# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# __init__.py
# Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

Soledad - Synchronization Of Locally Encrypted Data Among Devices.

Soledad is the part of LEAP that manages storage and synchronization of
application data. It is built on top of U1DB reference Python API and
implements (1) a SQLCipher backend for local storage in the client, (2) a
SyncTarget that encrypts data before syncing, and (3) a CouchDB backend for
remote storage in the server side.

import os
import string
import random
import hmac
import configparser
import re
    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json  # noqa

from leap.common import events
#from leap.common.keymanager.gpgwrapper import GPGWrapper
from leap.soledad.util import GPGWrapper
from leap.soledad.config import SoledadConfig
from leap.soledad.backends import sqlcipher
from leap.soledad.backends.leap_backend import (
from leap.soledad.shared_db import SoledadSharedDatabase

class KeyDoesNotExist(Exception):
    Soledad attempted to find a key that does not exist locally.

class KeyAlreadyExists(Exception):
    Soledad attempted to create a key that already exists locally.

# Soledad: local encrypted storage and remote encrypted sync.

class Soledad(object):
    Soledad provides encrypted data storage and sync.

    A Soledad instance is used to store and retrieve data in a local encrypted
    database and synchronize this database with Soledad server.

    This class is also responsible for bootstrapping users' account by
    creating cryptographic secrets and/or storing/fetching them on Soledad

    Soledad uses C{leap.common.events} to signal events. The possible events
    to be signaled are:

        SOLEDAD_CREATING_KEYS: emitted during bootstrap sequence when key
            generation starts.
        SOLEDAD_DONE_CREATING_KEYS: emitted during bootstrap sequence when key
            generation finishes.
        SOLEDAD_UPLOADING_KEYS: emitted during bootstrap sequence when soledad
            starts sending keys to server.
        SOLEDAD_DONE_UPLOADING_KEYS: emitted during bootstrap sequence when
            soledad finishes sending keys to server.
        SOLEDAD_DOWNLOADING_KEYS: emitted during bootstrap sequence when
            soledad starts to retrieve keys from server.
        SOLEDAD_DONE_DOWNLOADING_KEYS: emitted during bootstrap sequence when
            soledad finishes downloading keys from server.
        SOLEDAD_NEW_DATA_TO_SYNC: emitted upon call to C{need_sync()} when
          there's indeed new data to be synchronized between local database
          replica and server's replica.
        SOLEDAD_DONE_DATA_SYNC: emitted inside C{sync()} method when it has
            finished synchronizing with remote replica.

    The length of the secret used for symmetric encryption.

    def __init__(self, user, passphrase, config_path=None, gnupg_home=None,
                 secret_path=None, local_db_path=None,
                 shared_db_url=None, auth_token=None, bootstrap=True):
        Initialize configuration, cryptographic keys and dbs.

        @param user: Email address of the user (username@provider).
        @type user: str
        @param passphrase: The passphrase for locking and unlocking encryption
            secrets for disk storage.
        @type passphrase: str
        @param config_path: Path for configuration file.
        @type config_path: str
        @param gnupg_home: Home directory for gnupg.
        @type gnupg_home: str
        @param secret_path: Path for storing encrypted key used for
            symmetric encryption.
        @type secret_path: str
        @param local_db_path: Path for local encrypted storage db.
        @type local_db_path: str
        @param shared_db_url: URL for shared Soledad DB for key storage and
            unauth retrieval.
        @type shared_db_url: str
        @param auth_token: Authorization token for accessing remote databases.
        @type auth_token: str
        @param bootstrap: True/False, should bootstrap this instance? Mostly
            for testing purposes but can be useful for initialization control.
        @type bootstrap: bool
        # TODO: allow for fingerprint enforcing.
        self._user = user
        self._passphrase = passphrase
        self._auth_token = auth_token
        if bootstrap:

    def _bootstrap(self):
        Bootstrap local Soledad instance.

        Soledad Client bootstrap is the following sequence of stages:

        * Stage 0 - Local environment setup.
            - directory initialization.
            - gnupg wrapper initialization.
        * Stage 1 - Keys generation/loading:
            - if keys exists locally, load them.
            - else, if keys exists in server, download them.
            - else, generate keys.
        * Stage 2 - Keys synchronization:
            - if keys exist in server, confirm we have the same keys
            - else, send keys to server.
        * Stage 3 - Database initialization.

        This method decides which bootstrap stages have already been performed
        and performs the missing ones in order.
        # TODO: make sure key storage always happens (even if this method is
        #       interrupted).
        # TODO: write tests for bootstrap stages.
        # TODO: log each bootstrap step.
        # Stage 0  - Local environment setup
        self._gpg = GPGWrapper(gnupghome=self._config.get_gnupg_home())
        if self._config.get_shared_db_url() and self._auth_token:
            # TODO: eliminate need to create db here.
            self._shared_db = SoledadSharedDatabase.open_database(
            self._shared_db = None
        # Stage 1 - Keys generation/loading
        if self._has_keys():
            doc = self._get_keys_doc()
            if not doc:
        # Stage 2 - Keys synchronization
        # Stage 3 - Local database initialization

    def _init_config(self, **kwargs):
        Initialize configuration using SoledadConfig.

        Soledad configuration makes use of BaseLeapConfig to load values from
        a file or from default configuration. Parameters passed as arguments
        for this method will supersede file and default values.

        @param kwargs: a dictionary with configuration parameter values passed
            when instantiating this Soledad instance.
        @type kwargs: dict
        self._config = SoledadConfig()
        config_file = kwargs.get('config_path', None)
        if config_file is not None:
        # overwrite config with passed parameters
        for param in ['gnupg_home', 'secret_path', 'local_db_path',
            if param in kwargs and kwargs[param] is not None:
                self._config._config_checker.config[param] = kwargs[param]

    def _init_dirs(self):
        Create work directories.
        paths = map(
            lambda x: os.path.dirname(x),
            [self._config.get_gnupg_home(), self._config.get_local_db_path(),
        for path in paths:
            if not os.path.isdir(path):

    def _init_keys(self):
        Generate (if needed) and load secret for symmetric encryption.
        events.signal(events.SOLEDAD_CREATING_KEYS, self._user)
        # load/generate secret
        if not self._has_symkey():
        events.signal(events.SOLEDAD_DONE_CREATING_KEYS, self._user)

    def _init_db(self):
        Initialize the database for local storage.
        # instantiate u1db
        # TODO: verify if secret for sqlcipher should be the same as the
        # one for symmetric encryption.
        self._db = sqlcipher.open(

    def close(self):
        Close underlying U1DB database.

    # Management of secret for symmetric encryption

    # TODO: refactor the following methods to somewhere out of here
    # (a new class SoledadCrypto, maybe?)

    def _has_symkey(self):
        Verify if a key for symmetric encryption exists in a local encrypted

        @return: whether this soledad instance has a key for symmetric
        @rtype: bool
        # does the file exist in disk?
        if not os.path.isfile(self._config.get_secret_path()):
            return False
        # is it symmetrically encrypted?
        f = open(self._config.get_secret_path(), 'r')
        content = f.read()
        if not self.is_encrypted_sym(content):
            raise DocumentNotEncrypted(
                "File %s is not encrypted!" % self._config.get_secret_path())
        # can we decrypt it?
        result = self._gpg.decrypt(content, passphrase=self._passphrase)
        return result.status == 'decryption ok'

    def _load_symkey(self):
        Load secret for symmetric encryption from local encrypted file.
        if not self._has_symkey():
            raise KeyDoesNotExist("Tried to load key for symmetric "
                                  "encryption but it does not exist on disk.")
            with open(self._config.get_secret_path()) as f:
                self._symkey = str(
                    self._gpg.decrypt(f.read(), passphrase=self._passphrase))
        except IOError:
            raise IOError('Failed to open secret file %s.' %

    def _gen_symkey(self):
        Generate a secret for symmetric encryption and store in a local
        encrypted file.
                string.ascii_letters +
                string.digits) for x in range(self.SECRET_LENGTH)))

    def _set_symkey(self, symkey):
        Define and store the key to be used for symmetric encryption.

        @param symkey: the symmetric key
        @type symkey: str
        if self._has_symkey():
            raise KeyAlreadyExists("Tried to set the value of the key for "
                                   "symmetric encryption but it already "
                                   "exists on disk.")
        self._symkey = symkey

    def _store_symkey(self):
        ciphertext = self._gpg.encrypt(self._symkey, '', symmetric=True,
        f = open(self._config.get_secret_path(), 'w')

    # General crypto utility methods.

    def _has_keys(self):
        Return whether this instance has the key for symmetric encryption.

        @return: whether keys are available for this instance
        @rtype: bool
        return self._has_symkey()

    def _load_keys(self):
        Load the key for symmetric encryption from persistent storage.

    def _gen_keys(self):
        Generate a key for symmetric encryption.

    def _user_hash(self):
        Calculate a hash for storing/retrieving key material on shared
        database, based on user's email.

        @return: the hash
        @rtype: str
        return hmac.new(self._user, 'user').hexdigest()

    def _get_keys_doc(self):
        Retrieve the document with encrypted key material from the shared

        @return: a document with encrypted key material in its contents
        @rtype: LeapDocument
        events.signal(events.SOLEDAD_DOWNLOADING_KEYS, self._user)
        # TODO: change below to raise appropriate exceptions
        if not self._shared_db:
            return None
        doc = self._shared_db.get_doc_unauth(self._user_hash())
        events.signal(events.SOLEDAD_DONE_DOWNLOADING_KEYS, self._user)
        return doc

    def _assert_server_keys(self):
        Assert our key copies are the same as server's ones.
        assert self._has_keys()
        if not self._shared_db:
        doc = self._get_keys_doc()
        if doc:
            remote_symkey = self.decrypt(doc.content['_symkey'],
            assert remote_symkey == self._symkey
            events.signal(events.SOLEDAD_UPLOADING_KEYS, self._user)
            content = {
                '_symkey': self.encrypt(self._symkey),
            doc = LeapDocument(doc_id=self._user_hash(), soledad=self)
            doc.content = content
            events.signal(events.SOLEDAD_DONE_UPLOADING_KEYS, self._user)

    # Data encryption and decryption

    def encrypt(self, data, fingerprint=None, sign=None, passphrase=None,
        Encrypt data.

        @param data: the data to be encrypted
        @type data: str
        @param sign: the fingerprint of key to be used for signature
        @type sign: str
        @param passphrase: the passphrase to be used for encryption
        @type passphrase: str
        @param symmetric: whether the encryption scheme should be symmetric
        @type symmetric: bool

        @return: the encrypted data
        @rtype: str
        return str(self._gpg.encrypt(data, fingerprint, sign=sign,

    def encrypt_symmetric(self, doc_id, data, sign=None):
        Encrypt data using a password.

        The password is derived from the document id and the secret for
        symmetric encryption previously generated/loaded.

        @param doc_id: the document id
        @type doc_id: str
        @param data: the data to be encrypted
        @type data: str
        @param sign: the fingerprint of key to be used for signature
        @type sign: str

        @return: the encrypted data
        @rtype: str
        return self.encrypt(data, sign=sign,

    def decrypt(self, data, passphrase=None):
        Decrypt data.

        @param data: the data to be decrypted
        @type data: str
        @param passphrase: the passphrase to be used for decryption
        @type passphrase: str

        @return: the decrypted data
        @rtype: str
        return str(self._gpg.decrypt(data, passphrase=passphrase))

    def decrypt_symmetric(self, doc_id, data):
        Decrypt data using symmetric secret.

        @param doc_id: the document id
        @type doc_id: str
        @param data: the data to be decrypted
        @type data: str

        @return: the decrypted data
        @rtype: str
        return self.decrypt(data, passphrase=self._hmac_passphrase(doc_id))

    def _hmac_passphrase(self, doc_id):
        Generate a passphrase for symmetric encryption.

        The password is derived from the document id and the secret for
        symmetric encryption previously generated/loaded.

        @param doc_id: the document id
        @type doc_id: str

        @return: the passphrase
        @rtype: str
        return hmac.new(self._symkey, doc_id).hexdigest()

    def is_encrypted(self, data):
        Test whether some chunk of data is a cyphertext.

        @param data: the data to be tested
        @type data: str

        @return: whether the data is a cyphertext
        @rtype: bool
        return self._gpg.is_encrypted(data)

    def is_encrypted_sym(self, data):
        Test whether some chunk of data was encrypted with a symmetric key.

        @return: whether data is encrypted to a symmetric key
        @rtype: bool
        return self._gpg.is_encrypted_sym(data)

    def is_encrypted_asym(self, data):
        Test whether some chunk of data was encrypted to an OpenPGP private

        @return: whether data is encrypted to an OpenPGP private key
        @rtype: bool
        return self._gpg.is_encrypted_asym(data)

    # Document storage, retrieval and sync

    # TODO: refactor the following methods to somewhere out of here
    # (SoledadLocalDatabase, maybe?)

    def put_doc(self, doc):
        Update a document in the local encrypted database.

        @param doc: the document to update
        @type doc: LeapDocument

        @return: the new revision identifier for the document
        @rtype: str
        return self._db.put_doc(doc)

    def delete_doc(self, doc):
        Delete a document from the local encrypted database.

        @param doc: the document to delete
        @type doc: LeapDocument

        @return: the new revision identifier for the document
        @rtype: str
        return self._db.delete_doc(doc)

    def get_doc(self, doc_id, include_deleted=False):
        Retrieve a document from the local encrypted database.

        @param doc_id: the unique document identifier
        @type doc_id: str
        @param include_deleted: if True, deleted documents will be
            returned with empty content; otherwise asking for a deleted
            document will return None
        @type include_deleted: bool

        @return: the document object or None
        @rtype: LeapDocument
        return self._db.get_doc(doc_id, include_deleted=include_deleted)

    def get_docs(self, doc_ids, check_for_conflicts=True,
        Get the content for many documents.

        @param doc_ids: a list of document identifiers
        @type doc_ids: list
        @param check_for_conflicts: if set False, then the conflict check will
            be skipped, and 'None' will be returned instead of True/False
        @type check_for_conflicts: bool

        @return: iterable giving the Document object for each document id
            in matching doc_ids order.
        @rtype: generator
        return self._db.get_docs(doc_ids,

    def create_doc(self, content, doc_id=None):
        Create a new document in the local encrypted database.

        @param content: the contents of the new document
        @type content: dict
        @param doc_id: an optional identifier specifying the document id
        @type doc_id: str

        @return: the new document
        @rtype: LeapDocument
        return self._db.create_doc(content, doc_id=doc_id)

    def get_doc_conflicts(self, doc_id):
        Get the list of conflicts for the given document.

        @param doc_id: the document id
        @type doc_id: str

        @return: a list of the document entries that are conflicted
        @rtype: list

        return self._db.get_doc_conflicts(doc_id)

    def resolve_doc(self, doc, conflicted_doc_revs):
        Mark a document as no longer conflicted.

        @param doc: a document with the new content to be inserted.
        @type doc: LeapDocument
        @param conflicted_doc_revs: a list of revisions that the new content
        @type conflicted_doc_revs: list
        return self._db.resolve_doc(doc, conflicted_doc_revs)

    def sync(self, url):
        Synchronize the local encrypted replica with a remote replica.

        @param url: the url of the target replica to sync with
        @type url: str

        @return: the local generation before the synchronisation was
        @rtype: str
        # TODO: create authentication scheme for sync with server.
        local_gen = self._db.sync(url, creds=None, autocreate=True)
        events.signal(events.SOLEDAD_DONE_DATA_SYNC, self._user)
        return local_gen

    def need_sync(self, url):
        Return if local db replica differs from remote url's replica.

        @param url: The remote replica to compare with local replica.
        @type url: str

        @return: Whether remote replica and local replica differ.
        @rtype: bool
        # TODO: create auth scheme for sync with server
        target = LeapSyncTarget(url, creds=None, soledad=self)
        info = target.get_sync_info(self._db._get_replica_uid())
        # compare source generation with target's last known source generation
        if self._db._get_generation() != info[4]:
            events.signal(events.SOLEDAD_NEW_DATA_TO_SYNC, self._user)
            return True
        return False

    # Recovery document export and import

    def export_recovery_document(self, passphrase=None):
        Exports username, provider, private key and key for symmetric
        encryption, optionally encrypted with a password.

        The LEAP client gives the user the option to export a text file with a
        complete copy of their private keys and authorization information,
        either password protected or not. This "recovery document" can be
        printed or saved electronically as the user sees fit. If the user
        needs to recover their data, they can load this recover document into
        any LEAP client. The user can also type the recovery document in
        manually, although it will be long and very painful to copy manually.

        Contents of recovery document:

           - username
           - provider
           - private key.
           - key for symmetric encryption

        @param passphrase: an optional passphrase for encrypting the document
        @type passphrase: str

        @return: the recovery document json serialization
        @rtype: str
        data = json.dumps({
            'user': self._user,
            'symkey': self._symkey,
        if passphrase:
            data = str(self._gpg.encrypt(data, None, sign=None,
        return data

    def import_recovery_document(self, data, passphrase=None):
        Import username, provider, private key and key for symmetric
        encryption from a recovery document.

        @param data: the recovery document json serialization
        @type data: str
        @param passphrase: an optional passphrase for decrypting the document
        @type passphrase: str
        if self._has_keys():
            raise KeyAlreadyExists("You tried to import a recovery document "
                                   "but secret keys are already present.")
        if passphrase and not self._gpg.is_encrypted_sym(data):
            raise DocumentNotEncrypted("You provided a password but the "
                                       "recovery document is not encrypted.")
        if passphrase:
            data = str(self._gpg.decrypt(data, passphrase=passphrase))
        data = json.loads(data)
        self._user = data['user']
        self._symkey = data['symkey']
        # TODO: make this work well with bootstrap.

__all__ = ['backends', 'util', 'server', 'shared_db']