, fd, size=size, namespace=namespace) # In fact, some kind of pipe is needed here, where each write on db # handle gets forwarded into a write on the connection handle fd = yield self.local.get(doc.blob_id, namespace) yield self._encrypt_and_upload(doc.blob_id, fd, namespace=namespace) yield self.local.update_sync_status(doc.blob_id, SyncStatus.SYNCED) @defer.inlineCallbacks def set_flags(self, blob_id, flags, **params): """ Set flags for a given blob_id. :param blob_id: Unique identifier of a blob. :type blob_id: str :param flags: List of flags to be set. :type flags: [leap.soledad.common.blobs.Flags] :param namespace: Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace. :type namespace: str :return: A deferred that fires when the operation finishes. :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred """ flags = BytesIO(json.dumps(flags)) uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + "/" + blob_id) response = yield self._client.post(uri, data=flags, params=params) if response.code == 404: logger.error("Blob not found during set_flags: %s" % blob_id) msg = "No blob found on server while trying to set flags: %s" raise SoledadError(msg % (blob_id)) check_http_status(response.code) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_flags(self, blob_id, **params): """ Get flags from a given blob_id. :param blob_id: Unique identifier of a blob. :type blob_id: str :param namespace: Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace. :type namespace: str :return: A deferred that fires with a list parsed from JSON response. Eg.: [Flags.PENDING] :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred """ uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + "/" + blob_id) params.update({'only_flags': True}) response = yield self._client.get(uri, params=params) if response.code == 404: logger.warn("Blob not found in server: %s" % blob_id) defer.returnValue(None) defer.returnValue((yield response.json())) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get(self, blob_id, namespace=''): local_blob = yield self.local.get(blob_id, namespace=namespace) if local_blob: logger.info("Found blob in local database: %s" % blob_id) defer.returnValue(local_blob) result = yield self._download_and_decrypt(blob_id, namespace) if not result: defer.returnValue(None) blob, size = result if blob: logger.info("Got decrypted blob of type: %s" % type(blob)) blob.seek(0) yield self.local.put(blob_id, blob, size=size, namespace=namespace) defer.returnValue((yield self.local.get(blob_id, namespace))) else: # XXX we shouldn't get here, but we will... # lots of ugly error handling possible: # 1. retry, might be network error # 2. try later, maybe didn't finished streaming # 3.. resignation, might be error while verifying logger.error('sorry, dunno what happened') @defer.inlineCallbacks def _encrypt_and_upload(self, blob_id, fd, **params): # TODO ------------------------------------------ # this is wrong, is doing 2 stages. # the crypto producer can be passed to # the uploader and react as data is written. # try to rewrite as a tube: pass the fd to aes and let aes writer # produce data to the treq request fd. # ------------------------------------------------ logger.info("Staring upload of blob: %s" % blob_id) doc_info = DocInfo(blob_id, FIXED_REV) uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + "/" + blob_id) crypter = BlobEncryptor(doc_info, fd, secret=self.secret, armor=False) fd = yield crypter.encrypt() response = yield self._client.put(uri, data=fd, params=params) check_http_status(response.code) logger.info("Finished upload: %s" % (blob_id,)) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _download_and_decrypt(self, blob_id, namespace=''): logger.info("Staring download of blob: %s" % blob_id) # TODO this needs to be connected in a tube uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + '/' + blob_id) params = {'namespace': namespace} if namespace else None data = yield self._client.get(uri, params=params, namespace=namespace) if data.code == 404: logger.warn("Blob not found in server: %s" % blob_id) defer.returnValue(None) elif not data.headers.hasHeader('Tag'): logger.error("Server didn't send a tag header for: %s" % blob_id) defer.returnValue(None) tag = data.headers.getRawHeaders('Tag')[0] tag = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(tag) buf = DecrypterBuffer(blob_id, self.secret, tag) # incrementally collect the body of the response yield treq.collect(data, buf.write) fd, size = buf.close() logger.info("Finished download: (%s, %d)" % (blob_id, size)) defer.returnValue((fd, size)) @defer.inlineCallbacks def delete(self, blob_id, namespace='', **params): """ Deletes a blob from local and remote storages. :param blob_id: Unique identifier of a blob. :type blob_id: str :param namespace: Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace. :type namespace: str :return: A deferred that fires when the operation finishes. :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred """ params['namespace'] = namespace logger.info("Staring deletion of blob: %s" % blob_id) yield self._delete_from_remote(blob_id, **params) if (yield self.local.exists(blob_id, namespace)): yield self.local.delete(blob_id, namespace) def _delete_from_remote(self, blob_id, **params): # TODO this needs to be connected in a tube uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + '/' + blob_id) return self._client.delete(uri, params=params) class SQLiteBlobBackend(object): def __init__(self, path, key=None, user=None): dbname = '%s_blobs.db' % (user or 'soledad') self.path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(path, dbname)) mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(self.path)) if not key: raise ValueError('key cannot be None') backend = 'pysqlcipher.dbapi2' opts = sqlcipher.SQLCipherOptions( '/tmp/ignored', binascii.b2a_hex(key), is_raw_key=True, create=True) openfun = partial(pragmas.set_init_pragmas, opts=opts, schema_func=_init_blob_table) self.dbpool = ConnectionPool( backend, self.path, check_same_thread=False, timeout=5, cp_openfun=openfun, cp_min=2, cp_max=2, cp_name='blob_pool') def close(self): from twisted._threads import AlreadyQuit try: self.dbpool.close() except AlreadyQuit: pass @defer.inlineCallbacks def put(self, blob_id, blob_fd, size=None, namespace='', status=SyncStatus.PENDING_UPLOAD): logger.info("Saving blob in local database...") insert = 'INSERT INTO blobs (blob_id, namespace, payload, sync_status)' insert += ' VALUES (?, ?, zeroblob(?), ?)' values = (blob_id, namespace, size, status) irow = yield self.dbpool.insertAndGetLastRowid(insert, values) yield self.dbpool.write('blobs', 'payload', irow, blob_fd) logger.info("Finished saving blob in local database.") @defer.inlineCallbacks def get(self, blob_id, namespace=''): # TODO we can also stream the blob value using sqlite # incremental interface for blobs - and just return the raw fd instead select = 'SELECT payload FROM blobs WHERE blob_id = ? AND namespace= ?' result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(select, (blob_id, namespace,)) if result: defer.returnValue(BytesIO(str(result[0][0]))) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_sync_status(self, blob_id): select = 'SELECT sync_status, retries FROM blobs WHERE blob_id = ?' result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(select, (blob_id,)) if result: defer.returnValue((result[0][0], result[0][1])) @defer.inlineCallbacks def list(self, namespace='', sync_status=False): query = 'select blob_id from blobs where namespace = ?' values = (namespace,) if sync_status: query += ' and sync_status = ?' values += (sync_status,) result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(query, values) if result: defer.returnValue([b_id[0] for b_id in result]) else: defer.returnValue([]) def update_sync_status(self, blob_id, sync_status): query = 'update blobs set sync_status = ? where blob_id = ?' values = (sync_status, blob_id,) return self.dbpool.runQuery(query, values) def increment_retries(self, blob_id): query = 'update blobs set retries = retries + 1 where blob_id = ?' return self.dbpool.runQuery(query, (blob_id,)) @defer.inlineCallbacks def list_namespaces(self): query = 'select namespace from blobs' result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(query) if result: defer.returnValue([namespace[0] for namespace in result]) else: defer.returnValue([]) @defer.inlineCallbacks def exists(self, blob_id, namespace=''): query = 'SELECT blob_id from blobs WHERE blob_id = ? AND namespace= ?' result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(query, (blob_id, namespace,)) defer.returnValue(bool(len(result))) def delete(self, blob_id, namespace=''): query = 'DELETE FROM blobs WHERE blob_id = ? AND namespace = ?' return self.dbpool.runQuery(query, (blob_id, namespace,)) def _init_blob_table(conn): maybe_create = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " "blobs (" "blob_id PRIMARY KEY, " "payload BLOB)") conn.execute(maybe_create) columns = [row[1] for row in conn.execute("pragma" " table_info(blobs)").fetchall()] if 'namespace' not in columns: # namespace migration conn.execute('ALTER TABLE blobs ADD COLUMN namespace TEXT') if 'sync_status' not in columns: # sync status migration default_status = SyncStatus.PENDING_UPLOAD sync_column = 'ALTER TABLE blobs ADD COLUMN sync_status INT default %s' sync_column %= default_status conn.execute(sync_column) conn.execute('ALTER TABLE blobs ADD COLUMN retries INT default 0') # # testing facilities # @defer.inlineCallbacks def testit(reactor): # configure logging to stdout from twisted.python import log import sys log.startLogging(sys.stdout) # parse command line arguments import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--url', default='http://localhost:9000/') parser.add_argument('--path', default='/tmp/blobs') parser.add_argument('--secret', default='secret') parser.add_argument('--uuid', default='user') parser.add_argument('--token', default=None) parser.add_argument('--cert-file', default='') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help', dest='action') # parse upload command parser_upload = subparsers.add_parser( 'upload', help='upload blob and bypass local db') parser_upload.add_argument('payload') parser_upload.add_argument('blob_id') # parse download command parser_download = subparsers.add_parser( 'download', help='download blob and bypass local db') parser_download.add_argument('blob_id') parser_download.add_argument('--output-file', default='/tmp/incoming-file') # parse put command parser_put = subparsers.add_parser( 'put', help='put blob in local db and upload') parser_put.add_argument('payload') parser_put.add_argument('blob_id') # parse get command parser_get = subparsers.add_parser( 'get', help='get blob from local db, get if needed') parser_get.add_argument('blob_id') # parse delete command parser_get = subparsers.add_parser( 'delete', help='delete blob from local and remote db') parser_get.add_argument('blob_id') # parse list command parser_get = subparsers.add_parser( 'list', help='list local and remote blob ids') # parse send_missing command parser_get = subparsers.add_parser( 'send_missing', help='send all pending upload blobs') # parse send_missing command parser_get = subparsers.add_parser( 'fetch_missing', help='fetch all new server blobs') # parse arguments args = parser.parse_args() # TODO convert these into proper unittests def _manager(): mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(args.path)) manager = BlobManager( args.path, args.url, 'A' * 32, args.secret, args.uuid, args.token, args.cert_file) return manager @defer.inlineCallbacks def _upload(blob_id, payload): logger.info(":: Starting upload only: %s" % str((blob_id, payload))) manager = _manager() with open(payload, 'r') as fd: yield manager._encrypt_and_upload(blob_id, fd) logger.info(":: Finished upload only: %s" % str((blob_id, payload))) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _download(blob_id): logger.info(":: Starting download only: %s" % blob_id) manager = _manager() result = yield manager._download_and_decrypt(blob_id) logger.info(":: Result of download: %s" % str(result)) if result: fd, _ = result with open(args.output_file, 'w') as f: logger.info(":: Writing data to %s" % args.output_file) f.write(fd.read()) logger.info(":: Finished download only: %s" % blob_id) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _put(blob_id, payload): logger.info(":: Starting full put: %s" % blob_id) manager = _manager() size = os.path.getsize(payload) with open(payload) as fd: doc = BlobDoc(fd, blob_id) result = yield manager.put(doc, size=size) logger.info(":: Result of put: %s" % str(result)) logger.info(":: Finished full put: %s" % blob_id) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _get(blob_id): logger.info(":: Starting full get: %s" % blob_id) manager = _manager() fd = yield manager.get(blob_id) if fd: logger.info(":: Result of get: " + fd.getvalue()) logger.info(":: Finished full get: %s" % blob_id) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _delete(blob_id): logger.info(":: Starting deletion of: %s" % blob_id) manager = _manager() yield manager.delete(blob_id) logger.info(":: Finished deletion of: %s" % blob_id) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _list(): logger.info(":: Listing local blobs") manager = _manager() local_list = yield manager.local_list() logger.info(":: Local list: %s" % local_list) logger.info(":: Listing remote blobs") remote_list = yield manager.remote_list() logger.info(":: Remote list: %s" % remote_list) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _send_missing(): logger.info(":: Sending local pending upload docs") manager = _manager() yield manager.send_missing() logger.info(":: Finished sending missing docs") @defer.inlineCallbacks def _fetch_missing(): logger.info(":: Fetching remote new docs") manager = _manager() yield manager.fetch_missing() logger.info(":: Finished fetching new docs") if args.action == 'upload': yield _upload(args.blob_id, args.payload) elif args.action == 'download': yield _download(args.blob_id) elif args.action == 'put': yield _put(args.blob_id, args.payload) elif args.action == 'get': yield _get(args.blob_id) elif args.action == 'delete': yield _delete(args.blob_id) elif args.action == 'list': yield _list() elif args.action == 'send_missing': yield _send_missing() elif args.action == 'fetch_missing': yield _fetch_missing() if __name__ == '__main__': from twisted.internet.task import react react(testit)