# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # leap_backend.py # Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ A U1DB backend for encrypting data before sending to server and decrypting after receiving. """ import uuid try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: import json # noqa from u1db import Document from u1db.remote import utils from u1db.remote.http_target import HTTPSyncTarget from u1db.remote.http_database import HTTPDatabase from u1db.errors import BrokenSyncStream from leap.common.keymanager import KeyManager from leap.common.check import leap_assert class NoDefaultKey(Exception): """ Exception to signal that there's no default OpenPGP key configured. """ pass class NoSoledadCryptoInstance(Exception): """ Exception to signal that no Soledad instance was found. """ pass class DocumentNotEncrypted(Exception): """ Raised for failures in document encryption. """ pass class UnknownEncryptionSchemes(Exception): """ Raised when trying to decrypt from unknown encryption schemes. """ # # Encryption schemes used for encryption. # class EncryptionSchemes(object): """ Representation of encryption schemes used to encrypt documents. """ NONE = 'none' SYMKEY = 'symkey' PUBKEY = 'pubkey' # # Crypto utilities for a LeapDocument. # def encrypt_doc_json(crypto, doc_id, doc_json): """ Return a valid JSON string containing the C{doc} content encrypted to a symmetric key and the encryption scheme. The returned JSON string is the serialization of the following dictionary: { '_encrypted_json': encrypt_sym(doc_content), '_encryption_scheme: 'symkey', } @param crypto: A SoledadCryto instance to perform the encryption. @type crypto: leap.soledad.crypto.SoledadCrypto @param doc_id: The unique id of the document. @type doc_id: str @param doc_json: The JSON serialization of the document's contents. @type doc_json: str @return: The JSON serialization representing the encrypted content. @rtype: str """ ciphertext = crypto.encrypt_sym( doc_json, crypto.passphrase_hash(doc_id)) if not crypto.is_encrypted_sym(ciphertext): raise DocumentNotEncrypted('Failed encrypting document.') return json.dumps({ '_encrypted_json': ciphertext, '_encryption_scheme': EncryptionSchemes.SYMKEY, }) def decrypt_doc_json(crypto, doc_id, doc_json): """ Return a JSON serialization of the decrypted content contained in C{encrypted_json}. The C{encrypted_json} parameter is the JSON serialization of the following dictionary: { '_encrypted_json': enc_blob, '_encryption_scheme': enc_scheme, } C{enc_blob} is the encryption of the JSON serialization of the document's content. For now Soledad just deals with documents whose C{enc_scheme} is EncryptionSchemes.SYMKEY. @param crypto: A SoledadCryto instance to perform the encryption. @type crypto: leap.soledad.crypto.SoledadCrypto @param doc_id: The unique id of the document. @type doc_id: str @param doc_json: The JSON serialization representation of the encrypted document's contents. @type doc_json: str @return: The JSON serialization of the decrypted content. @rtype: str """ leap_assert(isinstance(doc_id, str)) leap_assert(doc_id != '') leap_assert(isinstance(doc_json, str)) leap_assert(doc_json != '') content = json.loads(doc_json) ciphertext = content['_encrypted_json'] enc_scheme = content['_encryption_scheme'] plainjson = None if enc_scheme == EncryptionSchemes.SYMKEY: if not crypto.is_encrypted_sym(ciphertext): raise DocumentNotEncrypted( 'Unable to identify document encryption for incoming ' 'document, although it is marked as being encrypted with a ' 'symmetric key.') plainjson = crypto.decrypt_sym( ciphertext, crypto.passphrase_hash(doc_id)) else: raise UnknownEncryptionScheme(enc_scheme) return plainjson class LeapDocument(Document): """ Encryptable and syncable document. LEAP Documents can be flagged as syncable or not, so the replicas might not sync every document. """ def __init__(self, doc_id=None, rev=None, json='{}', has_conflicts=False, syncable=True): """ Container for handling an encryptable document. @param doc_id: The unique document identifier. @type doc_id: str @param rev: The revision identifier of the document. @type rev: str @param json: The JSON string for this document. @type json: str @param has_conflicts: Boolean indicating if this document has conflicts @type has_conflicts: bool @param syncable: Should this document be synced with remote replicas? @type syncable: bool """ Document.__init__(self, doc_id, rev, json, has_conflicts) self._syncable = syncable def _get_syncable(self): """ Return whether this document is syncable. @return: Is this document syncable? @rtype: bool """ return self._syncable def _set_syncable(self, syncable=True): """ Determine if this document should be synced with remote replicas. @param syncable: Should this document be synced with remote replicas? @type syncable: bool """ self._syncable = syncable syncable = property( _get_syncable, _set_syncable, doc="Determine if document should be synced with server." ) def _get_rev(self): """ Get the document revision. Returning the revision as string solves the following exception in Twisted web: exceptions.TypeError: Can only pass-through bytes on Python 2 @return: The document revision. @rtype: str """ if self._rev is None: return None return str(self._rev) def _set_rev(self, rev): """ Set document revision. @param rev: The new document revision. @type rev: bytes """ self._rev = rev rev = property( _get_rev, _set_rev, doc="Wrapper to ensure `doc.rev` is always returned as bytes.") # # LeapSyncTarget # class LeapSyncTarget(HTTPSyncTarget): """ A SyncTarget that encrypts data before sending and decrypts data after receiving. """ @staticmethod def connect(url, crypto=None): return LeapSyncTarget(url, crypto=crypto) def __init__(self, url, creds=None, crypto=None): """ Initialize the LeapSyncTarget. @param url: The url of the target replica to sync with. @type url: str @param creds: optional dictionary giving credentials. to authorize the operation with the server. @type creds: dict @param soledad: An instance of Soledad so we can encrypt/decrypt document contents when syncing. @type soledad: soledad.Soledad """ HTTPSyncTarget.__init__(self, url, creds) self._crypto = crypto def _parse_sync_stream(self, data, return_doc_cb, ensure_callback=None): """ Does the same as parent's method but ensures incoming content will be decrypted. @param data: The body of the HTTP response. @type data: str @param return_doc_cb: A callback to insert docs from target. @type return_doc_cb: function @param ensure_callback: A callback to ensure we have the correct target_replica_uid, if it was just created. @type ensure_callback: function @return: The parsed sync stream. @rtype: list of str """ parts = data.splitlines() # one at a time if not parts or parts[0] != '[': raise BrokenSyncStream data = parts[1:-1] comma = False if data: line, comma = utils.check_and_strip_comma(data[0]) res = json.loads(line) if ensure_callback and 'replica_uid' in res: ensure_callback(res['replica_uid']) for entry in data[1:]: if not comma: # missing in between comma raise BrokenSyncStream line, comma = utils.check_and_strip_comma(entry) entry = json.loads(line) #------------------------------------------------------------- # symmetric decryption of document's contents #------------------------------------------------------------- # if arriving content was symmetrically encrypted, we decrypt # it. doc = LeapDocument(entry['id'], entry['rev'], entry['content']) if doc.content and '_encryption_scheme' in doc.content: if doc.content['_encryption_scheme'] == \ EncryptionSchemes.SYMKEY: doc.set_json( decrypt_doc_json( self._crypto, doc.doc_id, entry['content'])) #------------------------------------------------------------- # end of symmetric decryption #------------------------------------------------------------- return_doc_cb(doc, entry['gen'], entry['trans_id']) if parts[-1] != ']': try: partdic = json.loads(parts[-1]) except ValueError: pass else: if isinstance(partdic, dict): self._error(partdic) raise BrokenSyncStream if not data or comma: # no entries or bad extra comma raise BrokenSyncStream return res def sync_exchange(self, docs_by_generations, source_replica_uid, last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id, return_doc_cb, ensure_callback=None): """ Does the same as parent's method but encrypts content before syncing. """ self._ensure_connection() if self._trace_hook: # for tests self._trace_hook('sync_exchange') url = '%s/sync-from/%s' % (self._url.path, source_replica_uid) self._conn.putrequest('POST', url) self._conn.putheader('content-type', 'application/x-u1db-sync-stream') for header_name, header_value in self._sign_request('POST', url, {}): self._conn.putheader(header_name, header_value) entries = ['['] size = 1 def prepare(**dic): entry = comma + '\r\n' + json.dumps(dic) entries.append(entry) return len(entry) comma = '' size += prepare( last_known_generation=last_known_generation, last_known_trans_id=last_known_trans_id, ensure=ensure_callback is not None) comma = ',' for doc, gen, trans_id in docs_by_generations: # skip non-syncable docs if isinstance(doc, LeapDocument) and not doc.syncable: continue #------------------------------------------------------------- # symmetric encryption of document's contents #------------------------------------------------------------- enc_json = doc.get_json() if not doc.is_tombstone(): enc_json = encrypt_doc_json( self._crypto, doc.doc_id, doc.get_json()) #------------------------------------------------------------- # end of symmetric encryption #------------------------------------------------------------- size += prepare(id=doc.doc_id, rev=doc.rev, content=enc_json, gen=gen, trans_id=trans_id) entries.append('\r\n]') size += len(entries[-1]) self._conn.putheader('content-length', str(size)) self._conn.endheaders() for entry in entries: self._conn.send(entry) entries = None data, _ = self._response() res = self._parse_sync_stream(data, return_doc_cb, ensure_callback) data = None return res['new_generation'], res['new_transaction_id'] def set_token_credentials(self, address, token): self._creds = {'token': (address, token)} def _sign_request(self, method, url_query, params): if 'token' in self._creds: address, token = self._creds['token'] auth = '%s:%s' % (address, token) return [('Authorization', 'Token %s' % auth.encode('base64'))] else: return HTTPSyncTarget._sign_request( self, method, url_query, params)