Soledad Server ============== Soledad Server is a document store and a blobs server that can synchronize data with a Soledad Client. .. _server-config-file: Configuring ----------- Soledad Server looks for a configuration file in ``/etc/soledad/soledad-server.conf`` and will read the following configuration options from the ``[soledad-server]`` section: ==================== =============================================== ================================ Option Description Default value ==================== =============================================== ================================ couch_url The URL of the CouchDB backend storage. ``http://localhost:5984`` create_cmd The shell command to create user databases. None admin_netrc The netrc file to be used for authenticating ``/etc/couchdb/couchdb.netrc`` with the CouchDB backend storage. batching Whether to use batching capabilities for ``true`` synchronization. blobs Whether to provide the Blobs functionality or ``false`` not. blobs_path The path for blobs storage in the server's file ``/var/lib/soledad/blobs`` system. services_tokens_file The file containing authentication tokens for ``/etc/soledad/services.tokens`` services provided through the Services API. ==================== =============================================== ================================ Running ------- This is written as a Twisted application and intended to be run using the twistd command. To start the soledad server, run: .. code-block:: bash twistd -n --python /path/to/leap/soledad/server/server.tac An systemd script is included in the `Debian packages `_ to make it feasible to start and stop the Soledad server service using a standard interface.