.. _soledad-server:

Soledad Server

Soledad Server is a document store and a blobs server that can synchronize data
with a Soledad Client.

.. _server-config-file:


Soledad Server looks for a configuration file in
``/etc/soledad/soledad-server.conf`` and will read the following configuration
options from the ``[soledad-server]`` section:

========================== =============================================== ================================
Option                     Description                                     Default value
========================== =============================================== ================================
``couch_url``              The URL of the CouchDB backend storage.         ``http://localhost:5984``
``create_cmd``             The shell command to create user databases.     None
``admin_netrc``            The netrc file to be used for authenticating    ``/etc/couchdb/couchdb.netrc``
                           with the CouchDB backend storage.
``batching``               Whether to use batching capabilities for        ``true``
``blobs``                  Whether to provide the Blobs functionality or   ``false``
``blobs_path``             The path for blobs storage in the server's file ``/var/lib/soledad/blobs``
``concurrent_blob_writes`` Limit of concurrent blob writes to the          50
``services_tokens_file``   The file containing authentication tokens for   ``/etc/soledad/services.tokens``
                           services provided through the Services API.
========================== =============================================== ================================


Soledad Server is written as a Twisted application and intended to be run using
the ``twistd`` command. To start the server, run:

.. code-block:: bash

    twistd -n --python /path/to/leap/soledad/server/server.tac

A `systemd <https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/>`_ script is
included in the `Debian package <http://deb.leap.se/repository/>`_ so the
server can be managed using a standard interface.


Some updates of Soledad need manual intervention for database migration because
of changes to the storage backend. In all such cases, we will document the
steps needed for migration in this page.

Soledad Server 0.8 to 0.9 - Couch Database schema migration needed

Starting with Soledad Server 0.9.0, the CouchDB database schema was changed to
improve speed of the server side storage backend. Because of that, this script
has to be run for all Leap providers that used to provide email using Soledad
Server < 0.9.0.

The migration script can be found:

* In `the Soledad repository <https://0xacab.org/leap/soledad/tree/master/scripts/migration/0.9>`_.
* In ``/usr/share/soledad-server/migration/0.9/`` when the ``soledad-server`` debian package is installed.

Instructions for migration can be found in the ``README.md`` file. Make sure to read it carefully and backup your data before starting the migration process.