Client-side blobs ================= Data storage ------------ On the client-side, blobs can be managed using the ``BlobManager`` API, which is responsible for managing storage of blobs both in local and remote storages. See :ref:`blobmanager-api` and :ref:`blobs-sync-api` for information on the client-side API. All data is stored locally in the ``blobs`` table of a SQLCipher database called ``{uuid}_blobs.db`` that lies in the same directory as the Soledad Client's JSON documents database (see :ref:`client-databases`). All actions performed locally are mirrored remotelly using the :ref:`blobs-http-api`. Namespaces ---------- The Blobs API supports **namespaces** so that applications can store and fetch blobs without interfering in each another. Namespaces are also used to implement the server-side :ref:`incoming-http-api`, used for mail delivery. All methods that deal with blobs storage, transfer and flagging provide a `namespace` parameter. If no namespace is given, the value `default` is used. Remote flags ------------ In order to allow clients to control the processing of blobs that are delivered by external applications, the Blobs API has the concept of **remote flags**. The client can get and set the following flags for Blobs that reside in the server: ``PENDING``, ``PROCESSING``, ``PROCESSED``, and ``FAILED``. Remote listing -------------- The client can obtain a list of blobs in the server side so it can compare with its own local list and queue up blobs for download and upload. The remote listing can be ordered by *upload date* and filtered by *namespace* and *flag*. The listing can also only return the number of matches instead of the whole content. Client-side encryption ---------------------- When uploading, the content of the blob is encrypted with a symmetric secret prior to being sent to the server. When downloading, the content of the blob is decrypted accordingly.