Tests ===== We use `pytest <https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/>`_ as a testing framework and `Tox <https://tox.readthedocs.io>`_ as a test environment manager. Currently, tests reside in the `testing/` folder and some of them need a couchdb server to be run against. If you do have a couchdb server running on localhost on default port, the following command should be enough to run tests:: cd testing tox CouchDB dependency ------------------ In case you want to use a couchdb on another host or port, use the `--couch-url` parameter for `pytest`:: cd testing tox -- --couch-url=http://couch_host:5984 If you want to exclude all tests that depend on couchdb, deselect tests marked with `needs_couch`:: cd testing tox -- -m 'not needs_couch' Benchmark tests --------------- A set of benchmark tests is provided to measure the time and resources taken to perform some actions. `pytest-benchmark` runs tests multiple times so it can provide meaningful statistics for the time taken for a tipical run of a test function. The number of times that the test is run can be manually or automatically configured. When automatically configured, the number of runs is decided by taking into account multiple `pytest-benchmark` configuration parameters. See the `the corresponding documenation <https://pytest-benchmark.readthedocs.io/en/stable/calibration.html>`_ for more details on how automatic calibration works. The actual number of times a test is run depends on many parameters: the time taken for a sample run and the configuration of the minimum number of rounds and maximum time allowed for a benchmark. For a snapshot of the number of rounds for each test function see `the soledad benchmarks wiki page <https://0xacab.org/leap/soledad/wikis/benchmarks>`_. Some graphs and analysis resulting from these tests can be seen on `the benchmarks page <https://benchmarks.leap.se/>`_.