#!/bin/bash # Install dependencies needed to run client and server in a test environment. # # In details, this script does the following: # # - install dependencies for packages in /var/local from their requirements # files in each of the repositories, using python wheels when possible. # # - install the python packages in development mode # # This script is meant to be copied to the docker container during container # build and run after system dependencies have been installed. BASEDIR="/var/local" # install dependencies and packages install_script="pkg/pip_install_requirements.sh" opts="--use-leap-wheels" pkgs="leap_pycommon soledad/common soledad/client soledad/server" for pkg in ${pkgs}; do pkgdir=${BASEDIR}/${pkg} testing="" if [ -f ${pkgdir}/pkg/requirements-testing.pip ]; then testing="--testing" fi (cd ${pkgdir} && ${install_script} ${testing} ${opts}) (cd ${pkgdir} && python setup.py develop) done